A Rare Love

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:Doing the deed

“ana , ana where are you?” a woman with long beautiful brown hair and big brown eyes
Asked out loud while she giggled ,she walked around looking for ana when al l of a sudden a little version
of her jumped on her back and coverd her eyes “guess who mommy?” the woman thought for a while then one again giggled
“is it my little anabell?” a small anabell pouted
“how did you know” her mother shrugged
“I took a guess” she pulled the little girl of her back and craddeled her in her arms and then started to spin around
Little ana laughed ,
“lilian, anabell come inside “ her father called , little ana jumped out of her mothers arms and ran to her father and sister
She jumped up into his arms and he took aggie in his other arm and kissed them
They both giggled they all looked to their mother and wife
Lilian smiled and advanced twards her family but she stopped dead in her tracks and stared ahead
They all watched with concern
“mommy” the two daughters said , anabell jumped out of her father’s arms and ran to her mother and tugged on the hem of her dress
But she didn’t move an inch their father took a step closer and in the blink of an eye she fell
She was on her stomach anabell and aggie screamed as their father was checking on what was wrong
Seeing if she still had a pulse
She breathed and we all had a sigh of relief
“john, anabell, aggie I love you all so much” she took little anabell’s hand and ana looked at her face
It was so much paler as if she had no life “I hope that no matter what you’ll love each other and cherish every moment “ and with that her hand started to slip from ana’s and her eyes were now filled with tears and so was aggies but their dad was motionless it was as if he was frozen, it hurt everything was just unimportant now why not

Their mother and wife had just died.
I shot up from my bed panting and sweating with tears streaming down my face

I tried to rid my eyes of tears but as quickly as I wiped they came back with full force
I had the dream of the day my mother died that horrible day , nobody saw it coming she was always so happy and cheerful , I always thought she’d be around forever
I didn’t notice I had started crying again , I wiped the tears away again and got out of bed i went to my dresser and pulled out a picture of my mom
I examined the picture it was an old picture I had since I was a little girl
I looked at it my mom was standing in the back garden in a yellow sun dress, and her hair how it shone bright in the sunlight and how her eyes sparkled
And she had her sun hat in her arms while she held a lily to her nose ,my dad always told me that I looked exactly like my mom same curly brown hair same big light chocolate brown eyes ,

It was a striking resemblance but no matter how much I looked like her I could never be as pretty as she was , I missed my mom I missed her reassuring smile and her soft , gental hands and most of all I missed the way she use to sing to me when ever I cried or was upset it would immediately calm me down,
“Don’t let the angels cry
Don’t say you don’t need a little comfort
A little love and kindness
Don’t let my angel cry
Don’t let my baby cry
I know the strength in her
But don’t let my angel cry”
I began to sing the song she use to sing for me
She would always tell me that I was her little angel and aggie was her little diamond that use to make aggie laugh , mom brought such happiness to this family but when she died that died with her .
My alarm went off my head turned so fast I heard a crack in my neck, “oww ” I rubbed my neck caresly
While I was rapped up in my own world I didn’t realized how late I was
I cursed under my breath
I put the picture back in the box on my dresser and took out a pair of jeans and a blue shirt with a black jacket
I rushed into the bathroom and took a quick shower.

“good morning ana” aggie greeted me as I came down the steps
“morning “ I dropped my backpack on the floor and plopped down next to aggie
I looked at aggie and started to think about mom aggie didn’t look much like mom

She took her looks from dad with her bright blue eyes and her shady brown shoulder length hair
“so how do you think your friends will take the news of use moving?” she looked at me with a curious
expression as she batted her long lashes and stared me down with her big blue eyes

I looked down at my hands that were wrapped around my glass of orange juice

I took the tip of my finger and ran it around the rim of the glass,

I glanced at aggie to see she was still waiting on an answer

I simply shrugged , I couldn’t help but smirk when her shoulder slumped and she pouted her lips
Looks like I didn’t give her the answer she wanted

I heard footsteps and I turned my head to see my dad coming down the steps while he was carrying his brief case and trying to tie his tie
“good morning girls “ he came and kissed us both on our cheeks
“good morning dad” aggie and I said at the same time
We smiled and dad looked at us with a smirk
“aggie, ana you guys should leave now so you wont be late for school”
‘On that note’ I looked at my watch and saw it was already 6:56{writer:ok some of you might think what the hell but where I live school starts really early so I have to get up at 6:00 and reach for 7:00, sucks I kno}
Aggie and I were so late it wasn’t even funny , when my eyes nearly popped out because of the time aggie watched me with a questioning look
“we really should leave now sis were already late no need to add frosting to the cake “
Aggie smiled “clever word play ana” I just smirked

