Status: Well try to update more during summer....Life's crazy. :) Enjoy

Not the American Average

Afternoon 1: France

"Why are you guys evaluating me anyways?" Aspen asks. I looked ahead at Danny in surprise. Had he not told her he wanted to take her on tour? "Why would you ask such a question?" I asked her. Danny and Ben were ahead of us enough to be out of earshot. "Because you guys are stating your opinions of me and in all honesty I don't know why I'm still here with the most famous band." I was slightly taken back but what she said. Danny most not have expressed any emotion toward her like he did to us. Shock of all shocks. If he wanted a girl he'd tell that girl. He was not shy at all. James, who was listening in on the conversation, decided he was going to cover up my shock and let Danny tell her his plan. "That's just how we are."
All of a sudden a bunch of people flocked over to us, Danny and Ben stopped and we got up to them fairly quick. Then I saw why they had stopped. A local news company and their cameras came pushing through the crowd and a short red haired reporter pushed through with a microphone in hand. "Danny! Ben!" Yelled some girls that where grabbing at him. It was truly disgusting sometimes. It's like the rest of the band is invisible. "May we speak with you?" Asked the reporter and she would not take no for an answer. A few of her employees pushed the crowd back and made space for the band on a bench. She pushed Danny and Ben down and then after a couple moments she realized the rest of the band was here too and pushed us down to sit on the bench. Her 'employees' pushed Aspen back into the crowd, which really pissed me off because she was standing with us and she was our friend. After the uproar, Aspen worked her way back to us with no regard to the reporter and her angry yelling at her. She sat behind us on the edge of the bench. "Who the fuck is she?" Screamed a fan girl. "Fuck me please, Danny!" Screamed another. The reporter started asking questions and Danny and Ben did their usually thing. In over words, cutting any of us off. "Hey!" I said Aspen quite loudly and everyone in the crowd shut up, including the reporter. Everyone stared at her like she was the queen. "Do any of you realize, one, they are human beings and they have a fucking live? And two, there are three other members here? They are important members too! Sure Danny is the sexiest thing on earth and he can scream like a motherfucker and singing just as well. Ben's adorable and is an amazing guitarist! But you also have Cameron and James and Sam. They are a BAND! They are all as important. So either fuck off or at least act like they mean something to you." I had to high-five that girl. She said something that we were all scared to say. Aspen then walked off, I believe she was quite upset about the whole thing, but everyone in the crowd stayed completely silent. After a couple moments though, they started up again. The reporter started asking Danny some really personal questions and the first time ever Danny got up and walked off. A handful of girls went after him, but not the usual amount. He got up to Aspen and grabbed her hand and they both walked off. The reporter turned back to us. "Well looks like he's being a bitch today." And she went right back to questioning Ben and this time the rest of us. I actually got to say something this time.


We returned to the hotel to find that Aspen and Danny where not there. So Ben called him with no answer we decided he was probably getting dinner with her or something so we all went to the hotel's bar to get a few drinks. This year we all decided that none of us will drink on tour. Danny started it but then we all decided it would be best if we all did it. So this was going to be our last drinks before the tour.

"Well, what do you guys think of Aspen? Should she come or should we tell Danny to suck it?" Ben said. No one answered at first, I think we were all thinking. "Personally, I like her." I stated rather flatly. Honestly, I really liked Aspen. She was funny as hell and she stood up for the three of us. I kind of wondered if Danny was still going to like her because of her comment though. I'd shocked if he didn't, she was a keeper for sure. "Yes, I want her on the band bus and during ALL interviews." James said with an overly-sure smile. "Sounds good! I like her. All the whores Danny's ever dated this one is the best." Sam added. "I don't believe they've fucked." Ben said laughing.
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Sorry! I would make it longer but I have to go feed my horses and I'm not totally sure what else to say! Tell me what you think, please and thank you :)