Love Will Never Tear Us Apart, but Life Might

Operation: Get Jimmy's Teddy

Bright light was shinning through the windows in my room. I was not in the mood to wake up right now, but it seems that everyone is against me, and when I say everyone, I mean the sun. . .and Matt. "Attention! Attention everyone, this is your captain speaking. Just a friendly reminder that today is the last day of the cruise! That is all for now, thank you!" he shouted through a megaphone, while walking up and down the halls.

"Shut the hell up!" the Rev shouted throwing something out at Matt.

"That almost hit me!" Matt exclaimed into the megaphone.

"That was the point, genius," the Rev mumbled.

"Do I need to come in there and beat you up?" Matt continued talking through the megaphone.

"No, just go back to bed or something."

"You're not the boss of me." Jimmy got up and slammed the door shut.

"You hurt my feelings," Matt said, but Jimmy didn't respond.

"I swear if he keeps talking in that damn megaphone all day I'm gonna freaking punch him!" Brian angrily mumbled.

"I heard that Gates," Matt announced.

"CREEP!" I shouted, now slamming our door shut.

"God, it is just way too early for that!" I said, as I laid back down on the bed. "Well, at least I'll have you hear with me right?" I asked Brian.

He hesitated before saying, "Uh, not exactly."

I sat up quickly, with my pillow getting ready to begin a pillow fight, "Why not?!" I aimed my pillow.

"Because. . .I'm supposed to help Matt fill out the contract for the yacht. . .that was due last week!"

"Since when can Matt not fill out a contract?"

"It's a complicated contract!"

"I'll show you a 'complicated contract!'" I said as I brought the pillow down on his head.

"That was so unfair, just attacking the innocent like that, especially when I don't have any ammo!"

"Please, I was holding my arm in the air ready to strike for like a whole minute!"

After our extensive 13 minute pillow fight (yes, we did keep track of time), which resulted in a tie. . .although I still say I won, I decided to go talk with the girls and complain about Brian leaving me.

"Life is so unfair!" I shouted jokingly while sitting on Janet's bed.

"Please, stop sounding so emo. . .you're starting to sound like Jeff!" she replied laughing a little.

"Well, I can't help but feel 'emo' when I hear that Brian isn't spending any time with me today and Matt apparently can't fill out a damn contract by himself!"

"Wait, did you just say Brian was helping Matt? Huh, Zacky said he was helping Matt too. Something is up!" she declared, dragging me down to the living room where Val, Cassie, and Melissa were.

"Girls we need to talk," Janet began. "I have some bad news. . .our boyfriends are officially stupid. It takes five of them to fill out a contract!" Wow, I can't believe Janet fell for that. . .

"Uh, Jan, I think that that whole contract thing is just an excuse," Val said.

"Of course it is! I was simply seeing if I could trick you guys, haha. . .um, April Fools!"

"But it's September," Melissa said.

"Moving on, I think that the guys are using this last night on the yacht to have their bachelor party in Jimmy's room. For one, it's the biggest once he takes out his portable drum set, which I still don't know why he brought. And he's the only one that didn't use the contract excuse. . .he said something about him packing everything up and then keeping it in our room, which I thought was kind of a lame excuse."

"So this basically means that the bachelorette party is tonight too!" Val exclaimed.

"Aw but now we can't make it a surprise," Janet frowned.

"I guess you should just blame the guys that can't fill out a contract," I laughed.

Cassie said, "Ok here's the plan, I'll take care of all the events and we'll have the party at 7, just don't let the guys know, ok?" We all agreed and then just did random things, while being sure to not look suspicious or anything.

*Brian's POV*

I can't believe that Sam really fell for that whole 'contract' thing! I swear when Matt told me to use that as an excuse I laughed at him for a long time, then I saw he was serious, and now it actually worked. "Hey Mr. Bachelor are you ready for the par-tay tonight?!" Zacky said to me excitedly.

I glanced over my shoulder to make sure none of the girls were listening and said, "Of course. Dude, I can't believe Sam bought my excuse."

Zacky laughed, "Please, it can't be nearly as bad as my excuse. . .I made Janet believe that Matt couldn't fill out a contract himself!"

I stopped laughing, "That's what I used for my excuse! They're gonna figure it out if we all have the same excuse."

"I say. . .we blame Matt!"

"I agree. . .let's go steal his aviators or something."

Zacky and I snuck into Matt's room and saw his aviators sitting right by the bed on the nightstand. Zacky snatched them and we ran across the hall into my room. We both sat down on the floor, wondering what we should do with the glasses, and then all the sudden Pepper comes running out from the closet.

Zacky gasped, "You keep your dog in the closet?! That has got to be some kind of. . .freaking animal violence!"

I just rolled my eyes, "Pepper just likes exploring things."

Zacky then smiled, "I've got it! Let's put Matt's aviators on Pepper and see what it looks like!"

I held Pepper in place while Zacky put the glasses on. It was the funniest thing ever! Then Pepper randomly ran out of my room and into the wall across the hall, I'm guessing because it was hard to see out of those glasses; then Zacky guided Pepper into Matt's room and we waited for a reaction. . .

"So, why don't you guess what we have planned for tonight??" Zacky asked excitedly.

"Hmm, let me guess. . .beer and porn!"

"That's right. But damn, you could've at least pretended to think about it or something."

"I'm sorry that you guys are just so predictable."
"What the hell?!" Matt shouted as he walked into his room.

Zacky and I immediately ran out in the hall to see what was going on. We walked into Matt's room to see that he was just staring at the dog running around his room, wearing his aviators. "That has got to be the weirdest thing I've ever seen," he said to himself, apparently not aware of the fact that we were sitting there the whole time.

