Status: First story :S Sorry if it sucks

To Whom The Bell Tolls

Chapter One: Don't Cry for Chicago

Patrick stared out the window of his new bedroom. Only the slightest hint of a smile on his lips as his eyes hit the giant ‘Hollywood’ sign, pretty much in his backyard. This was the first time he had been out of Chicago, the first time away from his family and friends... Well, not all his friends. A boy from his high school, Ryan Ross, had moved with him. Ryan was excited about coming to Hollywood. He dreamed of this for a while and it was finally happening. Sure, he didn’t know what to do next but he would figure it out in the morning.

Finally unpacked his clothes Patrick wanted to curl up into a ball on his new bed and sleep for hunard years, but Ryan had different plans. “C’mon, Trick. We’re going out.” Ryan was standing in his doorway, wearing black jeans and a red ‘v’ neck. Patrick stared at him for a good five minutes until he gave in and stood up from his bed. “There’s a band playing at The Well, and we should starting networking or whatever.” “No, you should start networking,” Patrick said pulling on clean clothes. “I only moved here because, you wouldn’t be able to by yourself...” Patrick glare soon faltered when Ryan grinned at him.

The Well was only a few blocks from their apartment, which was good because they didn’t have a car just yet. The bar wasn’t too terribly crowded, which made Patrick more comfortable. The band was just setting up as they walked in and got their drinks. Ryan watched them with interest. “What’s the band’s name and how did you know they were playing?” patrick asked taking a sip of his beverage. “Uhm... My Chemical Romance and I saw a flyer at the airport while you were in the bathroom.” Ryan shrugged. Then the people started pouring in. It seemed like the entire population of L.A had come to see this band. Patrick stayed close to the bar while Ryan went of to do ‘Ryan things,’ as patrick referred to them. The band was great, amazing even, Patrick had to get some of their music on CD or something. Luckily there was a guy in the corner selling CD’s and shirt and other stuff. he walked over to him and asked how much a CD was. The man looked up from his phone and smiled. “For you, they’re free...” the man said holding a CD out for Patrick. Confused by this Patrick just smiled and accepted the CD. “What’s you name beautiful?” The man asked resting his chin into his hands with his elbows on the merch table. “Uhm... Patrick.” He said as he turned around and quickly heading off before the man could say something else. He found Ryan dancing with some guy. He sighed and went back to the bar and waited for Ryan to be ready to go. So far Patrick hated L.A...

Ryan found him a few hours after that as the band was packing up. “Hey! You got a CD! Perfect!” Patrick looked up from reading the back of the CD to see Ryan’s hand grasped tightly by someone elses hand. “Uh.. Ryan?” Patrick pointed to the person standing next to his friend. “huh,” Ryan follows Patrick’s gaze to the boy who had been holding his hand. “Oh! Patrick this is Brendon.” The boy waved shyly, and Patrick nodded. “Bden! Come help me pack this stuff up!” A very familiar voice yelled from the corner of the room. “Alright.” Brendon said looking back at Ryan. “I’ll call you later, okay?” Ryan smiled like he was a fourteen year old fangirl. “C’mon, Trick. let’s head back...” Patrick was more than happy you get out of there.

Once they were in the door the phone rang and Ryan run to answer it. Patrick sighed and went to his room throwing the CD on his bed. He finally could go to sleep. He quickly changed out of his clothes and put on his pajamas. He was asleep before his head hit the pillow. Some time during the night Ryan came in the turned on the night. “Trick!” Patrick grumbled burying his head under his pillows. “Trick! Brendon’s an actor!” “SO?! RYAN I WAS SLEEPING!” “Right! sorry... BUT Dude! this is my chance!” Patrick shook his head and sat up. “Okay. Hooray for you Ryan, but I need to sleep... I have work in morning.” Ryan grinned at his friend and shook his head. “Nope! Brendon wants you to come too!” Patrick glared. “He knows this guy named Pete who said he knew you... He gave you the CD.” Patrick groaned burying his head into the pillow. “The creepy merch guy?” Ryan laughed before leaving the room.

Great. Patrick had to meet this ‘Creepy Pete’ and be nice to him for Ryan’s sake. Fan-fucking-tastic. He tried to get back to sleep, but to no avail. He stood up and looked out the window seeing the Hollywood sign.
♠ ♠ ♠
UHm. Yeah