Status: Well try to update more during summer....Life's crazy. :) Enjoy

Not the American Average

Day 5: Danny

I was fangirling major in my head, but some how I managed to keep my cool on the outside. I sat on a wooden bar stool that matched the kitchen's cabinets. He didn't say much as he cooked scrambled eggs, and toast. He looked up and handed me a full plate of eggs and two pieces of toast with jam. He took a sit next to me and finally said "Do you know who I am?" I smiled lightly "yeahhh" I said dragging it out a little bit too long. "And you aren't freaking out?" He laughed with his usual joking voice.
"I am on the inside."
It became quiet again. Mostly because I had no clue what to say to a rock star. I mean what would you say besides "Let's fuck....and I love you" He was really nice to me, but I kind of wondered why he took me home. What did I do to deserve someone like him to take me home? That's when I realized I probably needed to leave really soon, so I didn't come across as if I'm smooching.
We finished up breakfast when Luci, his white and brown dog, came flopping in from on the couch in, I guess, would be the living room. "Hey Goose." Danny welcomed her in. She came wondering over to me and sniffed at me before returning to Danny's side. "That's our new house guest, isn't she pretty?" He asked her as he picked her up, rubbing her ears. I couldn't help but smile. My idol was standing in front of me and he just called me pretty. I could die right now and wouldn't regret a single thing. "I'm Aspen." I finally said. As I remembered he didn't know who I was. "How long are you in town Aspen?" I laughed "forever." I wasn't joking though. I had no idea if I would ever leave London, I had no money to leave, in fact I had no money period! "So you live here?"
"No...I'm more or less stuck here."
"Stuck here?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. "Uhh...I ran away from home sort of kind of and my step-mom drained my bank account. There for, I'm stuck here. Until I have to make money on the streets now!" I joked. "You'll make good!" He laughed "someone has fucking beautiful as you no one would pass up." I just smiled. I really didn't know what to say. I felt so socially awkward. "But really where are you staying?" He asked, all serious now. "No where..." I said feeling extremely awkward. "So you can hang out with me for a bit?" He flashed a beautiful smile, but then again everything was beautiful on him. "If you want me to." He took me by my hand and lead me up a cherry oak grand stair case. He continued down a longish hallway that was painted a light beige and had vaulted ceilings. We came to a stop at a door and he said "Close your eyes." My first reaction came out accidentally. "I don't do that shit. No. I have no way to protect myself if something happens and you make me close my eyes." He laughed "Well then, I guess I'll just have to blindfold you." He took his plaid blue and gray button down shirt off and tied it around my eyes. I didn't even get a good look at him before everything went black with my "blindfold." We took few very unbalanced steps before he carefully sat me down on what I would guess was a very soft leather couch. "I'm going to leave you now. Don't move. Don't peak." He said as his hand lifted off my shoulder. A couple minutes had past. "You can open your eyes now." He said smiling. I knew he was smiling because you could hear it in his voice. I lifted the shirt off my head and saw Danny, still shirtless, sitting across from me with his hands on a ESP dark brown acoustic guitar. "I'm not one much for beginning romantic, but someone needs to fix the tears in your eyes and I want to be that someone." With a smile on his lips he began to play Someone, Somewhere.
Half way through the song he handed me a cider guitar and asked me to finish the song with him. Lucky for me I could play and I knew the song. Amazingly, we harmonized wonderfully. "So you know my songs..." he said. "I always know this." I said and started to go into one of my favorite Beetles' songs. "Goddamn, you are fucking beautiful!" He said when I finished the song. I was suddenly really comfortable with him, which is strange for me. Usually it took months and months and months for me to get used to someone. Let alone sing for them! Especially an amazing voice like his.

After about what felt like an hour, but turned out to be six hours, of playing and singing and talking, we decided to get some lunch. He had to meet Ben for lunch and he wanted to take me with him. He took me down to his garage, where he had two cars. One a normal everyday four-door car, the second was a blue and silver Bugatti. "We are taking the Bugatti." He said with a sexy look and sound to his voice. I don't know how someone could make everything sound so damn sexy but he could. Maybe I was starstuck but I would not have given up this moment for anything else.

We arrived "in style" at the restaurant Ben was supposed to meet him at. Apparently, Ben was late so Danny and I took a sit at the bar. He ordered vodka on the rocks. I laughed and he looked at me and just smiled "It's five o'clock somewhere." He laughed.

Soon as we got your drinks Ben arrived. "Danny!" He called walking up. "Looks like you already have a new bar friend." He said seemingly jokingly. "Uh, No." He said, his tone was not joking at all though. Ben looked at him "what do you mean 'no'?"
"She's not a bar friend, her name is Aspen, and she's my new friend. Oh and she's joining us for lunch."
"Can we talk?" Ben asked pulling him aside. I could kind of make out what Ben was saying but barely. Not good enough to state it again and feel like it is correct though. I finished up my drinking and sat there for a couple minutes before they returned. "Hey you know if this is a problem I can just go," I stated. Danny looked at him his blue eyes piercing me. His eyes locked onto mine he said "If you go, I may never see you again." Even after he finished talking, we were in a dead stare. I moment was shared but I really wish I knew what he saw as he stared deeply into my green eyes. Ben finally broke it up and said "I'm Ben. I'm DANNY'S best friend." He smiled and shook my hand. "So let's eat!" Danny said rubbing his hands together.

♪ ♪ ♪

I was lying on a brown leather couch, waiting for Danny to return from a smoke break outside. Luci was cuddled up by my feet, sound asleep. I was flipping through channels looking for a good movie to watch. To my luck, all I found was horror movie after horror movie. Finally, I just gave up. Danny returned and plopped down right next to me. It caused Luci to move up and lie on his lap and he wrapped an arm around me and he too searched for movies. "Looks like we are stuck watching Friday the Thirteenth." We agreed on it and he went a made popcorn and I turned off all the lights in the house. We made it bach to the couch and I cuddled up against him. He wrapped his arms around me again and Luci took her usual spot on his lap with her head resting on my waist.
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