
Dav'id (Chapter 2)

When we finally arrived at our destination, it was night. The stars were out, and no clouds could be seen. Just like in my dream. A wooden stake was set up in the center of the meadow we were in, and I was tied to it. I was told it was so I wouldn't try to escape once they were gone. After five minutes or so of this, they finally left, leaving a ring of torches around me so the dragon could clearly see it's pray.
Once they were gone, I tugged mercilessly at the rope, to no avail. I slumped, there was no way I could escape. I stared off at the trees, my hands unable to move like in the dream. Also like in the dream, the trees began to bend to a sudden wind. A dragon, white, landed in front of me. It was large, and had horns spiraling from the sides of it's head. It's eyes were cat-like, and its talons were black. It had sharp teeth, that were pearly white.
The dragon stared at me, and I stared back. I met it's gaze, unafraid. It just continued to stare. This got annoying after a while. I yawned, and the dragon seemed to be surprised.
I laughed. "Finally! A reaction. Are you going to kill me? I'd like to die quickly, if so."
The dragon's emotions were clear in it's eyes when I said this. First shock, then more surprise, and finally interest. It cocked it's head at me. It seemed to deliberate something for a moment, then took a few steps closer so that it was directly in front of me, only a few feet away.
"Now we're getting somewhere! Kill me quickly please."
Instead of killing me like I though it would, it started to shake all over. As I watched, the dragon morfed into a smaller form. It's scales grew pale and skin-like. It shrank into a human form, the horns receding into it's head. What stood before me now was a young man. He had long brown hair, and was quite fit. He was wearing a white cotton shirt, with green breeches. The only fancy thing he wore were the shoes, which were made of brown leather. Very expensive. He had pale skin, and his face was smooth and clear. He would be considered quite handsom in my village. He stared at me now with eyes that were orange. Orange eyes. Interesting.
"You're not afraid of me?" the dragon-boy asked. His voice was low and melodic, quite attractive. Of course, I don't stand a chance with this guy, but it couldn't hurt to notice these things.
"No," my voice was controlled and unemotional.
"Why?" His eyes changed color. They went from orange to grey. I also noticed that it was no longer interest that colored his tone, but confusion.
"I had something to prepare me." My dreams, of course.
I snickered. "Why should I tell you?" I don't want this guy knowing about my dreams.
"I could kill you, that might be why."
I raised an eyebrow. "You mean you're not going to kill me?"
"No, we dragons don't actually kill the people we are offered. We actually set them free. Usually they go back home, but the ones from here don't. They leave, go to another village or kingdom."
I rolled my eyes. "Figures!"
He was still confused. "Why?"
"They won't come back because next year they'd be caught and killed, for 'depriving the dragon' or some other nonsense. The king would come up with some reason, no matter how unreasonable it is." I sighed, then looked at the dragon with my own curiosity. "You sure do ask a lot of questions."
He shrugged. "I'm curious. I don't live with humans, after all. I live quite like one, though. All dragons do."
"Your turn to explain."
"I prefer my human form, as do all dragons. I live in a house, I eat human food, I sleep in a bed, and I have the same emotions as humans- with slight variations."
"You mean the eyes changing color thing?"
He smiled. "Yes, my eyes change color with my emotions and feelings. A dragon's eyes cannot lie. Our dragon form is mainly for fighting and travel." He folded his arms across his chest. "How old are you?"
"Sixteen, why?"
He ignored my question. "I wonder," he mumbled to himself.
The dragon walked around the stake, and changed one of his fingers into a dragon claw. He sliced the rope, and I stumbled forward. I massaged my wrists as he came back around to stand in front of me.
"Thanks," I said.
He nodded, watching my every move.
"There a reason you're staring?"
He shrugged. "I was expecting you to run away, I was wondering why you didn't."
"You're not scary, at least not in human form. Besides, I don't even know where I'm going yet. I can't go back to the village, I'll eventually get caught and killed. I have no idea where I even am!" I sat down and leaned against the stake.
The dragon-boy sat next to me. "I could help you."
My head snapped around to face him. "How?"
"There is something going on right now in my kingdom. You are the right age, so it is possible that you are destined to help stop it. I could bring you with me."
"Destined? To stop what?"
"I'll fill in the details later, do you want to come?"
I stared at my feet as I deliberated. What did I have to lose? "I'll come with you."
He smiled for a second, then stood. "What's your name?"
"Katie. What's yours?"
"Dav'id." Dav'id held out his hand to help me up.
I grabbed his and and pulled myself up. "Dav'id....I've never heard a name like that before."
"That's because only dragons have names like that. Anyone with an apostrophe in their name is most likely a dragon."
Dav'id stepped forward a few feet, then turned to face me. "This may be an odd way to travel for you, but it's the only way we can get there."
I nodded. "Whatever you have to do."
Dav'id smiled, and I noticed his eyes were now a light green. Dav'id changed into a dragon once again, and this time he was the same light green his eyes had been a moment ago. He jumped into the air with a cat-like spring, and when he was high up he swooped down and caught me around the waste with his claws. In moments we were flying, high above the ground with trees and villages passing beneath us. We covered miles with one wingbeat, and the wind blew in my face. To my surprise, I wasn't afraid. I loved it. It gave an odd thrill, one that coursed through my every vein.
I laughed as we flew further and further away from the only place I'd known my whole life, and further into the unknown.
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Yay! It's Dav'id!