I kissed dad and bid him goodbye and aggie followed suit ,
It sucked that we had to walk to school which really didn’t help with the whole being late to school thing but hey what can you do,
While aggie and I were walking she started to ramble on about something but I was to far gone to hear her
I was thinking about my first day of school , I started school before aggie did but we were only a year apart ,
I was so scared it was the first day of my life when I wasn’t around my parents 24/7.
“mommy I don’t want to go people don’t like me “ a little anabell pleaded to her mother
“don’t say that anabell your pretty and smart and funny , they’ll love you” lilian tried to reassure her daughter
“cant you stay with me?” little anabell looked up at her mother with hopeful eyes
But lilian looked at her with sadden eyes “no, my sorry my little angel but I must go to work “
Anabell looked as if she was about to cry, then her mother had an idea
“but ill be back for you at 3 and when I come to pick you up we’ll go for some ice-cream”
Anabell’s face lit up instantly

“really?” her mother nodded and as soon as she did anabell kissed her mothers cheek said goodbye and took off with out another word,

When anabell enterd the class room she was surprised she saw games and toys and other kids she could make friends with
She smiled to herself and continued walking
But while she did some kids were running by and they pushed her down she landed on her but and then she started to cry
While wiping the tears that were still coming out of poor little anabells eye she was a hand stretch out to her and when she looked up she saw a boy big bright blue eyes and blond hair ,
She hesitated but took it and he helped her up
“are you ok?”
She wiped the remaing tears from her face
“yes im fine thank you” the boy smiled
“I’m percy whats your name?”
“anabell” percy smiled and so did anabell
“don’t worry as long as you stick with me you’ll be fine” percy stood confidently
Anabell just nodded and smiled

‘I’ll never forget that day’ anabell thought to herself
“hey did you hear me?” aggie waved her hand in front of my face
That brought me back from my thoughts
“ana?” I shook my head
“I’m sorry what?”
“you wern’t listening at all were you?”
I couldn’t lie so I shook my head, she just sighed

“I was saying how do you think it’s gonna be when we move?, I mean new school new house”
Not that I didn’t want to answer her I just didn’t have one so I didn’t say anything
“are you ignoring me?”
Once again I shook my head
She let out an exasperating sigh while I just smirked

After what seemed like hours of walking, mostly because aggie wouldn’t shut up , we finally reached the school ,
The school was plain , red colored walls inside and out with a big sign the read “willwood high school”

My sister and I parted ways , we had different schedules so first period for me was English and for her is math,
The first thing I did was go to my locker, all the lockers were plain gray which kind of go confusing sometimes even though i’ev been here so long I still get lost when it comes to my locker

“good morning ana”
I turned around to meet the smiling face of kassie , my best girl friend and she wasn’t the only one there was carly , Justin , c.j and will
“good morning guys what’s up?”
They shook there heads at the same time
I giggled a little
I felt an arm rap around my shoulders and when I looked up I met a familiar pair of blue eyes
“what’s new chica” I smiled at percy and so did the rest of them but percy’s question rang in my head and that got me thinking ‘should I tell them?’
I thought for a moment
‘no, I’ll wait until lunch’

first period bell rang and we all scrambled to our classes or we would be late

I had first period with carly and will , I sat next to carly at first but the teacher moved us because he said that we talked to much and that disturb him from educating the other students , mr. turner is really weird but then again so are all the teachers here.

As I walked in the door mindless chatter flooded my ears ,
I made my way to the back of the class , I liked sitting in the back for two reasons A.I could talk how much I want and the teacher won’t know B.The teacher won’t call me to answer any questions
So I’m perfectly fine here.
The teacher came into class ten minutes late, and that was so annoying because if any of the students came in late we got in trouble but when the teachers did it they always had a good reason
‘note my sarcasm’
As I realized my partner wasn’t here today, I laid my head on my desk and drifted away , in the middle of class I felt something hit my head , I looked up and saw a piece of folded paper on my desk
My eyes searched around the classroom to find carly glancing behind every time the teacher would turn around, at one point when she turned around she looked up at me then back to the picture and after a couple of dumbfounded stares I finally realized that she wanted me to read the paper, I picked up the p piece of poorly folded paper and opened it, it read
‘what’s up with you and your gloomy mood today?, you have been out of it since you got to school?’
I picked up my pencil and scribbled down
‘it’s nothing tell you at lunch promise, ok?’
I folded back the piece of paper and when mr.turner was writing something on the board I tossed it at carly’s head , I tried not to giggled as carly glared at me while she picked up the paper that had fallen on the floor,
I waited ‘till she finished reading it and when she turned around she nodded and turned her attention back to the board, I saw will tap carly’s shoulder ask asked her something I couldn’t quiet hear carly whispered something in his ear and I saw him nod and look back at me quickly then back to the board as well,
‘must have told him’ I shrugged and continued with what I was doing
* * * * * * * * * * *
My other two periods flew by pretty quick
First was English, then math and then gym
So here I was standing at the entrance of my schools lunch room dreading what I was going to tell my friends, but I knew I had to, weather I liked it or not I had to,
I sighed heavily and slowly took steps into the lunch room
‘time for me to do the deed’
I heard my name being called and when I looked at the source of it I saw will waving at me to sit with them , you know them carly, kassie,percy, will, c.j ect…..
I fared going to that table but I sucked it up and approached them…
Wish me luck