Status: active :)

Bay Boy


I woke up and smiled, it was Monday. Most people dreaded Mondays but I loved them. I loved medical school and each class brought me closer and closer to my final goal, becoming a doctor. I put on black yoga pants and a moss green V-neck T-shirt with a black cardigan. Perfect for early October in Montreal. Jordan and I had been texting and Skyping fairly regularly and he was back from Thunder Bay and playing again. I was glad for him, he lived for hockey. He'd begged me to come out to Thunder Bay but I'd declined, saying I had too much work. I did have work, but it was a lie. I was just a friend to Jordan and I needed to distance myself from him until my feelings subsided. His frequent texting and Skype calls didn't help but I couldn't ignore Jordan, I would never want him to think I was angry with him or he was annoying me. I was deep in thought as I spread cream cheese on my sesame bagel. I wondered why Jordan was even friends with me. Yeah, we had fun together but he had teammates he could hang out with. And we really didn't share any interests, he liked clubbing and drinking and I liked curling up in bed, watching a movie. But somehow we clicked. And his kisses made me feel like ten cups of chamomile tea, all woozy and happy. His kisses made me want to bury myself in his arms and stay there for eternity. I brushed my teeth quickly and left for McGill, my messenger bag in tow. I headed to microbiology and wondered if I could reorganize my schedule for next semester. I knew some students at McGill had three jam-packed days of classes and a four day weekend. I wanted something similar as I usually got tons of homework in my classes and would love a long weekend to do all my assignments. I'd have to figure it out before winter break. My phone vibrated and I picked it up and looked at it. It was a text from Jordan.
Jordan: u r sexy
I frowned at the text, Jordan never used abbreviations or talked to me like that. I quickly typed something back.
Milena: ???
A couple seconds later my phone rang, Jordan's ringtone sounding. "Hey Mila, sorry about that. The guys stole my phone." I heard Sid's girly giggle in the background. "It's fine. Tell Sid that my giggle sounded more manly when I was two than his does now." Jordan cackled with laughter. "I'll be sure to. Bye Mila."
"Bye Jordan," I said before hanging up and heading into the lecture hall.

After an interesting lecture, I started packing up my stuff. I had forty five minutes before neuroscience and I wanted to grab a quick lunch. Someone tapped on my shoulder and I spun around. A cute guy, who was about six foot one, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes, stood before me. "Hi, I am Alain. I've been trying to talk to you for a week now, but you always rush off. I was wondering if I could get your number and maybe we could grab coffee sometime. What's your name?" I smiled, Alain was cute and I needed to get over Jordan. "Yeah of course! I'm Milena." I put my number into Alain's phone and he slid it back into his pocket. "Is it okay if I walk you to class?" Aw, he was sweet. He was no Jordan though. Ugh, I needed to stop comparing them! I'd already noticed how he wasn't quite as tall, his eyes didn't crinkle up like Jordan's when he smiled, his shirt wasn't tight across his muscles. "I was actually going to go grab lunch. Do you want to come?"
"Sounds good Milena."

Lunch was okay, conversation flowed but there were a few awkward pauses. I kept thinking I would rather be with Jordan though. Alain walked me to biochemistry and held the door for me as I walked into the science building. "Thanks," I said. "No problem. That was fun Milena, we'll have to do it again. And you still owe me that coffee,"he winked and walked away. I was excited and I needed to share my news with someone. I decided to text Jordan.
Milena: Guess what Bay Boy?
I turned my phone off as class started. Class flew by and I walked out and turned my phone back on. There was a new text from Jordan.
Jordan: What!?
I texted Jordan while walking home, looking up every once in a while to make sure I didn't run into something or someone.
Milena: This awkward caterpillar had turned into a social butterfly. I made a friend!Woohoo!
Jordan: No way, what's her name?
I hit my lip, technically Alain wasn't a friend, he like-liked me.
Milena: Alain. He's québécois.
Jordan took a while to respond.
Jordan: Do I need to beat him up for you?
Milena: No! We just met today. We're gonna grab coffee tomorrow though.
I described Alain and I's lunch and some of the questions he asked me.
Jordan: That's not friends Milena. He wants to get in your pants.
I was so angry at Jordan I turned my phone off. Not every guy just wanted to get it in with every girl like him. He had had his chance and he obviously wasn't interested, I was moving on.
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Ugh drama. Don't worry, it'll get resolved.
Comment please!