Status: in progress

Another New Beginning

Chapter 2

At the sound of my alarm I got out of bed and tiredly made my way to the closet to grab the outfit I picked out the night before. I put it on my bathroom counter then walked into the kitchen for coffee to tired and sleepy to run there I was afraid that I would bump into multiple things.

I entered the kitchen to see Stefan pouring two cups of coffee, he probably heard me walking here.

"Good morning. Here's your coffee." Stefan said handing me my mug with a happy smile.

"Good morning." I say yawning. "Thanks." I say before taking a sip of my coffee.

I made my way to the kitchen table and sat down while sipping my coffee waiting for the caffeine to wake me up some more.

"So Stef, Excited to see Elena today?" I ask with a knowing smile

"Yes. Also I wanted to ask you if she could borrow your copy of wuthering heights."

"Sure. I have three so she can keep it actually. I'll give it to you after I'm done getting dressed." I say getting up and speeding to the basement for some blood bags. After grabbing two of them I sip and finish one on my way up to my room.

I put the other blood bag on my bed and then jumped into the shower. After leaving it I dried myself off and then put my clothes on. Then I get started on my hair and makeup.

When I'm done I go to my bed and drink the other blood bag while getting all my school stuff together and grabbing the book for Stefan.

I look in the mirror and give myself a once over deciding that I like the results and then turn off the lights and speed to Stefan's room where he's just finished getting ready.

"Here you are." I say giving him the book.

"Thank you." He says looking at it than putting it in his school bag. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go." I say leaving the room.

In History I watch Elena and Stefan look at each other out of the corner of my eye while Mr. Tanner lectures us.

"Originally discovered nearly 5 centuries ago, it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in over 145 years. Now, the comet will be its brightest right after dusk during tomorrow's celebration. Are we bothering you, Mr. Salvatore? Ms. Gilbert?" Mr. Tanner says looking at Elena and Stefan who drop there gazes as the bell goes.

I walked out of the class into the hallway passing Stefan who's giving Elena the book catching part of their conversation.

"Uh, it was passed down. Through the family." Stefan says.

"Ah." Elena says.

"I have lots of books. Though this one Is Kalina's go ahead keep it she wants you too." Stefan tells her.

"Oh, no. I. . .but I would like to read it again. I promise I'll give it back." Elena replies. Defiantly not Katherine who would have kept it without a second thought.


I walk over to Stefan who is sitting on top of a picnic table in front of the school. And sit down on the bench beside him facing towards Elena who is walking with Matt. I can tell Stefan's listening to their conversation and decide to listen in with him to see what's got him so fascinated.

"They're keeping her overnight to make sure there's no infection, but she should be able to come home tomorrow." Matt says.

"That's good news." Elena replies while they walk.

"Yeah." Matt answers.

"Did you get in touch with your mom?" She asks

"Called and left a message. She's in Virginia Beach with her boyfriend, so. . .we'll see how long it takes her to come rushing home." Matt replies and I can't help but feel sympathetic.

"Vicki's lucky that she's ok." Elena says.

"I know, and now there's talk of some missing campers." Matt says solemnly.

"Did she say what kind of animal it was that attacked her?" Elena asks curious.

"She said it was a vampire." Matt says disbelief in his tone. I sit a little straighter and see Stefan do the same.

"What?" Elena replies disbelieving, if only they knew.

"Yeah, she wakes up last night and mutters "vampire" and then passes out." Matt explains.

"OK, that is weird." Elena says.

"I think she was drunk. So what's up with you and the new guy?" Matt asks her with a little jealousy in there.

"Matt, the last thing that I want to do is hurt you." Elena says probably not wanting to talk about Stefan to her ex-boyfriend.

"You know, I'm. . .I'm actually going to go back to the hospital. I want to be there when Vicki wakes up, get the real story about last night." Matt says walking away.

Stefan disappears from the table most likely off to the hospital. I was about to follow when I see Elena walking over to me.

"Hey Kalina." She says with a wave.

"Hey Elena. Call me Kali all my friends do." I tell her

"Where's Stefan? I thought I just saw him." She asks looking around.

" Oh, you did. He just had to go run some errands." I lie covering for him though I can't exactly say 'Oh nothing just gone to the hospital to compel Vicky to forget that she was attacked by a vampire no biggie.'

