
You have woken up next to this!!

"And I am drying out, crying out; this isn't how I go."

Delilah woke up the next morning to snoring, not just one snore, but a triplet of snoring. Eyes still closed she pleasantly wonders if Tre' Cool was an alien sent to earth to hypnotize the world with his drumming skills...That would be a great led.
One little nasally snore, one basic bassist snore, and a snore of all snores... where's the pig?
'There are three people in my room and I only remember inviting one,' the light shinning through the window provides Delilah with a clear view of two men sleeping on the floor...Billie and Mike. Sometime during the night they must have snuck in, for whatever reason, she didn't exactly know.
She turns her head to her companion in bed and laughs when she realizes that Tre' had turned around and his feet were now in her face. Laughing, she pushes him off the bed, ending with a groan when the striking pain on her spine punished her for her idiotic act.
"FUCK FORSAKEN!" She screams, holding her ribs with her arms, despite the brace she could practically feel the broken bones rubbing together. She should have just got over herself and put them in a cast for however long it took.
All three men jumped up at her yell, knowing that she was in a hell of pain. She takes a deep breath, her ears swelling, barely making out what the men were saying. Probably a chorus of "Are you okay?"
Mike walks over to her and hands her a bottle of pain pills and water, she thanks him and he sits down beside her, telling her he wish there was more that he could do.
"I feel like I am wearing a corset," trying to change the topic, or to start a topic that didn't have to do with her outburst," maybe I should become an English lady and marry a gentleman."
"Yeah, or not," Mike replies and winks at her, "you'd blow those women out of the water."
"Fuck, I'd scream too if I woke up next to that," Billie says belatedly and points at Tre', who had taken his place back on the right side of the bed, she was boxed in by the trio as Billie launched himself on the bottom of the bed.
"You have woken up next to this," Tre' opens his arms, displaying his macho arms, "and you were grateful!"
"Yeah, because I was hoping I wasn't sleeping next to a woman with those hairy ass legs."
"Don't mind them," Mike distracts, "they lack some things, almost all the time."
"So...should I ask why you boys are in here anyway?" Delilah smiles, "not that I mind."
He shifts to look at Delilah, a small smirk at the corner of his lips. He points at Tre', who has launched himself at Billie for telling him he looks freaky when he pretends to be a woman.
"He's crazy," Mike nods, "and we had to save the day."
"Take it back you mamma's boy," Tre shouts, wrestling Billie down onto the ground, landing on the floor with a thump before resuming their play.
"You love my Mom, don't insult my mom!" Billie takes the lead, pushing Tre' into the ground and Delilah wonders if they are going to kiss.
Before she had the chance to even notice that they were heading for a danger zone, Billie pushed Tre' into a chair, knocking it forwards and the bowl that had been placed there the night before toppled on their heads, covering them with lime jello.
"Truce?" Billie ask, holding out his hand, and grabbing Tre's as it itched to reach for his beautifully mucked hair. Tre' agreed, both getting to their feet. Flipping off Mike and Delilah who had rapped their arms around each other to keep from laughing. Delilah holding her breath to keep from cracking her ribs again.
They sat at either late breakfast or lunch, (Delilah making it to the elevator and into the inside restaurant with the help of Mike), and talk about their odd connection.
"We don't usually get along with people we run over," Mike says, his arm tapping on the back of her chair, "you know, all the law suits and stuff."
"But you're case is one we are willing to handle," Tre' speaks in a professional tone, "tell me what you desire." He looks her straight in the eyes, his warmth causing a natural happiness in the back of her mind.
"So, you're like the tooth fairy or something," she asks, Mike jerks, an appalled look on his face from her statement.
"How'd you find out about that?" He almost giggles while trying to remain serious.
"Lemme see those pearly whites," Billie laughs, "and I am the tooth fairy to my children."
"Oh, wow, how many do you have?" Delilah asked, knowing all the answers but still keeping up her facade.
