
Prologue-The dream

The forest was thick, the moonlight gave the couple a small flicker of light. Every step get like 10, their bodies were breaking from exhaustion. They would have stopped, but they had to protect their child. That was the most important thing to them. Fear was pushing them forward, that and the constant sickening laugh of the monster behind them
"You think you can get away?" It growled. It wasn't far away.
"Run faster!" the woman screamed, her amber hair shining in the moonlight. Her and her lover were holding hands, promising to stay together and never let go. They had to keep running until their daughter was safe.
The man started to slow down to catch his breath but the woman would't let him stop. He broke his grip on her hand and turned towards where the monster would be coming from.
"I will hold them off just get her out of here!" The man screamed. He didn't leave any room for any type of argument. The beast finally caught him as his love ran away, tears in her eyes. It was a vile breast with the head and fangs of a spider, but the body of a human. "Spiders hate fire right?" He tried to laugh it off. He knew what was about to happen but all that mattered to him was his little girl.
The man held out his hand and created a wall of fire. The grass was set ablaze, the tiny flames enraging the monster, or at least it should have. It started to laugh. The leaves and trees started to burn, lighting p the forest.
"You think that tiny wall would work? I have dealt with worse pryo's in my sleep, right brother?" It motioned to another creature just as ugly as it. He had not known the second was following.
"When you can control lava then you might be a threat." The other chuckled. It ran for the man. The man shot fire balls at it and started to run.
'I need to stall.' He thought to himself. 'Those two must get away.'
"I have him, go get the child, she is the real target." The monster said as it dodged the fire balls. The ground behind them was on fire, it was causing an inferno. Fire was consuming everything.
The woman got far enough away to where she could set down the little girl.
"I have need you to take this charm and hold it. I am not going to live, I already know this and I need you to live so you must stay quiet and i need you to save this world. You are going to be a hero." She said kissing the girl on the head.
"Mommy!" The girl cried out hugging her mom. Tears ran down her face. She didn't know what was happening. The child was given a small necklace of a silver flame emblem. She set the child in a small little cress and hide the child behind plants.
A giant flame tunnel had shot up, its power was intense. The woman started to chant an incantation, as she heard the howl from her lover. She knew that he was dead but with any luck that last bit of fire would be enough to kill the disgusting monster trying to kill her daughter. She just trembled, sobbing, mumbling the chant, knowing fate was not that forgiving.
"Found you!" The monster had a sickening grin on its arachnid face. She ignored him just chanting away. "Bitch speak!" He commanded. He walked to her and a flame circle appeared under her feet. The necklace the child had started to glow lightly. The monster tried to reach for the woman but the flames from the circle burned his finger. "Nice trick." he laughed. His laugh was like nails on a calk board.
He just drove his arm into her stomach, burning his arm but stabbing her with his claw like fingers. She reached around and put her hand on his face and seared it. Fire ravaged his face and he yelped in pain. "Fuck you!" She yelled before continuing with her spell.
"Die!" He yelled as he pulled his arm out of her stomach. He stumbled back and held his seared face.
The woman finished the incantation as she hit the ground.
"Live chosen one." Were her last words as she hit the ground, lifeless.
The girl's necklace transported her to a spell circle before the monster could find her.
She was safe, that is what they gave up their lives for, they died so that she would have the chance to save their world.