Status: First story :S Sorry if it sucks

To Whom The Bell Tolls

Fresh Meat

The next morning Patrick opened the door completely exhausted. He had only gotten three hours of sleep the night before and he slept on the floor so his back hurt like hell. Outside the door was Brendon. Patrick sighed letting him in and called for Ryan to get up. “Do you want anything? Coffee, soda, water?” He asked pouring himself and Ryan a cup of coffee. “Sure, Coffee please.” The blonde nodded pouring some into another mug holding it out to Brendon. Brendon thanked him and took a cautious sip of his coffee. “Thanks.” He smiled taking another sip. Patrick nodded waiting for his roommate. “Ryan told me you can sing.” Brendon smiled, his large doe eyes shining up at Patrick. “Yeah, I was in chorus at my our high school. That’s where I met Ryan..” Ryan finally got up and grabbed his mug from the table drinking it slowly. Brendon smiled at Ryan, who only blushed.

“So!” Brendon said after Ryan and Patrick finished their coffee. “I brought you both a script and Jon and Pete want you both to come to the studio.” Patrick paused and sighed. “We’ll be there!” Ryan said quickly going upstairs to change. Leaving Patrick and Brendon alone. “I’m not really interested in acting...” he said bluntly, and Patrick is never blunt unless it’s needed... Brendon’s smile never faltered. “Don’t worry. You’ll get interested pretty fast, kid.” Patrick laughed, He was 99.9999% sure he was older than Brendon.

Spencer was a PA to Jon Walker. Famous Musical Director, Jon Walker. He swooned as soon as he found out he’d work on To Whom The Bell Tolls. He was practically in love with Jon since he saw The Reasons Why We Hate You. Where Jon had to fill in for the main character, who refused to work with a nobody director. Spencer was utterly in love, yet he never spoke to his boss just nodded and did what he was told. Jon on the other hand, seemed to never take interest him. Not that he did it on purpose he was just busy with casting the new character that the writer, William Beckett, added in last minute. William and Jon didn’t get along during the writing process, but now that it was out of the way they acted civil.

Spencer brought Jon his coffee in the morning. Strong coffee with one cream cups and two sugars the way he always had it Jon would thank him and Spencer would leave. Today was different Spencer was talking to Brendon, who never seemed to shut up. “I’m telling you, man. This guy can sing, and so can his roommate. There might be hope for this train wreck after all.” “I don’t think it’s a train wreck... It just needs a few small adjustments here and there...” Brendon laughed. “Small Adjustments?” He laughed again. “There’s no way, without these guys, that this movie can be saved.” Spencer finished making his coffee and handed it to him. Spencer always switched out Brendon's coffee for Decaf. Because Brendon Urie on regular coffee was just a bad idea. “So,” Brendon started, sipping on his coffee. “Have you fucked the director yet?” Spencer choked on his own coffee earning a glare from a few best boys and key grips who were filming behind the scenes shit or something. He apologized and sent a glare toward Brendon, who looked innocently back. “What? It’s an honest question...” Spencer blushed and shook his head. “Shame. Jon’s really interested.” “Shut up, Brendon...Don’t even joke about stuff like that.” “No! it’s not a joke. I heard him talking to Pete, about you. He said you were pretty.” Spencer glared again and walked away.

If Jon wanted his coffee he could ask anyone working on set, but he always asked Spencer. Even if Spencer wasn’t anywhere near him, he’d seek him out and ask for his coffee. Jon was in love with Spencer Smith. Completely and utterly in love. However, unsure of Spencer ever returning his affection. He kept it to himself for the first few months of filming.

It was the day after Pete broke up with his partner, “of five years I might add” Pete would tell whoever he was talking to at the time, Sadly that person was almost always Jon. Jon would sit and listen, but he had taken to tuning Pete out after the third or fourth time. “Jon! Are you even listening?!” He looked up from the script and sighed. “Of course Pete... You and Mikey broke up after four wonderful years.” “It was five, but I wasn’t talking about him.” Pete shivered at the thought of Mikey Way. “I was talking about this guy Brendon found. Ryan.” Jon was paying attention now. “Yeah, This kid from Chicago, He can sing too.” Pete smiled. “And since Beckett added this new character this kid may save us.” Then Brendon starts talking, looking back at the door Jon sees Brendon draped over some boy. Then a blonde boy following closely behind him looking lost and bored. Jon sighed pulling out his phone sending a text to Beckett telling to come see the fresh meat.
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I know these are really short :s
I'm sorry