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Let Shadows Die

Dear Agony, Just Let Go Of Me

Ashland POV

I heard a snap and felt a bare feeling on my neck. The necklace was gone. Just as I made the conclusion I doubled over in a sudden shock wave of pain and clutched my stomach. My legs went completely numb.
"Ashley... Ashley are you ok..." Andys worried voice asked
"I can't... I can't feel my legs... What did you do." I cringed and struggled to sit up. I collapsed again and felt him carry me somewhere.
"I'm taking to my house." he insisted. "Mom! dad! Help!" he shouted. I was set on the sofa and I heard muffled voices that were drowned out by my own pain.
It was excruciating. Every muscle in my body felt like they were on fire and the blood in my veins burned as I felt it sting my insides. It felt like the venom inside of me was eating away at my very being. I twisted and I turned, I thrashed around uncontrollably and gripped Andys shirt tightly.
"Andy. AMDY WHY DOES IT HURT" I screamed and my vision was getting blurrier by the second. I heard shuffling and felt Andy set me on his lap.
"It burns..." I whispered harshly.
"I know..." he sighed.
"Andy. Don't leave me." I whimpered and fought back screams and sobs.
The next thing I knew I blacked out. But I still felt the venom flow into my blood stream and every thing I thought to be true about my life, myself, my family and my past get torn and ripped to shreds. My entire life was a lie leadingme to believe I was something I'm not.
Although I was sleeping, anger boiled inside me, and thoughts of why they would lie to me arose in my mind. Images of my past flashed in my mind. I wasn't abandoned, I wasn't orphaned, I was stolen, kidnapped from my REAL family. Kidnapped by the ones I once called mom and dad. The necklace was glamour. My whole life was a lie.

My eyes shot open, beads of sweat dripped down my forehead as Igasped for air. Andy sat next to me and a smiled grew on hisface. "Ashley!" he exclaimed.
I struggled to sit up but winced in pain and fell back onto the couch.
"Don't even try, Ashley. You're in a lot of pain still." he frowned. "open your mouth quickly for me?" he randomly blurted. I did as he said and opened my mouth wide. Andy grinned. "You've got fangs." he nodded.
I blinked, my eyes stung from the dim sunlight, Andy, as if reading my mind, closed the curtains. "Better?"
"Yeah." I croaked out. My voice was quiet and hoarse. "You didn't leave..." I smiled, realizing.
"I said I wouldn't." he nodded. "By the way, Jinxx Jake and CC are on their way if that's okay with you."
"It's fine. I'd like to get to know them a bit better."
"Great, I'll get you some water." Andy stood up.
"Hey Andy...?"
"Thanks for everything..." I smiled weakly.
"No prob Ash." he smiled back and disappeared into the kitchen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit:::: Dear Agony by Breaking Benjamin c:

Sorry it's uber short.
I'm on my iPod X'D and I wanted to update haha so yeah.