Love Will Never Tear Us Apart, but Life Might

The Dinner Party

"God, I had the weirdest dream last night!" Zacky whined as we all sat around the table.

Syn and I had to hold back a laugh as Janet asked, "Really? What was is about?"

He made a weird face before he said, "Muffins. . ."

Janet almost choked on her hash browns, "You're kidding! I had a dream about muffins too!"

Everyone at the table was laughing now, but of course Syn and I were laughing the hardest by far.

"So what's on the agenda today?" Val asked casually.

"How about we go out to a fancy dinner?" the Rev suggested happily. That sounded like a good idea to all of us. "Alright, I'll umm call the place and make the. . .reservations," the Rev informed us.

Matt turned the boat around so we were heading back in the direction of civilization. "Oh this is so exciting, we get to dress up!" Janet shouted as Cassie, Melissa, and I followed her down to the lower level.

"Are you seriously that excited?" Cassie asked as she sat down on the couch flipping through the channels on the TV.

"Uh yeah! C'mon we never get to dress up!"

"I don't even know if I brought any nice clothes with me," Melissa confessed.

"I'm sure Janet brought enough for everyone," Cassie said laughing.

"Oh before I forget, Sammie, are we having a bachelorette party anytime soon?" Melissa asked.

"Huh, good question. I don't really know, I mean what exactly could we do? Sorry guys but I don't exactly like having a chick flick marathon or whatever."

Cassie laughed, "Who said anything about chick flicks? Wait, are you suggesting that you've never been to a bachelorette party?!"

I didn't think it would be that obvious. "Err. . .no, I havent. Honestly, I didn't have that many girlfriends these past couple years. I just kinda hung out with Adam and Mark."

"Whoa, we've definitely gotta do something special for this then!" Janet exclaimed.

"I bet if the guys have a bachelor party, they'll just spend the whole night watching porn and drinking beer, while referring to that as a 'party,'" Melissa said. We all agreed.

"But still, that's their problem. I say we hire a male stripper!" Janet said, still in an over excitedly tone.

"Is it really that big of deal?" I asked.

Everyone looked at me like I was crazy and then Cassie said, "Of course it is! That settles it, Melissa, Janet, and I will officially be in charge of your party." I was kind of hesitant.

"Relax," Melissa said, "Think of it like a surprise party!"

"Yeah, but I already know that you're having it."

"But you don't know the time, place, or date!"

"Fine, I give up."

The other three gave each other high fives and I could tell they're gonna have way too much fun planning this. I wonder if Syn is really having a party too?

"Do you have any idea where this fancy restaurant is?" I asked Syn as I finished up my eyeliner.

He shrugged, "Jimmy's not telling anyone. Honestly, I bet it's some shack or something and he made us all get dressed up for nothing."

"The sad thing is, that totally sounds like something he would do!"

We both laughed and joined everyone up on the deck. "Alas, civilization at last!" Jimmy shouted pointing out to the dock that we were about to land at.

"Jimmy, are you drunk already?" Cassie asked as Jimmy started jumping up and down randomly.

"Uh of course not! I'm just super hungry."

We all got off the boat and followed Jimmy down the streets of the boardwalk. "Jeez, how far is this place?!" Johnny complained after we'd been walking for 15 minutes.

"Trust me, it'll be worth the wait!" Jimmy responded.

I looked ahead to see if I could guess which restaurant we'd be going too. We'd already passed by tons of fancy seafood places, so I wonder where Jimmy was going? Straight ahead of us was a larger restaurant that was right near the ocean. It looked familiar, and I wasn't exactly sure why some supposed fancy unique seafood joint would seem familiar until I saw the sign: Red Lobster. Was he freaking serious?!

Everyone was confused when he stopped in front of the Red Lobster. "Dude, what the hell? This isn't a fancy place," Zacky said.

"Are you kidding me?! This is the best place on the entire boardwalk, how dare you!"

"Why did you make us all get dressed up then?" Zacky asked.

Jimmy rolled his eyes and said, "I already told you. . .this is the best place ever!"

We walked inside to see that, as expected, we were the only ones dressed up. As we were being taken to our "reserved" seat people were looking at us and either laughing, looking disgusted, or confused. I wonder if anyone even knew that these guys were Avenged Sevenfold? I felt especially sorry for Janet though. . .she was actually wearing a dress.

