Status: :)

Secret Dudesons

Chapter 3

Kat, Jukka, Jarno and HP had been at Jarppi’s house for hours after they left the slopes. They started off trying to think up new stunt ideas for Jarno to film because they loved seeing the little clips he made, but ended up having a huge food fight instead.

After a while there was no more food to throw and they were covered, now wearing dirty clothes.
“JARPPI! GIVE US SOME CLOTHES!” Jukka walked over to him like a zombie, cheese sauce dribbling for his mouth. Jarppi laughed and nodded before leading the pack to his room.

“I hope these are clean” he joked, throwing clothes around the room. Kat laughed as she grabbed on old band tee, the one of Jarppi’s she always seemed to wear. She changed in the hallway, avoiding the awkwardness of the guys seeing her, but left her pants on because they had managed to get no food on them.

She walked back in to see everyone dressed in Jarppi’s clothes and dropped her shirt in with the pile of other garments.
“We still need a couple more ideas” Jarno mumbled, looking at his crumpled list.
“Yeah, well how ab-“ Jarppi was cut off by the phone ringing. He ran and answered it as the others stayed in the room.

Jukka made himself at home by laying across the bed but soon found Jarno and HP sitting on him.
“Get your asses off me!” he yelled, pushing them.
“At least we’re not as fat as Kat” HP teased. When he got no reply he stood up and stared at her, but she wasn’t aware.
“Kaaaaaat” Jarno sang, trying to get her attention. She looked up from her phone, confused, but quickly looked down again as it beeped.

“Who are you messaging?” HP tried to take the phone but was given a jab to the stomach instead.
“How can a girl be so strong” he muttered, backing off.
“Who ARE you mess-“
“JARNO! THE PHONE IS FOR YOU! IT’S ALEJIA!” Jarppi cut off Jukka coming in and handing his friend the phone.

“Hei?” Jarno sighed, putting the phone to his ear. Alejia was his sister. He was quiet but after a while hung up.
“My mum wants me home” he announced.
“How did she know where you were?” Kat asked.
“She called your parents” he replied, gathering his stuff.
“We should go to, almost dinner time” Jukka looked at Kat, earning a nod.
“I think I might stay the night, if that’s ok?” HP looked to Jarppi.
“Of course” Jarppi grinned.

It took about half an hour before three of the five friends were walking through the cold snow to their homes.
HP and Jarppi stood on the porch, waving till they were out of sight before they hurried back into the house where it was warm.

“How are things at your house?” Jarppi looked at HP sincerely. HP’s parents had been fighting since ever according to HP. No matter what it was, they could make an argument out of it.
“Same old same old” HP sighed, sitting on the couch.

“Still fighting?” Jarppi asked sadly.
“Of course” HP rolled his eyes, sick of it.
“Don’t you hate it?”
“I do, hence why I’m here” HP replied. His mother had always wanted him to go to college, but his father wanted him to continue the family business. HP wanted to go to college, become a teacher. That was his dream but he’d never admit it to his parents, his mother would just be cocky about it and cause more fights.

Jarno walked into his warm house from the harsh cold outside and tossed his bag in the study. His mum immediately heard the noise and met him in the hallway, by his room.
“Hey honey” she smiled. “How was today?”
“Good, I got a lot of great footage” Jarno grinned at his camera in his hand.
“Oh that’s good” Mrs Laasala smiled. “I called you home to talk to you, actually”
Jarno’s face went a little paler.
“It’s a good thing” she assured. “I want you to meet a special friend of mine” she explained.

Jarno groaned. “I should actually edit this stuff” he muttered, starting towards his room.
“You can later” his mother sighed, dragging him to the living room. Jarno was tired of meeting his mum’s ‘special friends’.
“Mikko, this is my son Jarno” she smiled at the man. Jarno awkwardly walked over and shook the guys hand before quickly sitting next to his sister.
“So, uhh, Mikko? What do you do?” Jarno asked quietly.
“I work for MoonTV, I’m the head producer” Mikki shrugged as though it were nothing.

“MoonTV?” Jarno asked.
“It’s no big deal” Mikko smirked.
“IT IS SO! Do you like, meet celebrities?” Alejia asked.
“Sometimes” Mikko grinned, nodding.
“Jarno actually does a little video editing. I keep saying he should get a job as a newspaper editor” Mrs Laasala smiled.
“Editing newspapers isn’t like video’s mum” Jarno groaned earning a giggle from his mother.
“You’re 21 and you live with your mother without a job?” Mikko questioned.
“Well, as a big shot like you wouldn’t be aware of, things have been tough at the moment so yes, I do have to live with my mother and I’m looking for a job that can accompany my skills” Jarno said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Well, uh, we should get going for our reservations” Mrs Laasala said, defusing the bomb that was about to explode. She stood at the same time Mikko did and waved to her kids before leaving.
“I hate him” Jarno decided.

“Give him a chance, have faith” Alejia sighed.
“I’ll have faith when Mum’s had a relationship that’s lasted over 2 weeks.” Jarno mumbled walking to his room.
His mother had been single since he had been born. He had no idea who his father was and never wanted to know. He hated all these men coming in the house trying to act like the boss. Truth is, Jarno liked being the ‘man’ his mother could rely on and he didn’t want someone to take his place.