Status: Well try to update more during summer....Life's crazy. :) Enjoy

Not the American Average

Day 1: Las Vegas

The music was loud, the lights where crazy, the crowd was screaming, after all what did you except from one of the most popular bands in the world. Danny screamed off the top of his lungs, while Ben played his black electric guitar as if he was driving a Bugatti Veryon at top speed. I was in the front of the crowd screaming my lungs out. I was probably the most excited girl to be there. It took four years for me to finally get to see them! I had planned trip after trip to see them. Without warning a loud blaring noise came out of nowhere, it sounded like a freight train.

I rolled over in my bed and turned off my alarm. Sad that I had been yanked out from such an amazing dream, I found it almost impossible to get up. I somehow managed to get ready in my usual light blue-holey jeans and a light almost pastel color blouse. I ran down the stairs to find my step-mom. My father had adopted me when I was eight and then he ended up divorcing his wife and marrying a bitch at a bar, when he was drunk and now we are stuck with her and her two-faced daughter Danielle. “Hey!” She yelled as I ran out the door. I thought about going back inside and seeing what she wanted but decided that I didn't care what she wanted. I dashed to my blue piece of crap truck, to find Danielle sitting in the passenger seat. “What the hell are you doing?” I yelled at her. “Going to school, what are you doing?” She asked me in a bitchy tone. “Driving MYSELF to school”
“And you are taking me with you!” She said excitedly. “Why?” I whined. “Because my car’s broken” her car was a little red Ford Mustang convertible that was her pride-and-joy. She used it to rub in people’s faces. She’s like a mean girl out of a Hollywood chick flick just without the pink convertible.

Once we got to school, I met up with my two friends. It was our last day, finally getting out of this hell hole. I always expected high school to be more fun and fantasy like, meeting your true love, partying with friends, singing and dancing in the halls like we were in a musical. Instead, I learned it was the whore house of drama. It was all about who has nicer shoes, who has the most expensive car, who’s dating who, and how can we screw up everyone’s lives. I swear high school just doesn't need to exist, we would all be better off.

The last bell rang and we were out forever! I don’t think I would miss it for anything. I got into my truck and started the engine, when I remembered Danielle wasn't there. I waited for a little bit and then decided I’d just drive up to the front and what for her there. I waited for a few minutes and then called her. She didn't answer, but then I saw her walking out with a blonde shaggy-haired boy about 5’7, he looked a lot taller against her because she stood at a tiny 5’1. She sat down and started making out with him. I honked the horn and she didn't even look up. “Danielle!” I called. She looked up then and then laughed and went back to kissing.

After about five to ten minutes I decided I was done and drove home. Of course soon as I got there Miss Prissy Pants, aka her mother, stormed outside. “Where the fuck is my fucking daughter?” She yelled at me. “Making out with some dude,” I said calmly. I didn't really care if she was with me or not. “Aspen fucking Parent!” She yelled as loud as she could. I kept walking. She took a chair from the porch and slammed it against the wall. I turned this time. She walked up to me, her eyes deep brown and blood shot with anger. She put her small fingers on my chin and yanked my head down to her height. She like her daughter stood at only 5'1. Her face so close to mine I could have kissed her. “Aspen,” She said “where is she?” She didn't let go of me. “I told you. She’s making out with some boy.” I said with almost as much force as she used slamming the chair into the wall. She grabbed me by my hair and yanked me into the house. She was still angry. “Why didn't you pick her up and bring home?”
“Because she wouldn't come.”
“That’s not what she said!” she yelled. This time she picked up the metal baseball bat that was leaning against the wall and took it to my stomach. I melted onto the floor and then she started swing at my back. After a few moments of that, I took want will I had left and pulled myself up and ran for the door. Barely, making it out without a few more hits I ran to my car and headed for god knows where. I was done, so done. Gasping for air, I couldn't breathing. I stopped at a red light and sat there in tears as I tried to breath, finally air started to reenter my body.

I drove around for about thirty minutes before I decided what I was going to do. I headed over to my best friend's house, he lived in Henderson. The door was open like usual so I just walked in, "hey!" I called. I entered into the living room where I found Joe glued to the television screen playing The Sleeping Dead and my crush, Steven, talking to him about me. It took them a few minutes to realize I was there. Just long enough for me to understand what Steven was saying about me. Out on to the streets I went and straight to the McCarran airport.

I have a visa to get into Britain and I plan to use it.