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Let Shadows Die

You Can Run Away With Me

"Andy...?" I asked quietly.
"I've already told you, its not your fault." He sighed.
"No... not that..." I frowned. Andy looked up at me, confused. "Why, of all the amazing fertiles, am I the one to be your mate...?"
"Don't you like being my mate?" He asked, taking what I had just asked the wrong way.
"No! No, don't get me wrong, I absolutely love you." I said frantically, blushing a bit; Andy blushed a bit as well. "I mean, you're perfect. You're EVERYTHING, amazing! And I'm...not."
"Ashley Purdy, look at me." He said gently. I looked up, my eyes meeting his beautiful blues. "You are perfect and that is that."
"You seem to be the only one who thinks that then." I sighed and rested my head on Andys chest
"In that case you're perfect for me." He smiled and pulled me close. "Never doubt that, okay?"
"Okay.." I smiled as I felt him pull the covers over us both.
"Now get some rest, Ash. You seem exhausted."
"am not!" I protested, yet ended up yawning, which proved his point.
"Sleep tight Ashley." he laughed softly and kissed my forehead.
"Goodnight Andy..." I mumbled and slept throughout the rest of the night.

-Few months later-

"Ashley?" Andys sleepy voice sounded from the bedroom, getting closer. "You still feeling sick...?"
"Yeah..." I whimpered, clutching my stomach as I knelt over the toilet in case I threw up again.
"You've been like this, for what, two weeks? Sure its not the stomach bug?"
"I'm pretty sure..." I sighed. "I asked your mom to go out and get me something."
"What did you ask her to get?"
I bit my lip nervously. I didn't want to tell him unless I was sure.
Luckily, his mom arrived just in time to save me from another awkward moment.
"Andy! Your father needs help unloading the groceries. Go. Now." She said sternly. Andy sighed, standing up and groaned.
"I'll be back in a few, Ashes." He sighed and left the bathroom so I was alone with his mom.
She held up the small Target bag and pulled out what I had asked for.
"Do you really think so...?" She whispered, a small smile forming.
I fiddled with the object anxiously. "Theres only one way to really know for sure..."
She nodded, understanding, and stepped outside the small bathroom. "I'll be in the room." she said and shut the door.
Nervously, I took it out of the box and crossed my fingers.
A few minutes later I opened to door, finding Andy and his mom anxiously sitting on the bed.
"That was quick.." I raised an eyebrow at Andy, who shrugged.
"What does it say?!" his mom asked anxiously.
"What does what say?" Andy obviously hadn't figured it out yet, had he. I bit my lip and smiled at Andy, tears filling in my eyes.
"Andy... I'm..."
"You're what Ash?" He tilted his head.
"I'm pregnant."
♠ ♠ ♠
It had to happen sometime *shrugs*


so um ;-;
MCR broke up... </3
Title Credit: Summer Time by My Chemical Romance </3