"Oh.. Hey listen, Thank you for letting me loan wuthering heights." She says smiling.

"No problem. You can keep it Elena." I tell her with a smile standing up from the table.

"No. I couldn't." She replies.

"Its fine I've got two other copies."

"If you're sure..."

"I am. I forgot that I have to do something so I'll see you later?" I reply backing away from her.

"Sure thing. Bye." She says turning away with a wave.

I wave back then speed away to the boarding house.

Upstairs in my room I decided to read one of my old journals from written in Bulgarian from 1492 the year I met Katherine.

"After having my humanity turned off since leaving the country and recently regaining only two years prior it I have come home to Bulgaria to come to terms with the guilt and sadness of my parent's death and the people I have killed. I also discovered how much it has changed since I have been here last. I found the village where I grew up, although nothing much is left of it having no occupants left to care for it. I found nothing but the bases of some of the homes. I became so despaired when I came across the stones where I buried my family I collapsed to the ground. Later now looking for something new to drive my life other than just existing I came across a home where a family had been slaughtered not too long ago it seemed. ..."



I stood outside the home and could hear crying coming from inside. My curiosity getting the better of me I walked inside passed the blood spattered walls and the dead people that were littering the floors. I made my way to where I could hear the weeping coming from and entered a room to see a young girl around my age hugging the body of a dead woman.

I stepped closer to her when the floorboards creaked beneath my feet.

The girl turned around much quicker than a human could attacked me. I grabbed her by the neck and held her against the wall as she hissed at me.

"Did you kill these people?" I ask her realizing she was a vampire.

Her face goes back to normal and she looks confused and very sad.

"There... My family.." She stutters out crying again.

I looked at her and saw a little of myself that made me let go of her neck.

"My name is Krasmiria." I say introducing myself.

"Katerina.." She says wearingly.

"I will help you bury them." I tell her looking at the people.

"Thank you." She replies

I walked outside and she follows me. I grab two shovels from the side of the house and pass her one while walking to a clearing to dig holes.

"You're a new vampire aren't you?" I ask looking at her where she walked beside me.

"Yes.. I'm only a few months." She replied.

I nod my head debating with myself with what I'm going to do after this.

"You're an older vampire am I correct?" She asks me.

"Yes..." I answer not sure whether or not I should tell her how old I really am.

"May I ask how old...?" She replies.

I stop and look at her for a moment and make a decision to help her but only if she asks for it.

"I am 418 years old if you must know." I reply seeing her shocked face I give her a small smile walking off into the clearing.

"You are very old..." She tells me.

Rub it in why don't you I think passing her a shovel.

"How about here?" I ask gesturing around us and ignoring her comment.

"It's beautiful." She says looking around at the meadow full of wild flowers illuminated by the moon.

"Yes it is. Now let's get to it. I counted 7 dead. 7 graves to dig." I said starting on the first hole while Katerina came to my side and starts another one.

After we finished digging the holes we walked back to her old home when she blurted out a question.

"Will you help me.." She trail off.

"I am helping you." I told her.

"I meant will you teach me. To be a vampire, to control my thirst." She asks me.

I think about it for a few moments, it would be nice to have a companion and a purpose again.

"I will.. I should warn you I don't stay one place to long so I wouldn't get to comfortable wherever we go." I tell her truthfully.

"Thank you. And that's fine with me." She says hugging me.

I nod and we continue to her home, after burying her family, putting stones on top as grave markers and after Katerina said her goodbyes we were off to France to see a witch to get her a daylight ring made. I would give it to her only after I was sure she had control. I couldn't make it easier for her to kill people like it was for me...

I'm pulled out of my memory by the sound of knocking at the door and it swinging open. I close my journal and speed downstairs to see Elena talking to Damon.

"I . .I'm sorry for barging in. The door was. . .open." Elena says turning back to a now closed door.

"You must be Elena. I'm Damon, Stefan's brother." Damon says introducing himself.

"He didn't tell me he had a brother." Elena tells him.

"Well, Stefan's not one to brag. Please, come. I'm sure Stefan will be along any second."

"Damon. Elena." I say coming into view making Elena jump little.

