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Let Shadows Die

You've Got Everybody Fooled

Andys POV

"HEY ANDY. HURRY UP!" I heard my best friend CC.
"I'M COMING!" I laughed and quickly went downstairs.
"He lives!" CC laughed.
"Shut up Christian." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my backpack off the counter. "Okay. Bye mom, bye dad." I waved and CC shut the door behind us as we headed towards the highschool.
We entered the school yard, to be greeted by our best friends Jake Pitts and Jinxx. We began to talk for a while, as I ignored the group of slutty fertile girls that had been obviously flirting with me for the whole year. Every now and then one of them would "accidentally" bump into me in the hallways and start making up a stupid excuse as to why they were "in such a rush" that they "didn't see me". What idiots. I swear, they never learn.
"Hey Jake, I was wondering if we'd be able to-"
"Oops. Sorry Andy." one of the fertiles giggled as her friend pushed her into me. I rolled my eyes at the annoying high-pitched voice and shoved her off of me.
"Whatever." I mumbled and turned back to Jake. "As I was saying -"
Then the entire place went dead silent. I noticed the others were all staring at the middle of the school yard, eyes wide and some of them hungry as well as I noticed a few Doms licking their lips hungrily. I followed their gaze and my eyes landed on a boy. A HUMAN boy. And let me tell you this, he was... beauitful. He obviously noticed the looks he had been getting, because he suddenly looked down and began walking a bit faster then before. He looked really, really uncomfortable. Ignoring everyone else, I jogged over to the boy, wanting to ask his name and maybe get to know him. Okay, so Doms aren't supposed to interact with humans and I normally didn't, but this boy had something about him that caught my eye. Obviously the boy didn't realize I had made my way to stand in front of him, because he continued walking and eventually ran into me. I chuckled softly and smiled when I saw his brown eyes, that were filled with terror and confusion. I was about to say something, but he darted around me and entered the school.
I raised an eyebrow and watched as the doors closed again.
"Yo, Andy what was that all about?" CC asked as he appeared next to me.
"I don't know..." I sighed. "Is it possible to get mated to a human, CC?"
"Its not impossible but its very rare..." CC answered and smirked. "Andy... what are you thinking..."
"Nothing... Hey, I'll catch up with you guys at lunch, okay?" I waved absentmindedly and followed after the boy.
I wandered around the empty hallway, suddenly hearing a soft whimper.
"Hello?" I called out curiously. I looked at the general area of the soft noise and waited for someone to emerge. I noticed someone look around the corner at me then quickly hide again. "I'm not going to hurt you... I'm Andy. I was going to say sorry for not moving out of the way earlier... I'm sorry if I scared you too..." I smiled when two brown eyes stared up at me. "Hey" I gave a small wave at him.
"H-hi... W-well now that thats sorted out, I-I'll go now. I'll never bother you again. I p-promise." he stuttered and ran off in a random direction.
I sighed and shook my head.
"He must be pretty scared of you, Andy." a familiar voice stated. I turned and nodded.
"Yeah... I don't know why." I shrugged. Jinxx rolled his eyes like it was obvious.
"Dude, you're one of the most feared Doms here. If he is a human, he must be a smart one to pick up on it that quickly."
"What do you mean 'if'?" I looked down at my short bestfriend.
"I don't know, he doesn't seem like hes human." Jinxx thought aloud.
"And how would you know that?"
"I never said he wasn't, I'm just saying it doesn't seem like it. Andy, think about it. Did he look human to you?"
"Well, no, he was extremely pale but-"
"How many humans do you know that have that much innocence and fear in their eyes when you first meet them?"
"Hardly any..."
"Talk to your dad about it. I'm sure he knows about stuff like this." Jinxx shrugged and went to find the others before the bell rang, leaving me standing in thought. Only the bell snapped me out of it and remembered I had to go to my Fertiles Science class.
As I sat in my regular seat in the back, I looked at the whiteboard, where the teacher wrote down the agenda each day. The subject intrigued me.
"Okay class, today you're going to learn about something called 'Glamour'." he began, causing a few "ooo"s from a few fertiles in the back. "NOT jewelry or fashion or any of that." he rolled his eyes, silencing the noise. "Glamour is a very powerful thing. Its purpose is to disguise young Fertiles at an early age, and trick other vampires and humans, and themselves, into thinking they're a human. Its a rare occassion, and when it does occur, it can be a serious thing. If the Fertile has no knowledge of the Glamour and has had it on long enough, then it can be a very painful process for them to rid of the Glamour."
"Mr. Torres?" I cleared my throat and raised my hand. Everyone looked at me in surprise; I hardly ever talk in class.
"Yes Andy?"
"How do you know when a Fertile is wearing Glamour?"
"Well, most common form of it is a piece of jewelry, like a bracelet or a necklace, but in order for it to work, it can't be removed ever. If the Glamour is removed then the spell wears off and the Fertile then becomes aware of everything, but as I stated before its very painful for them to adapt to, and also extremely rare." He raised an eyebrow. "Is there something going on?"
"No, well, I don't know. Maybe. But I'm not sure yet." I bit my lip and shrunk back into my seat again as I began to think about the possibility of the human boy having Glamour.
♠ ♠ ♠
._. Personally, I don't like the way I wrote this chapter. I don't know. Maybe its my insecurties talking or something but who cares. c: Comment and recomment and stuff <3

title credit: Everybodys Fool by Evanescence