Then he started to chase the dog around trying to get his glasses back, but Pepper was putting up a pretty good fight, even with the dark glasses on. Matt gave up suddenly and went to go stand on the bed. Oh my God, I think he's about to jump on my puppy!

"Matt noooooooooo!" I shouted running into his room. . .just as he took out his camera phone to take a picture.

"Did you do this?" he skeptically asked.

Zacky walked in and said, "Of course not! That dog is just so talented he put them on himself."

"But he doesn't have thumbs!"

"Like I said: pure talent."

And Matt believed him. . .

*Cassie's POV*

Ok, so since this was not only the Bachelorette party for Sam and it was her first one she's been too, I decided that it was up to me to make this extra good. I called this place to see if we could get something spicy. . .like a male stripper or something, but they were actually all out, or at least that's what they said. Now what the hell are we supposed to do?!

"Val!" I shouted down the hall.

"Huh?" she asked walking in.

"The male stripper's a no go. Now what do we do?"

"Hmm, well it won't be anything hot, but we could just have a little sleepover or something?"

"That's the least we can do."

So, all of us girls in our 20's were about to have a full blown classic sleepover for the Bachelorette party, go figure.

*Normal POV*

It was finally 7, and to be honest, I was glad that it was. I didn't do anything all day and apparently I missed something funny about Pepper wearing Matt's aviators or something, but that's just a rumor, I hope.

I snuck down the hall to the living room and saw that all the girls were there. Janet turned around and said, "She's here!"

I smiled at everyone. "Hey guys! So, what's on the agenda for tonight?" I asked, sitting down next to Janet and grabbing a handful of M&M's.

"Well, our first plan didn't work out, so now we're gonna have an official best-sleepover-ever!" Cassie said.

"Let's start with truth or dare!!" Val exclaimed.

"Alright, but I'm going first," Cassie called.

Val said, "Ok, truth or dare?"

"Hmm, I'd have to say DARE!"

"I dare you to sneak into Jimmy's room and steal. . .hmm guys, what should she steal?"

"Jimmy's teddy bear!" I shouted randomly.

"Wait, Jimmy has a teddy bear?" Melissa asked while laughing.

"You're kidding!" Cassie said; see, even she didn't know.

I nodded and the Val finished her dare, "Cassie Valentine, I dare you to sneak into Jimmy's room, without being seen by the guys, and snatch Jimmy's. . .teddy bear!"

Cassie shrugged, "No big deal." She walked down to Jimmy room and we all stood nearby so we could try to listen to everything that happens.

*Cassie's POV*

I couldn't stop laughing to myself. . .my 26 year old boyfriend sleeps with a teddy bear! As I got closer to Jimmy's room, I saw that the lights in his room were conveniently turned off, making this way easier. I quietly opened the door and closed it behind me.

They had moved a couch in there along with a TV, and as I predicted, they were watching porn, but hey, for once that actually helps me out! I crawled behind the couch and over to the bed, still un-noticed. I pulled back the sheets and covers and at first didn't see any kind of teddy bear, but as I looked under his pillow, I saw what might be the leg or arm of a teddy bear sticking out from in between the headboard and the mattress.

I had to resist laughing and/or telling them that they're a bunch of predictable sick-o's because someone actually turned the tape or DVD or whatever up. . .why the hell would you need to turn a porno up?!

Anyway, I crawled back out of the room and presented all the girls with my boyfriend's teddy bear. That dare was way too easy!

*Normal POV*

All of us started to laugh as we saw Cassie running out of Jimmy's room swinging his teddy bear above her head. "That was so easy," she smirked, "Ok, Sam, truth or dare?"

I thought for a minute, strategically, yes I do think seriously about this game! Ok, so this is Cassie. . .she's probably got a really good dare in her mind, maybe so good that I can't even do it. I usually go with truth, but that's so boring. Oh well. "Truth."

"Aw c'mon, really?! Fine, I've got good truth questions too. Have you and Brian had sex ever?"

I felt my face turn a little red. . .I forgot that no one was home that one time Brian and I had sex, and obviously I haven't mentioned the baby yet. "I guess I should've seen that one coming! But, yeah we have."

"Really?! When?" Janet asked excitedly.

"Um, back in June I think. . .right before I got shot."

"Wow, I wasn't expecting that," Melissa said.

"Haha see I told you those things I bought you at the mall would come in handy!" Val laughed. I had to agree with her there.

Before this oh-so-fabulous game of Truth or Dare continued, Janet randomly said, "Hey Cassie, what were the guys doing when you went in there?"

"Yeah, I'm surprised they didn't see you," Val added.

Cassie said, "Well they moved a couch and TV in there and I'm sure you can guess what they're watching. . ."

"You're kidding!" Janet said.

"I wonder what they'll do after that?" Melissa wondered.

"We'll just have to wait and then we can play spy!" Val suggested.

We all laughed and agreed, then decided to watch a movie, specifically the original Halloween movie, and ate a bunch of popcorn and candy. And of course, at any scary part, Janet would get scared and scream, but that's just Janet being Janet.

The movie ended a couple hours later, and we decided that by now those guys had to be done. . .watching what they were watching. We walked quietly down the hall and leaned against the door to try to hear what they were saying.

And believe me, it was not something that I wanted to hear, not at all.
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Thanks to everyone who's reading and commenting!! :) The next part will be up in 2 or 3 days, hopefully. Oh yeah, and I made a new layout for this story lol