The Wolf Girl

The Wolf Girl - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

"You seem very distracted today, James, " Matt observed while they were trying to find a good area to hunt.

"Nothing is wrong..." Matt chuckled.

"You're such a bad liar.. I have known ya long enough that I can tell if you're lyin' to me. Now... tell me what's eatin' at ya"

"Something strange happened at my house last night." Matt was fully paying attention now. James was never one to be worried about 'strange' things, whatever that meant. "As I was getting ready for bed, I noticed that the bathroom window was wide open, and it was freezin'. Then I looked out the window and saw a pack of wolves. Here's the strange part - there was a girl with 'em. I almost mistook it for a wolf itself!" Matt sighed.

"You sure that was a girl you saw?"

"Y-yes! As plain as day, er - night," James sputtered. "You believe me, don't you?" Matt shrugged.

"I kinda find it hard to believe. " An awkward silence passed and the only sound hear was the crunch of the mens' boots in the thick, white snow. Matt suddenly stopped and pulled James down behind a bush. A white wolf was by itself, which was really odd because wolves usually travel in packs. Matt loaded his gun and aimed for it.

"Perfect meat right here," Matt said to himself and shot the creature in its neck. It fell on its side as it bled on the snow and ice. Matt crept towards the dead wolf and checked to see if it was dead.

"Look at it, James! It just so happened to fall right in my sights alone." He grinned as he stuffed it in his sack.

"Isn't it strange that it was by itself?" James questioned curiously. Matt started to head back to town.

"Well, that is a bit peculiar, but it's dead now. And dinner." James followed his friend and shook his head at his carelessness. It wasn't that big of a deal... The two men walked in the bar and ordered two beers. Still feeling victorious, Matt started to brag about how he killed the wolf, claiming it as 'easy' prey. But when Matt felt in the bag, it was empty.

No hole, either. Matt gasped.

"How did hell did it get out? I killed it !"He exclaimed. The other men laughed.

"So much for talkin'!" A man teased. James was in shock as well. How was that possible? It was dead!

Out of the corner of James's eye, he could've sworn he saw a white wolf in the window.