Status: Well try to update more during summer....Life's crazy. :) Enjoy

Not the American Average

Night 18: Don't Pray for Me

After arriving in California, the boys and I got really busy with getting ready for the US tour so much that I really didn't spend much time with Aspen. So I planned to take her out for dinner tonight. I was really nervous about it because my mother had come to town to see me and I decided to take her to dinner with us so she could meet Aspen. I knew that she would love Aspen, but I didn't tell Aspen that it would be with my mom. I was leaving the studio, I was recording for my new band Harlot. Aspen called me asking me where I was taking her so she could pick out an outfit. "I'm not sure yet. I was going to actually see if you wanted to take the jet back to the house in Texas since I'm off for the weekend and my mother is in town and you can meet her, and I can make dinner for us all." To my surprise she said, "I love that idea!" I smiled, even though she couldn't see it, but I think she knew she made me smile. "Okay, babe I'm a mile out." I drove into the drive way with her waiting at the door. I picked her up and we headed to the airport.

We made it in to Dallas around six in the evening. We went shopping for food and then headed start to the house. My mother was supposed to be there already because she was staying there, while she was in the states. I was pleasantly surprised to find the house empty. That meant I could cook without any over her lovely commentary. She was the reason I knew so much about cooking but I had started developing my own cooking techniques and actually was quite interested into opening my own restaurant one day.
"Danny!" Aspen yelled from the top of the stairs. I went up to see her after I dropped the last steak on the grill in the backyard. "Yeah..." I found her in my room with Miya. "Miya?" I asked with utter shock. "hey Danny." She whispered as she walked up to my face and traced her warm finger tips across my lips. I could see the white under her nose where she had been huffing coke most likely. "What are you doing here?" I asked pushing her hand away from my face. Not saying I didn't enjoy it, there was something about her that made my whole body tense and uneasy. "Your mom said you were going to be here, so I thought I'd do it like we used to..." She trailed off, cocking her head toward Aspen. "Who's miss beautiful, but not your type?" I didn't bother to answer. She didn't know a thing about me anymore. We split after I had decided to go through rehab and get clean. She refused saying that it was bullshit to ever think I could or she could get clean after all we lived in a world of drugs and alcohol. I used to love drugs, self-destruction was a powerful thing for me. I learned that my life is so much more than just drugs and booze though. After disappointing so many of my fans and my family and friends, I couldn't take the mistakes and I knew I needed to find myself in other ways. "No reply..." She started, "it's only going to be this once, baby...don't you miss me? I've been dreaming about get my wet pussy wrapped around your cock again." For some strange reason that shut me down. "No Miya. We were done two and a half years ago, and we aren't ever coming back. There's a reason you didn't change and a reason I did. Even if I didn't fix everything I don't plan to ever have you back. The drugs are what you live for, and I live for me now. Not for some dumb addiction." She brought her hand back up to my face. "Don't you miss it though...the rush, the high, the relieve, and the power you feel with something this easy." She realized your left hand and brought it palm facing up to my face. resting on her palm was what looked like a tablespoon of cocaine. "I have a lot for just me, I already did most of it, don't make me get high alone." I pushed her hand gently away. Not because I didn't want her to lose it but because I didn't want that shit on my floor. "Miya you need to leave." I stated so flatly that there was no tone in my voice at all. "I'll find the door, go check your food before it burns." She said. I would have seen her to the door but I couldn't let my food burn. "Shit!" I said dashing down stairs and out the back door. I didn't hear Miya leave, but I did hear the door open after I had saved my food. "Danny!" My mother called. "Hey mom!" I said setting the plates of food down on the kitchen island. I gave her a big hug. "So where is this beautiful girl you were telling me about?" She asked. "Wow, mom not a hi or anything, you are going to love her, let me go get her." I went back up stairs only to find Miya lying on my bed with her hands wrapped around Aspen's small wrists. "She is beautiful Danny...She's going to be my little toy when I'm done." She laughed as she stroked Aspen's red cheek. I grabbed her by her deep black hair and pulled her away from Aspen and took her by the hair all the way to the front door and through her out the door. "Don't come back. I'm over you." I said as I locked the door behind me. I went back upstairs and find Aspen sitting against the bed, crying. "Aspen..." I started, sitting down next to her and wrapping my arms around her. She rested her head against my chest. "I won't let her touch you I promise you. I love you, Aspen. I love you so much." Kissing her forehead and wiped her tears, "Come on let's go meet my mom. You'll love her. I promise."