Sequel: Walls
Status: Finished, sequel coming soon.

So Much For Keeping This Just Friends.

Chapter 11

They had just finished playing Michelle's favorite song, coffeeshop soundtrack. She and Travis had spent the couple of minutes trying to get Danny to dance along with them, but he refused. They had fun while doing it, laughing the whole way through. Jack stole a couple of glances at the girl as he sang along to the words he'd serenaded her with in the shower that morning.
"Alright you sexy Mother fuckers! This is turning out to be a damn good night. You are doing a fine, fine job at getting the party started. It's even spread side stage. You want to come out and show us those moves again Minnie?" Alex spoke into the microphone when the song was finished. She shook her head vigorously, but neither Alex nor the rest of the band would have it.
"Minnie, Minnie, Minnie," Jack started to chant, making the crowd join in and Rian drummed out a steady beat. Travis grinned, grabbing her wrists and pulling her onstage with him. The crowd burst into yells as the two appeared.
"I think you guys know Travis from We the Kings and that pretty little lady there is Minnie Flyzik, Matt's baby sister. She's been on tour with us, learning to ropes to become a tour manager." The yells were heard through out the crowd as Jack started to strum on his guitar, holding back a smile.
"Now Minnie, I want you to shake that pretty little bum of yours to this next song. That goes for all of you guys out there too!" he told the crowd. "This next song means a lot to the four of us. It's about our home town. It's called For Baltimore!"
The familiar pattern of chords sounded out soon to be followed by Alex's voice. Travis joined his hands with Michelle's as the started hopping and twisting cheesily around to the music.
"YOU SAY SHUT UP AND TAKE MY HAND" she and Travis sang along before bursting out laughing. Alex gestured for Travis to come over and sing the chorus with her, leaving Minnie alone in the middle of the stage. Jack soon left his riser and joined her, chasing her around in little circles while he continued to play the song. He mouthed the words, staring at her intently as they continued to dance.
"So much for keeping this just friends, shut up and kiss me now..."
Minnie could have sworn that time stopped then and there. It was like the two of them were alone on stage. The room felt empty and she felt like she was lost in his deep brown eyes. Was Jack moving closer to her? Was he going to kiss her now? On stage? Surely Matt would see it. It would be all over the internet. Their secret would be revealed. They would be screwed. Her heart beat faster, her palms became sweaty and her breath hitched.
"And we carry on." Alex's voice brought her back to reality. Jack was backing away, a smile smile playing on his lips. He glanced back over his shoulder once he was back on his riser and grinned before turning back to the crowd. Had he felt that too? She wondered as she made her way side stage, trying to catch her breath. She couldn't tell if it was from the dancing or her little moment with the lead guitarist.
"Thank you Houston you guys were amazing. We love you all! Thanks for coming out! We'll see you all next time, we're All Time Low!" Alex yelled out into his mike. He threw whatever of his he could into the crowd while Jack was still trying to grab as many hands as he could. Minnie turned, not wanting to be caught in between Jack and Matt. She headed to the green room and found Travis on a laptop.
"Here she is now," he said, turning to look at Michelle. "Min, this is Lindsay. Linds this is Michelle Flyzik my new best friend," he grinned. The young brunette took a seat beside the ginger singer, peering at the blonde on screen.
"Hiya, I've heard so much about you. It's fun to finally put a name to the face," Lindsay said with a smile.
"You too!" Michelle replied. "Excited about tomorrow?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows at her. The blonde blushed and nodded.
"Yeah we were just talking about it. She's going to let me take her on a date after the show," Travis announced proudly. He was grinning at the girl with sparkling eyes, leaning against the back of the couch. Michelle couldn't help but feel a little envious. She found herself wishing that someone would look at her like that.
"You should come Michelle!" Lindsay said, interrupting her thoughts.
"Oh no, I couldn't. You haven't seen each other in a long time. I don't want to be a third wheel," Michelle quickly refused.
"We want you to be there," Travis seemed to insist. "I'll be spending my entire day with her. And we'll be in town for a couple days. You coming out with us one night won't hurt. Besides, I want the two of you to get to know each other."
Travis seemed to be looking at her with pleading eyes. What was he playing at?
"I really don't know guys," Michelle replied, looking between him and the girl on screen.
"Bring someone!" the second girl exclaimed. "It'll be like a double date!"
Michelle blushed as someone came to mind.
"You're seeing someone, aren't you?" Lindsay asked. "Ask him!"
"Travis!" Minnie exclaimed, slapping the boy on the arm. "You weren't supposed to tell anyone!"
"Sorry, I didn't mean too! She doesn't know who it is or the details. It may have just slipped out that I was trying to get my new friend together with someone."
Michelle grew quiet. It meant a lot to her that he was trying to get them together but what if she didn't want that? It would never happen. Besides, she was happy the way things were now...Right?
