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Let Shadows Die

I'm Not A Vampire

Ashleys POV

"Ashley! Someones at the door for you!" My mom called from downstairs, her voice sounding just a bit shaky. Who was it? I sighed and walked down the stair case and froze when I saw one of Andys friends standing outside the door.
"Hey whats your name?" He frowned.
"Oh. Okay. Hi Ashley! Andy wanted me to ask if you wanted to hang out with us tomorrow?" He smiled.
"Um... I don't know...." I bit my lip. Should I really trust a bunch of Doms?
"Oh come on! It'll be fun!" the Dom pouted.
"I guess...."
"Cool! Oh! By the way, I'm CC. Wanna exchange numbers?" He grinned.
"Sure." I shrugged and we put our numbers into eachothers cell phones.
"See ya tomorrow Ash!" He waved and walked away.
"Uh, bye?" I shut the door and watched as he crossed the street to the house on the other side and went inside. So, he lives across the street... good to know... I think...
"Who was that Ashley?" my mom and dad reentered the room.
"Just a Dom from school." I shrugged. "He invited me to hang out with them tomorrow. Seems like a nice guy."
My mom paled and my dads face twisted into a scowl.
"Be careful, Ashley. Vampires are bad news." He said in a stern voice. I frowned, and nodded before going up stairs again. I suddenly felt my phone begin to buzz to see that the CC kid had texted me already.

'Whats with your mom Ashley? I think she hates me o.o

I sighed and shook my head, replying.
'She and my dad have had a bad history with Vampires... don't take it personally. =)
- Ashley'

'Oooooh. So... what do you think of Andy? ;)
- CC'

My eyes widened as I read the name 'Andy' in the text, my heart fluttering a bit.

'What do you mean?
- Ashley'

I tried to act "casual" as some people would say. Obviously CC saw past it, even if it was over text message.

'You're kidding, right? Dude, anyone can tell just by seeing the way you look at him that you like him!
- CC'

'Do not!
- Ashley'
I texted back, a small blush appearing on my cheeks. I knew it was a downright lie, and I'm pretty sure everyone but Andy knew that too. He didn't even like me that way either. It didn't matter anyways. I was a human, he was Dom. Nothing would be able to happen between us. It was impossible. Wasn't it?
'You are such a bad liar Ash.
- CC'
He was right I was.
'Speaking of Andy, why was he so curious about my necklace earlier today?
- Ashley'
I waited for about 5 minutes before CC finally replied.
'...have you ever heard of Glamour Ashley...?
- CC'
Glamour? Rings a bell. I think.
'I think so... why?
- Ashley'
'Um... I'll leave that to Andy to explain. I think its best that you hear it from him. But basically, it means if your necklace is Glamour, then you're a fertile...'
- CC'
I felt a knot form in my stomach at the thought of talking to him again. I don't think I wanted to know about this stuff anyways. I got the feeling it would end badly. Really badly.
'I am not a vampire! I know that much!
- Ashley'
I wasn't was I...?
'Like I said... I'll let Andy explain...

'Okay... I should go... See you tomorrow?
- Ash'
'See ya tomorrow. Night Ash.
- CC'

Turning off my phone and putting it down on the bedside table I rested on the bed, thinking once again. I have a real problem with over thinking. And without even realizing it, I had slipped into a deep sleep that I wouldn't wake from until the next morning.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: I'm Not A Vampire by Falling In Reverse

Sorry for the short chapters :P
