Status: This is my first story, feedback is appreciated

Battered and Bruised

OH MY GOD, WHAT! My boyfriend bought tickets to go see my favorite rapper. I am so excited. I know they are his way of apologizing for last night, but I can’t help but to be excited. As I am getting ready for the concert Ty asks a million times is that really what you are wearing so I’ve changed a million times, and this last time he asks I say “yes, this is what I am wearing.” I decide on denim jeans and my gray sequin tank top. We leave for the concert.

We arrive at the concert and go to our seats. The energy of everyone is just amazing as we wait for Eminem to come on stage. Oh my god there he is everyone starts screaming. As the concert goes on I am dancing and screaming and singing along. All too soon the concert is over.

Ty and I are outside arguing because inside the concert Ty saw someone grab my ass. I think he is mistaken because I never even felt it. “What do you want me to do Ty?” I ask. He screams at me that I am a slut. Neither one of us see the door open at the end of the alley. Ty grabs my arm and starts to yank me to the car; I trip because I can’t see very well in the dark. I stand back up and Ty grabs both of my arms and slams me into the wall, as he screams at me that I am stupid.

“What the fuck is your problem, dude?” I hear from out of nowhere. Ty looks at me and takes off. I try to yell after him but he drives off. I sink to the ground as tears start to fall. I hear “are you ok?” as I start to shiver, I had left my jacket in the car because I thought it would be hot in the concert. I feel a jacket being placed over me, I look up and through my tears I see the most gorgeous blue eyes I have ever seen in my life.