"I'm sure Jack will say yes" he murmured quietly, but apparently not quietly enough.
"Jack will say yes to what?" he boy in question asked as he shook his wet hair out like a dog. He was wearing a fresh pair of skinny jeans and no shirt, a wet towel hanging around his neck. His eyes flickered to Travis' arm that was resting on the back of the couch, behind Michelle. The redhead cleared his throat and sat up straight.
"Jack meet Lindsay," he said moving his arm to hold up the laptop. The girl waved and the guitarist broke out into a grin.
"How's it going?" he asked, walking over and taking a seat beside Michelle, a little too close to only be called friendly. Her eyes flickered between the two before she smiled at Travis.
"Not too bad. Travis and I were trying to convince Michelle to come out with us tomorrow night. We were supposed to go out with a couple of my friends but they bailed last minute. We didn't want a reservation for four to go to waste. She doesn't want to come alone." She paused a minute as Michelle glared at her. She knew what this girl was doing. She was good, really good. "You seem close with her, do you want to tag along?" she asked, confirming Michelle's suspicions.
"Would you want to Min?" he murmured quietly, staring at her intently. Did she? Did she want to go on a date with him? She shrugged lightly, still pondering it.
"We'll do it," he announced, turning to the screen smiling at the girl.
"Oh so you're just going to assume that I want that?" Michelle asked as Jack got up from the couch.
"I want to go, they want to go, and you're not going to let me go alone." He patted her head lightly and made his way out of the room.
"Problem solved," Travis announced, making Michelle glare at him.
"I'm looking forward to meeting you Lindsay, although I'm not particularly fond of you at the moment, I'll talk to you both later." She got up and followed the same root Jack had taken. She walked outside, making the young fan girls go into a frenzy as the back door open. Colussy was standing near the bus with his arms crossed. He turned to look at who was walking out and smiled at Michelle. He opened the door to the bus for her when someone called out her name. She turned to see a young girl walking towards her, clutching a phone, and what looked like to be her friend following behind her.
"Yeah?" Michelle asked.
"We were wondering if we could get a picture with you. We think you're insanely pretty and we follow you on twitter. You seem like a really great person." Michelle blinked at them a couple of times.
"Me?" she asked, making the two girls nod. She quickly glanced at Matt who simply shrugged and closed the bus door, waiting. The girls took turns taking pictures. They seemed to want something more, but didn't say anything.
"Did you enjoy yourselves tonight?" she asked, trying to get it out of them. Curious as to what they wanted to ask.
"Yeah, All Time Low shows are the best. You never know what to expect. We're hoping to meet them tonight....It would mean a lot to us. Do you know if they're coming out...?" the first one asked. Ah, there it was. The famous, 'I like you but only because of who you work for' act. She now knew what Danny was always talking about.
"I have no idea girls, I'm sorry. I hope they do for your sake," she turned to go back into the bus but they called out to her again.
"What's it like?" the second one asked. Okay, now she was getting pissed off. "I mean being a tour manager." Oh, well that was a surprise.
"A lot of work actually," she answered. "It may all look like fun and games but it's tough. You have to be in control of four boys, have them all in the right place at the right time. It's kind of like babysitting. Plus they make you party with them, but really don't care that you have to get up early the next morning while they don't" she laughed, making the girl grin.
"Do you have any advice for an aspiring tour manager?" she asked.
"Other than not drinking with the band? I say be as intimidating as you can. You need to get them wrapped around your finger, whipped even, if you want to have to least bit of control," Michelle suggested.
"Thanks, I'll keep it in mind," the young girl smiled.
"Why don't you tweet me that picture and I'll follow you back. That way if ever you have anymore questions you can DM me or something," Michelle suggested, feeling the need to take the girl under her wing.
"Yeah sure!" she agreed enthusiastically. "Do you think I could get a hug?"
"Of course!" The taller of the two pulled the younger one into a tight hug. She turned to offer one to her new little prodigy's friend but she seamed to have disappeared into the crowd that had gather around Travis, who shot her a grin.
"Are you guys dating?" the teen asked, quietly.
"Me and Travis? No, not at all. We're good friends though. We've bonded over a couple of things during tour," she explained.
"What about Jack?" she asked quietly, almost embarrassed. Michelle could tell she was genuinely curious.
"Nah, we're just friends as well." She said goodbye before heading into the bus thinking about the next night to come. Her and Jack were just friends, right? For now anyway...
♠ ♠ ♠
Not proof read blah,blah,blah.
Sorry for the filler, I wasn't sure what to write at first, but I've got an idea now. :)
Things should get interesting in the next chapter! :D

I need to thank the 119 readers I have and 32 subscribers! You guys make me so happy. Thanks for reading and I hope you are enjoying reading this as much as I am writing it!
Don't forget to leave a comment! I'd love to heard what you think or any ideas you may have!

New post in probably about a week! :) xx