A Rare Love

Chapter 1

It was late august just the middle of the school year and some how my friends got me to go to one of those ridiculous teenage house parties you know the kind of parties that you know cops are gonna be here any minute to bust your ass or the kind of party where you know some kids are doing it upstairs,

Yeah oh joy that I get to be here at one of the most popular parties ever melena Henderson’s parties are always a big success except for the fact that they always get busted

The last time she had a party like this some guy got clipped in the leg by a cop because although the police told him to stop running he just kept on going , he had to go the hospital to get it fixed poor guy couldn’t walk without crutches for two weeks,

So here I was sitting on one of those single couches drinking orange soda my friends always tell me to loosen up and have fun but how can I when people I don’t even know grab me and start to grind on me and stuff its just a bunch of crap ,

I started to feel a little dizzy so I got up and pushed pass all the drunk sweaty teens that were dancing and grinding on each other practically having sex through there cloths and I almost fell a couple times but when I finally made it out of that crazy crowd I made my way to the bathroom and given the amount of times Iev been here I know where everything is ,
Oh yea did I mention that melena and I use to be best friends, but then she turned into a major slut and just stop talking to me , you know the whole works

I shook my head and sighed

I walked down the long hallway I saw people making out and few times I would pass by a room and hear some very disturbing noises,

When I reached the bathroom I locked the door behind me turned the tap on and began to wash my face , when I was done a grabbed a towel of the rack and wiped my face ,
I looked up at myself and just examined,
My light chocolate brown eyes and pouty lips and my dark brown hair that fell in curls down my mid back with a white streak down the side,
I got that streak the day my mom died she was always so happy so cheerful and pure so I got my white streak to remind me of her,

Then I looked at my outfit I decided to wear a black skinny jeans with a white aeropostale shirt with a short jeans jacket and a red high top convers,
Dynamite by tio cruz started to play and I heard cheers everywhere I looked at my watch it was already 2:22 am “shit” I cursed my dad was gonna kill me I opened the door and rushed out ,

I pushed and shoved my way through the crazy crowd again but when I reached the door I felt a hand on my shoulder as quick as it happened my reflexes did I grabbed the hand and twisted it around ,

But when I saw who it was I immediately dropped their hand “shit ana you have one hell of a grip” Percy remarked as a smirked danced across his lips

Percy was one of my really good friends he was talkative and kind of a pervert but you gotta love him,
He had sandy blonde hair and big bright blue eyes he was tall but only by a head so I didn’t have to look up at him as much, he has been my best friend since my first day of school he was the first person to talk to me and needless to say we became friends instantly

“sorry percy” he looked up and started to wave his hand “no sweat ,anyway where were you I haven’t seen you all night …where you with some guy?” he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively

I hit him upside the head “don’t be an idiot” I smiled for the first time all night if there was one thing about percy is that he always knew who to make me smile , “and no I wasn’t with some guy , I was about to leave” I sighed as his ears perked up “leave, why?”

I shrugged “well its getting late and my dad and sister are probably wondering where I am so………..”

I looked at him

He didn’t looked convinced enough to let me go which ment now he was gonna try to talk me out of leaving , but before he said anything I interjected

“and before you try to talk me out of it let me just say don’t ok I just want to go home” his shoulders slumped and hopefully that ment that he wasn’t going to argue

So instead he just nodded and I smiled so I opened the door and walked out ,
I took in the cold night breeze and looked up at the stars and moon
When I was smaller I loved to go star gazing with my sister and dad would always tell us that orion’s (sp?)belt was us and the moon was our mom and that would always make my sister and I smile.

The walk home was quiet and peaceful there was really no one out . not surprised after all look at the time

I was always afraid to walk outside alone at a time like this mostly because of what I see in movies when the girl gets raped or mugged or murdered or something because she’s stupid enough to walk down that dark ally that just screams danger

I always roll my eyes when I see stuff like that but what can you do Hollywood.

I saw my house just up the block it wasn’t a big house to say mansion but it was big I wasn’t rich but my dad worked really hard to make sure that my sister and I could have the best life possible ,
I walked into the yard and onto the porch and saw that the lights were on “there awake?” I mumered while I took out my keys and slowly walked in the door and what I saw I wasn’t expecting
I saw my dad pacing up and down and my sister siting on the couch with an unreadable expression on her face,
I walked carefully twards my dad and when he saw me he stopped and just stared at me and in my mind the question of what the hell is going on kept playing in my head ,

After minutes of silence my dad finally spoke “anabell kallie swanson where have you been!?”

He more shouted than asked I cringed alittle when it came out I breathed then spoke

“I was at a party with my friends “ he looked furious but also unsure which confused me
“do you have any idea what time it is?” he was calmer now I didn’t answer I just looked down at my feet
“look ana I just want you to be safe which means no late night parties expecially on a school night do you here me ?” I nodded
And what was even more confusing he didn’t ground me or take a way my computer or something
What was going on?
“dad I everything ok?” he didn’t answer he just sighed and sat down “ana you know I love you right?”

I nodded
“and you know that I do my best to provide for you and aggie right?”

once again I nodded while taking a quick look to my sister, aggie, her expression still unreadable ,

“well the company wants me to take in a relocation plan and if I don’t then I get fired” he started to say very slowly

I didn’t like where this was going

“so I did and well ana , were moving” I didn’t move I didn’t say a thing I was just in shock
What? Moving? But I have friends here and it’s the middle of the year and I finally made the guy that I had a crush on notice me and now I have to move!!!ugh!!!

“ana please just try to warm up to the idea” how could I I mean I was moving a way from everything and everyone I loved

“where are we moving to?” I sighed no sense in fighting it

“london, England”

oh great I’m moving to a place that’s constantly covered in rain and clouds its hardly every sunny

“when are we moving?”
in truth I really didn’t want to know how long I would have to say goodbye to everything I know
“by the end of this week” my heart crashed oh great what am I going to tell my friends I sighed again

I didn’t feel like talking anymore so I said good night to my sister and dad and headed upstairs and into my room , I shut the door with a loud slam and walked over to my bed I dropped myself on it and just thought about what I was going to say to my friends and……….my mom what about her she was buried in a cemetery not far from here we were going to move and she wouldn’t be able to come with us

I felt tears just at the corner of my eyes but I blinked them back

I sighed for the hundredth time tonight and just got up and went to my dresser to take out my p.js but to me its just a thin strap shirt and baggy pants , I walked into the bathroom and locked the door I peeled of my cloths and put them in the hamper and hopped into the shower.

When I was finished I flicked off the lights and snuggled into my bed quickly feeling a wave of sleepiness take over and before I knew it I was fast asleep with the whole moving to London thing on my mind.
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ok so i had this story up on a different profile but i decided to post it on this profile instead :3