The Crystal Heart

This is the story of a girl who didn't have many friends, until her boyfriend Jake come's along. He's everything she's ever wanted, but, could he be too good to be true? Escpecially when she finds out that not only is he a fairy, but he's a fairy PRINCE?
  1. One Lousy Anniversary (Chapter 1)
    Ordinary, if lonely, girl Jessica Heartner suddenly learns her boyfriend is a fairy?!
  2. This Truly Is A Lousy Anniversary (Chapter 2)
    What awaits Jessica in the alternate universe that is Jake's true home?
  3. What Do The Rings Mean? (Chapter 3)
    Jessica goes on an outing with Lethians, Jake's best friend.
  4. The Crystal Heart (Chapter 4)
    Jessica finally gets a ring for her own, and....?
  5. The Truth (Chapter 5)
    OMG! What is this! READ IT! READ IT!
  6. Decisions (Chapter 6)
    You learn more about feelings in this chapter.
  7. New Powers (Chapter 7)
    Jessica learns more about the Heart.
  8. Captured (Chapter 8)
    Almost to the climax of the story! Interesting things happen here!
  9. Don't Leave Me (Chapter 9)
    Oh, God....get out your hankies!
  10. Peace (Chapter 10)
    The last chapter of the story. All that remains is the epilogue.
  11. The Epilogue (The End)
    The final ending of the story, ties up some loose ends.