"Well, Tory, I have two," he pulls out his wallet with his children and his wife tucked into the photo pockets. This starts a war...
"Well, mine are cuter," Tre' pulls out his wallet, showing her a pictures of a beautiful little girl and a tiny little boy, "and I don't have one of those wife things."
Mike had taken out his wallet, and tells her that he has the only angel available.
Delilah could tell that the men adored their children, all making an honest living to make sure that they can give their children everything that they could ever really want in the world. Delilah could tell that the children were all probably spoiled when their fathers were home. She laughs on the inside, she would bet that the men have a small battle over which kid gets the most stuff, also.
The conversation dwindles as their food arrives, a comfortable atmosphere settling in as other people arrive at their table. They were road crew and friends, all being introduced but Delilah was barely paying attention to the commotion, she was focused on Mike's hand gently twisting a strand of her hair in his hand.
When she looks over at him, he smiles, then notices his hand, "Sorry..."
"It's alright." Delilah decided that she really liked these guys, they seemed to be life oriented. She constantly wonders what the hell she is doing here, trying to gain a ride from the guys on their tour for the freaking FBI.
She'd love to hang out with any of them in a different situation.
"I don't want to take you back to the homeless shelter," Mike says to her, pulling a serious face that is matched by Tre's surprised look.
"You're thinking the same thing as me," he tells Mike, then he looks towards Delilah, "So...Tory, do ya wanna come with us?"
"Where?" She asks dimly, her brain doing flips of happiness as the guys explain to her the tour schedule, what she could do after she gets better, and the fact that if she wants, she can tell them to take her home at anytime...because touring is not for everyone.
"I would love too," Delilah, or Tory exclaims, "it's not like I have anything to hold onto here."
"How could a beautiful girl like you be in a homeless shelter anyway?" Mike asks, and Delilah has the slight feeling that he is checking her out.
"I had a boyfriend that decided that if he was going down," Delilah sighed, buying time to perfect her story, "I would be the greatest person to take down with him."
"So your ex was an asshole?" Tre' states, focusing his attention on her and ignoring the knives he had been banging on the table.
"Yeah, basically, I actually ran away," she whispers, closing her eyes to take away the distraction of having three men and their friends staring at her, "then found it was a bad idea because I have nothing to fall back on."
"Then maybe you can fall back on us?" Mike says, an interested look on his face, Delilah noticed it as being the look of a man that wants to help, his instincts kicking in, "maybe we were meant to hit you."
The table laughs, some nodding and others telling him that there are better ways to meet new people.
"Yeah, so what, that's my story."
The black van sat across the hotel waiting for Delilah to come out and tell them what the situation is, but she was sure they had been listening in if the conditions were rights for a snooping.
"Too many cars," Dale says, "it muffles the sound."
He was sitting alone in the van, lounging as if he didn't have a care in the world. He tells her that he also thinks the Green Day case is bogus but he always does what is asked of him from the government.
"You seem too smart to be put on tail chasing cases," Delilah says, cursing when she realized that she has left her gun and earpiece in the hotel room because it was too hard to get them out without alerting the guys.
"I tend to be a stubborn guy," he says, handing her a new earpiece and telling her he will get the gun before the cleaning ladies get too it, "they don't like guys who think they are smarter then the law."
"Eh, from what I know, the law is a bit insecure."
"Don't let the criminals hear that, sweet heart."
He handed her a miniature box that she knew held more surveillance objects, she had told him that Mike had invited her to stay at his house for the night before they started to go out on the road for their tour. They already bugged his house but she would be joining the boys on the bus at five thirty in the morning and would not have another chance to meet up with Dale again.
"What do you think the FBI is trying to prove?" She asks, trying to find something to justify her guilt of sneaking around on a few...legally innocent men.
"I think there is a case behind this one," he says, cracking his knuckles, "there is always a story within a story with the FBI."
She gave him a questioning look.
"I am just as clueless as you are."