Status: Message and ill finish

Just Young And Confused

When I Broke Down In Second Period Gym.

It had been a month since me and chris broke up, and i felt it.
I cut because it was the only cure that i knew of that took away a broken heart. I mademy self throw up because it made me look thinner.

I tried to hide my pain behind my makeup,hair,clothes, and preppy friends.But it wasnt me, none of it was.

I snapped back to reality as a flyer for kareoke came flying out of my locker and i deceide id go, snging was always my final escape.

I walked out and waited to be called for a dodgeball team. I saw a couple of my emo friends were deejaying and as the whistle bleww i stayed hidden behind all the guys. I heard my favorite song blast throught the gym,

" And somehow you kicked all my walls in
so baby say youll always keep me
truly madly crazy deeply in love with you
in love with you."

I heard a guys voice sing the next part

"i am the underdog who finally got thegirl
and im not afraid to tell it to the world,
Truly madly crazy deeply in love with you."

I turned to see a pair of the bluest eyes staring at me i offered him a fake smile

he frrowned "Whats wrong?" he asked me

"Nothing" i effortlessly lied

"Why push people away who wont hurt you?"

"Because im tired of being hurt becausei dont know who will hurt me." I gasped as i realized what i said

he stepped closer and embraced me thats when i broke down, i allowed myself to be be carried out of the gym as he sat there rocking me back and forth whispering sweet nothings in my ear.
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