Status: :)

Secret Dudesons

Chapter 4

Jukka was the party-maker, he was always social and meeting new people. Jarppi was very like-able. He had quite a few friends too. HP was always meeting new people at the slopes and Jarno had met a few people who also liked cameras in school and they’d remained his friends.

That basically meant everyone but Kat had a group of friends outside of the five of them. Kat was extremely likeable too. She shared some of the traits her brother had, she was fun, easy going, at first sight you’d think she would be a popular girl that everyone was friends with but she was the person who was always being pushed away for being different.

Although she had the characteristics to have friends, some of her differences separated her from people. She was crazy and loved to do dangerous things, which was a good quality in a guy but people somewhat hated it in a girl. She liked bands and things normal people would call ‘outcasts’ and at the age of 15, decided friends weren’t important. So she never even tried to meet people. She would even ignore them. She stuck with HP, Jarno and Jarppi.

But she was getting older now, and her interest of boys was returning. She’d never had a boyfriend, not once. And that was starting to bug her. So, without telling her brother or Jarppi, Jarno or HP, she made plans to go to a club alone. Since she had met HP in school, she’d never been away from anyone. She was ALWAYS with HP, Jukka, Jarno, Jarppi or a combination of the four. To say she was nervous was an understatement.

She chose a night where they had made plans to go to Jarno’s and watch some of the clips he had edited. Jukka had made day plans with Jarppi, so he was with him, Jarno was, well at his house, and HP was at the slopes. So no one she didn’t want to would see her leave to the club instead of Jarno’s house. Her mother was out for the night with her father for dinner, but they knew she was going.

She threw on a dress and heels and put on some makeup. She acutally didn’t own any makeup. NONE. Makeup was too ‘girly’ for her, so she used her mothers. ( She took her last look in the mirror nervously before nodding, grabbing her purse and walking to the front yard. She decided to take Jukka’s car, she knew she was allowed and it was better than hers.

The keys were in it, as always, so she started the car and drove, following her GPS, to the nearest night club.
Jukka sat on the arm of the sofa and sighed.
“Where is she?” HP groaned.
“I don’t know, she said she’d be here at 8, like every single other Friday night” Jukka replied.
“Call her?” Jarppi said. Jarno was the one to get out his phone and dial the familiar number to get no answer again.

A few hours passed and the guys started to get really concerned, scared even.
“Let’s call Mrs Hilden” HP decided, noticing that he wasn’t the only worried one.
“She never ignores or blows us off” Jukka said quietly, biting his nails. Jarno grabbed Jukka’s phone and called Mrs Hilden’s number. It was answered after a couple rings.
“Jukka?” Mrs Hilden asked.
“Umm, it’s Jarno. Do you know where Kat is? We haven’t seen her all night and it’s getting late” Jarno mumbled.

“I thought she told you guys? She made other plans for a night out on the town?” Jukka’s mother replied, confused.
“You don’t say?” Jarno muttered. “Oh, well thanks Ma’am. Bye” he hung up the phone.
Jukka looked up at Jarno with hope. “Well, is she with mum or is she just running late? Or did she fall asleep?”
“Actually she has different plans. She’s going somewhere in town” Jarno said, not believing what he was saying. The friends lived about 5 minutes outside of the town, where all the stores and things were.

“Without us?” Jarppi asked, Jarno answered by slowly nodding.
“What the hell?” HP asked, stunned. None of them ever, especially Kat, made plans without at least telling the rest of the group.
“Come on. We’ll see if she’s home yet.” Jukka said, quite angrily. The others just followed him when he walked outside.
Drive us?” he looked at Jarno who ran back inside and grabbed his keys then joined the guys in the car.

Kat was, to her surprise, having an amazing time. She spoke to quite a few people, including a few boys who striked up conversation with her. She had met one that she adored. He was cute, nice, funny, he’d asked for her number and his name was Risko. He had similar passions to her and seemed to like her. They had both made it very clear that they weren’t looking for a one night stand or sex at all. They were talking for at least an hour and a half and Kat loved it.

“How much have you had to drink?” he asked her.
“More than I should have” Kat sighed.
“I could drive you home?” Risko offered. “I took a cab here and I’d rather you not killing yourself trying to drive” he joked. Kat giggled and nodded.
“That’d be really nice if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all” he replied, following her to Jukka’s car.

She gave directions and soon enough they’d arrived back to Kat’s house.
“You can come in for something to eat if you’d like?” Kat asked nervously. Risko smiled and nodded, following her in. They went to the kitchen, having a little discussing.
Kat reached and got the cake from in the cupboard but as soon as she closed the pantry door she was met by her brothers glare. She jumped back a little, frightened, and winced.

“Fuck, you scared me” she breathed, putting the cake on the counter.
“Where the hell were you?” Jukka spat, as Jarno and Jarppi joined him. “I went to the club.” Kat said innocently.
“Without telling us. Jesus we waited like 3 hours at Jarno’s, worried like crazy and you were out at a club? What the hell?” Jukka started to shout.

“Well, I wanted to do something alone” Kat stuttered. “And I’m s-“ she was cut off.
“I don’t care, you fucking coulda’ told us. Bad things, Katariina, we were thinking bad things had happened to you.” Jukka was now full on yelling. “I don’t know who YOU are, but please fucking leave now!” Jukka pointed Risko who was quick to walk out the door.

Kat wasn’t usually emotional, but she couldn’t help but tear up as she saw the door close behind Risko.
“YOU!” She shouted, pointed at her brother. “YOU FUCKING THINK I’M A CHILD. NO, YOU DO NOT CONTROL ME. IF I WANT TO MEET NEW PEOPLE BECAUSE I ONLY HAVE FOUR FUCKING FRIENDS AND ONE OF THEM IS MY BROTHER, AND I DON’T TELL YOU, ITS NOT A SIN! YOU’RE NOT MY PARENT!” Kat screamed before storming past HP who was coming out of the toilet and going into her room.

She had REALLY liked Risko, but there was no chance in hell she’d ever see him again.
‘He fucking ruins everything’ she thought in her head. ‘Jukka couldn’t handle not being the centre of attention, so he ruined it for me’ she cried to herself. That was the first time she cried herself to sleep.

Jukka stood there stunned, along with Jarno, Jarppi and HP who were just as confused and shocked.
“He was gonna bang her” Jukka decide a conclusion
“Huh?” Jarppi asked.
“That guy that was here, he was gonna try to fuck her. Thank god he’s gone” he sighed.
“We’re gonna leave. Maybe you should sleep” HP patted Jukka’s back and led the others out of the Hilden home. Jukka sighed and went to Kat’s door, but walked away to his room instead.