Status: :)

Secret Dudesons

Chapter 1

Katariina winced as she felt weight on her stomach. She opened her eyes to blinding light and started to push the heavy object off of her. Her vision finally came through and she saw none other than her brother sitting on her proudly.

“Jukka” she groaned as she rolled over, forcing Jukka to her bedroom floor.
“Get up the guys are here” he chuckled as he stood up.
“When aren’t they here?” Katariina sighed, although she wasn’t complaining. She loved the company of her friends.

“When we’re at one of their houses” Jukka shrugged, earning an eye roll from his little sister.
“Tell them I’ll be up in 5” she muttered before Jukka nodded and walked out the door, closing it behind him.

Katariina was 19 and she lived with her mother, Lija, step father, Antero and older brother, Jukka. Lija had cheated on her husband about 5 years into their marriage, after Jukka was born, and although Antero was mad everything was sorted out except Lija ended up pregnant.

Katariina was the result of this pregnancy, making Antero her step father, not real father. But Katariina’s true father never cared, never saw Katariina or wanted any part in her life. Antero had been there since ever, so they called him Katariina’s father. It was a complicated story so they never spoke of it much.

As she stood, Katariina threw her arms in the air and stretched. The sighed and rummaged through her doors, trying to find something clean to wear. When she finally did find a pair of jeans and tee she threw them on. She dragged her feet to her brothers room and entered with no announcement, but was instantly noticed.

“Hey” she smiled at the three familiar faces. Jarno, Jarppi and HP had been long-time friends of both Katariina and Jukka, Jukka had met Jarno and Jarppi in 4th grade and Katariina had met HP in 2nd grade. Those three guys, along with Jukka, were the only people that could call Katariina ‘friend’.

“Mum’s making breakfast” Jukka replied. He was sprawled across the bed, leaving no room for anyone else. She walked over and sat on his stomach and he laughed at the payback.
“Weak revenge” he sighed.

A growling noise was heard and all eyes went to HP who was smirking.
“I’m hungry” he shrugged. HP was the youngest of the four guys, but he was 3 months older than Katariina and he reminded her constantly. She rolled her eyes her brother. He was just a year older than the two youngsters, being 20. Jukka was staring at a moving object, who happened to be Jarno.

He was on a desk chair and was spinning rapidly. Katariina got up and grabbed the back of the chair, making it jerk and allowing the long haired blonde to fall off.
“Bitch” Jarno laughed, pushing his hair out of his face. He’d been thinking a lot of cutting it to eye length lately, but he was all talk. He was one of the elder friends, along side Jarppi. It was quite a coincidence, Jarppi and Jarno’s real names were both Jarno although they called Jarppi Jarno2 or Jarppi to avoid confusion, and they were the same age sitting at 21.

“I’m hungry” HP complained.
“You’re stomach has told us” Katariina nodded, taking Jarno’s seat.
“Shut up Kat” HP grunted in reply. Kat was her nickname, and it was a hell of a lot easy to remember and quicker to say. Kat and Jukka had a very easy going parenthood, so being Kat, she’d taken advantage of that. Just as Jukka had. Jukka never got in trouble often, allowing him to do outrageous pranks.

Kat had taken her freedom in the form of appearance, dying her hair bright blue and getting a couple piercings. She loved her hair but the boys thought it was stupid to change the colour of your hair and couldn’t understand it. Things like these were the only real differences between Kat and the boys.

“Let’s see if breakfast is ready” Jukka decided and lead the rest of the quintet downstairs and into the Hilden family’s kitchen where they were met with plates full of Bacon, eggs and toast. They individually thanked Mrs Hilden and made their way to the table. Just as Kat set her plate down and was about to sit, Jarppi pulled the chair away from her, which she was more or less used to and she fell to the ground.

She tried acting casual as she stood to the boys laughing at her and snatched her plate away whist glaring at Jarppi who took her spot beside Jukka. Kat walked over and sat next to HP so she could eat in peace.

“So what are you kids up to today?” Mrs Hilden asked as she walked passed them all.
“I thought we could hit the slopes, we haven’t been in a couple weeks” HP shrugged in reply.
“Yeah, slopes then Jarppi’s house” Kat nodded.

“When did we decide my house?” Jarppi looked in shock.
“Just now” Jukka nodded at his sister. Jarppi rolled his eyes as he finished his breakfast and pushed the empty plate in Kat’s direction who pushed both of their plates to Jukka. He sighed and took Jarno and HP’s plate along with the other three, to the sink as the other four stood up.

“Just be safe” Lija nodded.
“Yes mum” Jarppi joked as Jukka and Kat hugged their mother before rushing out the door. Jarppi, HP and Jarno all had their day bags out in the front yard, full of anything they’d need that day including things for the slopes.

Kat and Jukka grabbed their things from the porch and followed the other three out of the yard. They’d walked about 100 meters when Jarno’s face went pale from his original white state.

“I forgot my camera at home!” he yelled. Jarno had developed a tendency a couple years back to film his and his friends’ lives. His camera was his life. Without he thought of himself as nothing.
“10 steps ahead of ya” Kat grinned handing him hers. She had a similar passion, but more so for photography instead of film. But she always had a spare video camera.

Jarno smiled a ‘thankyou’ and they continued to walk as the sun rose more above them. A normal day for the quintet.