Love Will Never Tear Us Apart, but Life Might

And This Is Why You Don't Spy on Your Boyfriend

All five of us were trying to lean against the door while still trying to make sure that the guys don’t know we’re here. At first, of course I thought it was stupid that we were spying on our boyfriends having a party down the hall, but when I heard Brian say something about girls and sex, I had to keep listening. “Oh yeah, it’s a good thing she’s got some money otherwise it wouldn’t be nearly as good.”

“But, dude, we’re rockstars,” Matt said.

“So, a little extra money makes everything look better.”

I was slightly speechless and tried to get a better listen. But really, it wasn’t working out too good. And it went from bad to worse when Pepper came running out of Matt’s room and decided to lick Janet’s leg. “Eww what the hell just licked my leg?!” she said a little loud.

Then Pepper barked even louder, cause he loves the attention, and we all turned to see Pepper sitting there and wiggling his little tail. It would have been the perfect moment to say how cute that looked had the talking in the other room not stop. I think they realized that we’re here…

Pepper kept barking none stop, so I held him and tried to tell him to be quiet, but that didn’t work. “Take him in the other room or something,” Cassie whispered.

That seems to be the only thing we can do, or else we’ll get caught. I quickly ran back over to my room and set Pepper down in there closing the door behind me. I felt bad leaving the little guy in there, but he’s gonna blow our cover! As soon as I came back over by the girls, Val said, “Ok, I think we’re still good. They continued their conversation from before, except now they’re talking about marriage or something.”

I pressed me ear closer to the door and listened. Jimmy said, “So how was the sex, Brian?”

Brian laughed, “Honestly, I think I’ve had better. But don’t tell Sammie that, I mean it was her first time after all.” I felt my checks flare red in embarrassment. Was I really that bad?!

“Oh I agree,” Matt said, “That tape was ten times better than anything Val and I ever had.”

“That doesn’t really surprise me,” Zacky laughed, “I haven’t done anything with Janet yet, but then again I don’t exactly have high hopes.”

“Ha and don’t even get me started on Melissa! This porno star puts her to shame.”

“Dudes, Cassie thinks that I think that she’s so hot…but I really don’t. I asked her out on a dare!”

All of our boyfriends just totally insulted us and compared us to some slutty porno star?! Then they said some things that we couldn’t quite figure out. But we heard the last words. “One more thing though,” Brian said with a laugh, “She is just so ugly.”

I couldn’t swallow the lump that was forming at the back of my throat. This was like a nightmare happening to me all over again. My fiancé just called me ugly! I knew that I was about to break down and cry, and for whatever reason I didn’t want the others to see it, so I just ran away and back into my room, slamming the door behind me.

So the truth finally comes out…

*Brian’s POV*

The ‘movie’ we were watching just ended and all that time, I still couldn’t believe that there wasn’t at least some kind of interruption or something from Sammie or the other girls…unless they actually bought that excuse? Suddenly, Jimmy jumped off his chair and said, “My God, my pants are vibrating!”

Zacky started to choke on his beer and Matt said, “Please tell me you know that that’s your phone…”

Jimmy laughed nervously, totally blowing his cover, and said, “Of course!” and then he answered the phone, telling us it was Jason.

“What’s he saying?” Zacky whispered.

Jimmy held the phone to the side and said, “Haha get this, Jason said that this girl randomly came up to him at the mall and asked if he was Jason Berry and that if he was she wanted to marry him cause she thought roadies make a lot of money!”

We all laughed at the same time, just trying to picture Jason’s face when that all happened. “Dude, I can’t believe that people honestly still marry for money,” Johnny said.

“Why not? They’ll just marry the rich person, ‘accidently’ have that person die in an accident and of course make sure that they’re entitled to all the cash in the will!” Zacky reasoned, but once he saw how freaked out we were that he answered that quickly with that much info, he said, “What? There’s shit like that on TV all the time! I didn’t make it up.” That made sense I guess.

“It’s hardly ever a rich girl involved though,” Matt laughed, “It’s always the rich old guys.”

