Status: :)

Secret Dudesons

Chapter 2

HP had loved snowboarding since birth. Jukka always jokes around saying he’d had a snowboard in his hand when he was born. He was always pushing his friends to go to the snow slopes with him and when they weren’t up for it he’d go alone.

HP always had a snowboard around somewhere in case a last minute change was made and they ended up at the slopes. So it wasn’t a big deal when he pulled his board out of his bag when he and his friends got to the slope.

Kat sat in the snow, too tired to ski or sled yet, so she sat there content watching her brother and friends. Every jump or trick HP did, Jarno got it on tape. Every time Jukka or Jarppi staked and hurt themselves, well he got that too.

Jarno eventually came back to his bag where Kat was sitting and watched the other three in silence. That was something about Jarno that had always interested Kat. She’d always realise how quiet he could be. She questioned him about it one day and Jarno just shrugged and said ‘When you’re filming it’s best to blend into the background’. So Jarno always seemed to be quiet and unnoticeable.

It was about an hour after they’d arrived that the slopes started to get more customers and Kat had worked up the energy to get up and do something. Jarno watched as she rummaged through a bag she’d brought, looking for her other ski.

“JUKKA!” She eventually called. When she got no reply she yelled his name again.
Jukka was pelting snowballs at Jarppi when he thought he heard his name, but ignored it. When he heard it the second time, in his sisters recognisable voice. He sighed and dropped the snow as he dragged his feet back to their set up.

“What?!” he finally yelled when he was 50 meters away, Jarppi on his track.
“Where is my other ski?” Kat turned to meet Jarppi and Jukka who were covered in snow spots. She rolled her eyes and sighed as Jarno filmed them brushing it off.

“I used it as a golf club the other day when Jarppi and I were goofing off, remember?” he shrugged.
“That was mine?” Kat looked shocked. “You broke it too, right?”
Jukka just smirked as he nodded at is sister who closed her bag and went through Jukka’s, retrieving his snow board.

“This is now mine” she mumbled as she walked past him and up a hill with some kickers along it. She mindlessly started down the slope, not looking where she was going. Mr and Mrs Hilden had taken their children to the slopes since they could stand up. She knew it like the back of her hand. But she didn’t know HP was facing the other way, standing at the end.

“AI!” HP yelled as he fell to the round and a weight landed on top of him. Kat scrambled up and laughed as she apologized.
“Watch yourself” HP joked as he realised what had happened.
“Well if you’re so good, do the hill blind folded” Kat stuck her tongue out.

HP looked at the hill and nodded slowly. “You’re on” he muttered. Kat looked at him to make sure he was being serious then looked over to where Jarno, Jarppi and Jukka were and signalled them over with a hand wave.

Jarppi saw Kat and told the other two to get up. They both followed Jarppi to where Kat was now standing alone, HP had started climbing the hill.
“HP wants you all to watch him go down the hill blindfolded to make sure I don’t lie and say he didn’t do it” she sighed.

They didn’t have a blindfold so they improvised, using Kat’s idea to shove HP’s gloves in his snow goggles, giving him no vision.
The four friends watched him as he stood at the top of the mountain and shoved the gloves in.

“GO IN 3, 2, 1!” Jukka yelled as loud as he could. HP heard and he slowly inched his way off the top. Jarno zoomed to watch HP and he sped down the mountain, avoiding some kickers but jumping some, landing pretty roughly. He made it to the last jump but landed with a tumble and rolled the 10 meters left of the mountain.

Kat, Jarppi, Jukka and Jarno walked over and congratulated their friend with hugs and high fives.
“I think it’s time to go home” Jarppi yawned.
“You mean to your home” Jukka nudged him as they walked back to get their things.
“We have to come back some time soon. We were only here for a couple hours” HP sighed, shoving his snowboard in his bag.
Kat nodded as they set off for Jarppi’s house.
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I'll be focusing on Jarno, Jarppi and HP's lives a lot more in the next few chapters.