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Let Shadows Die

A Land Where Chaos Reigns, Global Disturbia

"Ashley? Wake up sweetheart. First day at your new school." My moms soft voice cooed from the doorway. I groaned and rolled out of bed, stumbling over to the closet to get out some skinny jeans and a KISS tee shirt. I ran down the stairs after picking up my sling-over backpack and grabbed the piece of toast my mom had made.
"Dad at work already?" I asked.
"Yeah. You need to get going, Ashley. You'll be late." She sighed and shooed me out the door.
"Bye mom!" I waved.
"Have a good day!" She forced a smile before closing the door.
I walked to school without a problem, thankfully. The problem was getting INTO the school without a problem.
The minute I walked into the school yard, I looked around, horrified. I was surrounded by groups of giggling fertiles, or Doms, all of which were terrifying to a human like me. I put my hood up, and looked down as I walked faster towards the entrance of the building. Unfortunately I didn't get far because the minute I began walking through I heard whispers and mumbles.
"is that the new human?"
"Ew, human alert."
"...we'll save him for later..." I even heard, making me wince at the thought of being a Dom's dinner. I closed my eyes and began walking faster, about to break into a light jog, until I bumped into someone. I shakily lifted my head to see who it was, and caught my breath before I let out a gasp. I had just run into a tall, skinny Dom, with long black hair and icy blue eyes that had almost a gentle look in them. The minute his eyes met mine, he smiled softly and opened his mouth to say something, but I pushed past him and sprinted inside.
Doms and humans couldn't interact. It was pure logic. What if he was just trying to be nice? No, no thats stupid, Ashley. Don't be stupid, you can't risk it here. He was probably just trying to get you alone so he could tear you to shreds and eat you. I cringed at the thought. I hated this place. Not only would I get bullied by the few human students that WERE here, or I'd get stalked by hungry Dom vampires everywhere I went. The fertiles I didn't worry about, I just had to make sure not to say the wrong thing to them and just stay away from them in general.

"Hello?" A low husky voice called. I froze, and remained silent. It was a Dom, I could tell automatically. Slowly, I peered around the corner, and gasped softly. I clapped my hand over my mouth and quickly pulled back around the corner to hide again, praying to God he didn't see me. It was the Dom from earlier, the one I had run into.
I knew it.
I knew he'd come back to find me.
I knew he'd kill me.
"I'm not gonna hurt you..." he said, his voice softening. I bit my lip. "I'm Andy." He continued. "I was going to say sorry for not moving out of the way earlier... I'm sorry if I scared you too..." He actually sounded sincere. I peeked over again and a small smile played on his perfect red lips. "Hey." He waved.
"H-hi..." I whispered and scrambled to get up. "W-well now that thats sorted out, I-I'll go now. I'll never bother you again. I p-promise." I whimpered and scrambled off down the hallway to find my first class, leaving the Dom standing alone, confused.
♠ ♠ ♠
Um, so, I know it sucks. Its my first Dom/Fertile story :P
And I'm being rushed here so comment ^-^
I promise Chapter two will be better <3

Title credit: Wretched And Divine by Black Veil Brides