“Well, what if it was a rich girl? The guy would be all like ‘Oh yeah, it’s a good thing she’s got some money otherwise it wouldn’t be nearly as good.’”

“What if they’re both rich?” Jimmy whispered, half talking to Jason on the phone and half trying to participate in our conversation.

“So if he's like us, he’ll be like ‘But dude we’re rockstars. I already have money’”

I shrugged, “So, a little extra money makes everything look better.”

“God, I can’t believe people are really like that,” Matt said shaking his head.

We all took turns saying random stuff to Jason when all of the sudden, we heard someone yell something and then Pepper barking. We all looked at Johnny, making him get up and lean against the door to see if he can hear anyone out there. “Pepper’s definitely out there, and I’m pretty sure the girls are there too.”

“Hey I thought bachelor parties were supposed to be for the guys only, no spying?”

“Damn, I guess my awesome excuse didn’t work out then?” Matt asked smiling.

“Not if everyone but Jimmy uses it!” I said.

“What do you say we pretend to say mean stuff about them, like a joke, since they’re cheating on the code of all bachelor parties?” Jimmy asked, closing his phone.

We all thought it was a good idea, I mean it would be pretty funny to see their faces. Jimmy started things off, “So how was the sex, Brian?”

I laughed, “Honestly, I think I’ve had better. But don’t tell Sammie that, I mean it was her first time after all.” But then I whispered to Zacky, “Actually, it was hella good.” He laughed.

“Oh I agree,” Matt said, “That tape was ten times better than anything Val and I ever had.”

“That doesn’t really surprise me,” Zacky laughed, “I haven’t done anything with Janet yet, but then again I don’t exactly have high hopes.”

“Ha and don’t even get me started on Melissa! This porno star puts her to shame.”

“Dudes, Cassie thinks that I think that she’s so hot…but I really don’t. I asked her out on a dare!”

“I’d actually believe that one,” Matt said.

“One more thing though,” I said with a laugh, “She is just so ugly.”

We had to stop ourselves from bursting out laughing, cause all this stuff we were saying was so damn fake; and I’d say we’re pretty convincing.

“Let’s go scare them!” Jimmy declared running toward the door as we followed behind.

*Cassie’s POV*

I leaned against the wall and watched as Sammie ran to her room. I can’t really blame her…it seemed like Brian really dissed her the most. The rest of us just leaned against any wall in the hallway. How could they say all that shit about us?! I can only imagine what they might do when we’re not in the same building as them. I looked down at Jimmy’s teddy bear that I was still holding and had to fight the urge to just rip it to shreds.

I swear to God the next time I see any of them, I’m gonna give them a piece of my mind. And that opportunity came all to soon, as the door next to me slowly began to open. Whoever it was opening the door was about to be in a world of pain. As soon as the door was pulled all the way back, I saw Jimmy, and it couldn’t have been more perfect. I threw his teddy down and used all my strength to slap him across the face.

“What the hell is your problem?!” I shouted. “I knew you were an asshole when I first met you, but I never thought you’d stoop that low,” I referred to what he said about me.

He put a hand up to his now bruising cheek and stepped backward. “Cassie, what the fuck? It was just a damn joke!” he said.

All the other guys in the room stepped five steps back in fear as the rest of the girls stood behind me, ready to get some of their own revenge.

“Who plays a sick joke like that?” I demanded.

“You guys shouldn’t have been spying on us,” Zacky defended.

Val stepped forward, “Uh I think we have a right to be listening when we hear Brian say he’s marrying Sam for the money!” A look of hurt and regret washed across Brian’s face.

“Did you guys think I was being serious?! I was just making fun of Jason because of something that happened today…he called Jimmy to tell us about it. And then we heard you guys and Pepper outside the door, so we thought it’d be funny to joke around with you guys and then make fun of your shocked expressions, or something like that.”

“Why would any girlfriend want to sit there and listen to her boyfriend talk shit about her?” Janet asked, completely shocked that they thought this would’ve been funny.

I saw Brian try to look around and see where Sammie was, but he saw that she wasn’t in our group. “Where’s Sammie?” he asked concerned. Melissa pointed down to Brian and Sam’s room and he immediately ran passed us and to his room.