"Well, I've gotta admit, the view is pretty nice here," Melissa said looking out at the ocean and watching as the sun was nearly gone.

"Thank you!" Jimmy said, "Trust me, this is gonna be the best dinner ever."

"Dude, I think Jimmy's guilty pleasure is. . .Red Lobster!" Zacky whispered to Matt, who laughed.

Jimmy gasped, "A-are you two gossiping about me?! How could you? I thought we were friends!" Jimmy started to fake cry and lean on Cassie shoulder.

"Well c'mon man, it's kinda true," Matt defended.

"I didn't even hear what you said!" Jimmy shouted.

"Zacky said that your guilty pleasure is Red Lobster," Matt clarified.

Jimmy immediately stopped complaining and whining and said, "Oh, that's ok then."

"I can't believe that you guys are seriously getting married in less than a month!" Zacky exclaimed while chewing on some biscuit.

"Yeah, it's gonna be the best wedding ever!" Janet said.

"Just wait till our parents find out. I don't think they'll even believe it," Adam said.

Damn it, why did he just have to say that?! The table went silent and Brian turned to me and said, "Wait, you haven't even told your parents yet?! We're getting married in a couple weeks, Sam!" The entire table went silent as Brian stared at me in disbelief.

"Uh well you know. . .I-."

"Why didn't you tell them?! Is it because you're afraid of what they'll think of me? Or is it because you don't want them to meet me? Tell me, Sam, I'd love to know."

I never expected him to get this upset over it. "Brian I don't think you could understand. I haven't seen my parents in four years. They moved over to Europe you know and left me and Adam on our own. I guess you might be right. I'm afraid of what they'll say. Hell, I don't even know if they'll show up!"

"Why would you worry about that though? They really don't have any room to say anything, considering they're the ones who told you to move in with Matt in the first place!"

"I know but. . ."

He could tell that I really felt uncomfortable about telling my parents. "It'll be ok, Sammie. How about we tell them together? Or if you want, I can just sit with you when you call them?"

I smiled a little, "Thanks, Bri, that helps a lot."

He smiled and held onto my hand, "Don't let this bother you, ok? Let's just have a good time." I nodded and everyone felt relieved and continued conversation again.

Was I ever honestly going to tell him that I didn't tell my parents? I really don't know. My parents are so stuck up, they probably won't even approve. . .but Brian did have a point, they are the ones who sent me to live with Matt. Why does this have to be so hard anyway?! I thought weddings were supposed to be fun.

"Sorry," Adam said from across the table. I knew he meant it. . .he probably didn't think that it would've exploded like that.

"It's ok, you didn't know."

We basically stayed at the restaurant until it closed, around 11 pm. Everyone was pretty much wasted, and it was a funny sight.

As we were walking back to the boat, we saw this dude walking with a huge ass dog, it looked like a freaking wolf! "Hey look, it's Balto!" (you know that one wolf cartoon movie?) Jimmy shouted pointing to the dog and/or wolf.

Jimmy was walking toward it and Matt whispered, "I put down ten bucks that the dog attacks him." Him and Zacky made a deal.

"I wanna pet the wolf!" Jimmy declared as he walked up to the man.

"Excuse me, what did you call my dog?" the man asked, annoyed.

"You mean wolf?"

"This would be a dog, dumbass," the man said.

Jimmy put his hands up in defense and said, "Hey, dude no need for name calling. I just wanna pet the. . .wolf." He extended his hand and put it on top of the wolf's head. "Aw, youre a cute little wolf aren't you?" he asked in a little kid voice.

"Get 'em, Precious," the guy said.

Jimmy laughed, "Who the hell names a wolf 'Precious?!'"

Then he noticed that both the wolf and the guy were serious and the wolf began to chase Jimmy up and down the streets. "Ahhh save me, the demon wolf is attacking me!"

We all watched this whole thing taking place while laughing uncontrollably. "Run, Forest, run!" Zacky shouted to Jimmy.

"I don't find that very funny right now!" Jimmy shouted back.

"Clearly animals and Jimmy don't get along very well," Matt observed.
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Haha can you picture Jimmy getting chased by awolf dog?! lol Umm comments would be greatly appreciated and the next chapter will be up in about 2'll be about the bachelor(ette) parties! XD