"Kali. Hey you scared me." Elena says putting a hand to her heart.

I smile and nod while keeping a close eye on Damon.

"Wow. This is your living room?" She says looking around in awe.

"Living room, parlor, seventies auction. It's a little kitschy for my taste. I see why my brother's so smitten. It's about time. For a while there, I never thought he'd get over the last one. Nearly destroyed him." Damon replies.

"Damon.." I growl out in warning low so only he can hear

"The last one?" Elena asks looking between us.

"Yeah. Katherine, his girlfriend? Oh, you two haven't had the awkward ex's conversation yet." Damon explains.

"Nope." Elena answers.

"Oops. Well, I'm sure it'll come up now. Or maybe he didn't want to tell you because he didn't want you to think he was on the rebound. We all know how those relationships end." Damon says faking sadness.

"You say it like every relationship is doomed to end." Elena tells him bluntly.

"I'm a fatalist. Hello, Stefan." Damon replies making Elena turn around to look at Stefan.

"Elena. I didn't know you were coming over." Stefan says not taking his eyes off Damon.

"I know. I should have called, I just. . " Elena stutters out.

"Oh, don't be silly. You're welcome any time. Isn't she, Stefan? You know, I should break out the family photo albums or some home movies. But. . .I have to warn you. He wasn't always such a looker." Damon tells says interrupting her.

"Thank you for stopping by, Elena. Nice to see you." Stefan replies. Still not looking at her.

"Yeah, I should probably go. It was nice to meet you, Damon." Elena replies with a wave at me before she walks towards Stefan.

"Great meeting you, too, Elena." Damon says.

Stefan is blocking Elena's way as he stares at Damon. "Stefan. . . .Stefan?" She says until he moves out of the way and she leaves.

"Great gal. Whoo. She's got spunk. You, on the other hand, look pooped. Did you over-exert yourself today? Let me guess. . Hospital." Damon says.

"Someone had to clean up your mess."

"Stefan, You should have let me handle it. " I say annoyed.

"Well, were you successful? Did the powers of persuasion work? Remember, if you don't feed properly, none of those little tricks work right." Damon says before Stefan can reply.

"How long was Elena here?" Stefan asks directing the question to me.

"Not long, I came down a few seconds after Damon did." I told him to put him at ease.

"Were you worried, Stefan? Scared we may be doomed to repeat the past? Isn't that why you play your little game, "I'm a high school human"?" Damon taunts.

"I'm not playing any game." Stefan replies.

"Of course you are. We both know the closest you'll ever get to humanity is when you rip it open and feed on it." Damon says smirking.

"What kind of game are you playing, Damon?" I ask standing closer to Stefan so I can look at his face head on.

"Guess you'll just have to wait and see, won't you?" He says before walking off.

Later that night after getting ready for going out the town square to watch the commit even though I've seen it previously Stefan and I were just about to leave when we were stopped by Zach.

"What is Damon doing here? Why did he come home?" Zach asks us.

"'Cause I came home. He wants to make my life miserable. That's how he enjoys his." Stefan replies to him.

"Well, he's putting us all at risk. This girl in the hospital could talk." Zach says looking peeved.

"She won't. I took care of her." Stefan says.

"You're sure?" Zach questions.

"I'm not sure, Zach. I don't know how well it worked. I'm not as strong as Damon or Kali." He replies.

"So what happens if it doesn't work?" Zach asks him.

"Then I will do it for him." I say defending Stefan.

"Is she worth it? Uncle Stefan, this girl you came back for?" Zach asks Stefan but he is ignored as Stefan walks away. I shrug my shoulders when Zach looks at me and follow Stefan out the house.

We got to the town square and I looked around for people that I knew while Stefan looks for Elena.

We see her standing with Caroline and Matt so I go over and say hi to Caroline.

"Hey." I say in greeting holding out my candle to hers.

Later I walk around with Stefan after he's been shot down by Elena to try and cheer him up a bit before I start to feel tired and decide to go home to bed.

"I'll see you later Stefan." I say giving him a quick hug.

"I'll see you later tonight or in the morning." He replies hugging me back.

I look around to see if anyone's looking then speed off to the boarding house and into my room to bed.