The rest of us walked into their room. “Dude, that seriously hurt!” Jimmy complained to me…I guess he’s trying to strike up a conversation with me, but now’s not the time. No one else spoke. Us girls sat on Jimmy’s bed with our arms crossed over our chests and the guys just kinda stared at the ground. This was the most uncomfortable silence of my life. And you wouldn’t believe the amount of tension in the room.

*Normal POV*

I slammed the door shut behind me and collapsed on the bed. Was everything Brian ever told me just a lie? Why the hell would he say stuff like that when I know he knew that we were out there. I heard some yelling out in the hallway, but I didn’t really care, so I just turned some music on as loud as it would go and cried into my pillow. Not even Pepper could make me feel better at this point. Everything about this just feels so surreal. I mean, Brian has never said anything indicating that he didn’t really love me, so why bring it up now?

My door suddenly flew open and I saw Brian frantically looking around the room for me, and as soon as he saw me on the bed he ran over to my side. “I really don’t want to talk to you right now,” I said wiping away some of the stray tears.

I didn’t mean to, but I accidently made eye contact with him and saw some kind of hurt and regret in his eyes. Hmm it must be because he found out that I heard every damn word that he said.

“I can’t really blame you for saying that, Sammie, but there’s something I have to tell you.”

“Oh please, Brian, I’m pretty sure you covered everything back in the other room. In fact, I can’t imagine what else you could possibly say to tear me down!”

“It was all a lie, all of it,” he said.

Since I wasn’t sure what exactly was the lie, my interest was sparked and I listened to what he said. He explained everything to me and why they said what they said. It was all a joke?!

“Brian, what the fuck?! How could you do something like that?” I yelled.

“If it makes you feel any better, it was Jimmy’s idea…and Cassie totally slapped him across the face for that one.” I felt myself smile a little…go Cassie!

“But that doesn’t make it better.”

“Yeah, but seriously, it’s an unwritten law that the bachelor party is for guys only.”

“Who takes stuff like that seriously?”

“Oh c’mon, if all of us randomly came running around in the living room where you were having your party wouldn’t you be slightly pissed?”

“Hmm maybe, but I wouldn’t go talking shit on you.”

He sighed, “I know, and believe me, if I could I would take it back. You should know that I would never want to hurt you and I really am sorry for everything I said. Forgive me?” As horrible as I felt five minutes ago, seeing him being so sincere really made me feel a little better.

“Ok, I guess I could forgive you.” He immediately smiled and gave me a huge hug.

“Thanks Sammie. Hey, have I ever told you that I love you sooo much?”

“You might have mentioned it…”

We both laughed and walked back down to where the others were, just sitting in Jimmy’s room…and it was super quiet in there. That must be why everyone was so shocked to see me and Brian walk back into the room holding hands.

Eventually, all the girls accepted the apologies and we decided to just have a joint party.

"Well, I learned my lesson!" Brian declared.

"And what might that be?"

"To not make fun of my fiance, even if I'm just kidding."

"Well, I learned a lesson too: don't spy on guys during their bachelor party."

Everyone laughed. We all sat around the living room, watching Jimmy and Johnny face off in a game of charades. In the back of my mind, despite how hilarious Jimmy and Johnny were and that I found out that Brian was lying, something was still bothering me.

I’m gonna have to call my parents and tell them now or else they won’t be able to fly back over here in time, and my mom loves to do everything ahead of time. But I really don’t want to have to call them.

“Hey what’s the matter?” Brian asked, somehow realizing that something was bothering me.

I shrugged, “I still have to call my parents you know, and I really don’t want to.”

He wrapped him arm around me and said, “Don’t worry about it. We’ll take care of all that stuff tomorrow when we’re back home. And I’ll be there with you all the way, ok?”

I smiled, just hoping he was right…but deep down inside, I had a bad feeling. He has no idea what my parents are like.
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Ahhh sorry for the lack of updating...that's why I tried to make this one a little longer. All I have to say is that it's the last week of school next week, so it might take a week for an update...but during the summer I'll have one up hopefully every other day! Comments??