Status: Hold On Till May.

Armas De Fuego

Chapter 1

It wasn’t the best day in the history of good days, but for Seattle, the day was looking damn bright. Mia was standing by the door of her own tour bus, waiting for the rest of Blitzkrieg to come out. It was funny how she was the girl in the group and yet they took more time than her to dress. They weren’t even going to perform. They were just going to the Band Meeting. They would sit around the venue and listen to their boss rant on about Warped traditions and the unity of music along the way. She admitted that she was pumped to see which bands would be coming—especially if it involved Avenged Sevenfold—but it was early and she was tired as fuck.

She felt the door open by her side, and she ran her green eyes through Felix’s figure. He was wearing his favourite black, ripped skinny jeans and a simple black shirt with his leather jacket, scuffing his boots on the floor of the parking lot. He was also wearing his make up, he probably wanted to either impress someone or scare someone.

“Hey, Felix,” she grinned, blinking as the wind made her dark, brown hair fall on her face.

Forest green—and brown, he was wearing his left contact—met her lime green and then they were hugging. She had arrived quickly and got out even quicker for a smoke, and now that she didn’t have any cigarettes left she had been waiting for her bandmates to come out. She had seen Steve, Harvey and Jaxon, but Felix had been in the shower. His frail body tightened around hers and then he was kissing her forehead, making her laugh.

“How have you been, Mi?” he grinned, blinking too to get the hair out of his eyes.

“Same old, same old, trying to entertain myself so I don’t think about touring too much.”

“Have you written anything over the break?” he asked, leaning against the bus.

“Just a few songs and a few tunes, nothing much,” she shrugged.

“At least you got something,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ve only been able to write a few lines out, haven’t got much inspiration lately.”

“We’ll find you your inspiration,” she grinned.

“Argh, I don’t want a girlfriend or boyfriend, alright?” he rubbed his face, though she knew he was smiling. “I’m married to music already.”

“Same here, buddy,” she nodded, and the door opened once again to let the three other resting bandmates come out.

Jaxon, the drummer of Blitzkrieg, was the smallest of the band. He was a blonde dyed brunette with mocha eyes that had captivated a lot of fans already. He was calm, nice, and the kid of the group. He was five years younger than Felix, the singer, who was twenty eight now. He resembled the guide of the band and had always taken care of any scandals that could endanger any of them. Harvey, the bassist, was a perverted git from Ireland, second oldest with flaming red hair that reached just under his ears, pale skin and stunning blue eyes. Steve was the rhythm guitarist, and he took special care of his brother Jaxon, both of them with the same eyes, only he kept his natural hair color. He had dated Felix back when they were fifteen, so they were really close.

And Mia was an average height girl with dark brown curls and really light green eyes. She had a slightly tanned skin and long piano fingers that helped her play her guitar well. Now she was free, as much as she could be when she wasn’t touring, and she couldn’t wait to start Warped.

“Alright, let’s go, fuckers,” she punched the air, walking towards the venue with Jaxon trailing behind her, book in hands. He was reading Angels and Demons, probably a left over of his Mortal Instruments philia he had had a few months previous. “Where are you?”

“Langdon is going under the institute with the chick and the professor,” he answered without even looking up.

“That part is kind of boring,” she winced.

“Nothing about a book is boring, Mia,” he answered.

“Sure thing, chap,” she giggled, ruffling his hair.

Mia and Steve spoke all the way to the venue about the bands coming and going. He talked fondly of Suicide Silence, a band that had lost their lead singer the previous year. She hadn’t known him, but Steve had, and he had been slightly melancholic around December and January. Harvey had downright cried and told her the entire story of Suicide Silence, as he was a huge fan of them and other bands like Of Mice and Men and You and Me At Six. Mia had listened and tried to console him, joking that all bands she loved were either dead or about to die.

“I think they found a singer,” Felix chirped. “I mean, Mitch was amazing, as a singer and as a person, and no one knows it more than me, but I think everyone needs to move on.”

“Yeah, I agree,” Steve nodded.

“Can we pass to a lighter tone, yes?” Mia begged. She hadn’t met Mitch, but she might as well have. She knew everything about him. “What about other bands? Is Avenged Sevenfold coming?”

“They’re not, Mi,” Felix threw an arm around her. “Sorry.”

“Then who is coming?” she curiously asked.

“Bands you don’t know, most of all,” different colored eyes stared right ahead just as they began to walk among skater bands and grunge. “I heard that Motionless in White are coming, and Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce the Veil, Of Mice and Men, Get Scared, A Skylit Drive, Attack Attack!, Bring Me the Horizon, Escape the Fate, Silverstein…”

“Silverstein?” Mia jumped slightly.

Felix grinned at her and nodded.

“Yeah, they’re coming this year. I thought they’d ditch, but they actually came.”

“That’s just fucking great,” she smiled. “I just wish bands like Rammstein came more often.”

“We are bands like Rammstein,” Steve piped in.

“No, we’re just like fucking Marilyn Manson,” Harvey started, but when Felix fixed him a glare he quickly backpedaled. “Not that there’s anything wrong with him.”

“Harvey, stop pretending you don’t like him,” Mia giggled.

“I can pretend all I want. After all, I’m the bassist.”

“Keep thinking like that and your guts will end up in the trashcan,” Jaxon laughed, looking at Felix. “You know Felix is highly sensible with that shit.”

“Alright, fine,” Harvey nudged “Did I offend you, my dear Mr. Hyde?”

“Of course not, Dr. Jekyll.”

“Good, becaus—”

“Everyone pay attention, please!” a voice called out, and all the bands in the venue turned to the man in the suit. Mia envied his long sleeves, but she just snuggled closer to Felix and listened in. “Warped Tour starts today!”

A loud chorus of cheers and drumsticks flew into the air. The man chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.

“Now, now, don’t get excited. We all know the tour won’t officially start until next week. But this three days you can all spend it to try and get to know each other. As individuals and as bands. Maybe you’ll find an old friend or two.”

“That actually sounds logical,” Steve mused, and Mia nudged him with a giggle.

“So to start, who would like to do a song?” he looked around and there was a sudden hesitation from the bands side of the venue. “Now, don’t be shy, I know a lot of you already.”

“Let’s do it,” Felix whispered in Mia’s ear before he raised his hands to his mouth and whistled loudly. “We’ll do it!”

“I hate you, Felix,” Jaxon groaned, closing his book.

“What song are we doing?” Mia asked him as they walked in the middle of the venue, smiling when they all got the attention. Maybe she’d bring the attention of Silverstein. She definitely knew that Felix was the most looked at, though.

“This Is the New Shit,” he quickly grabbed a microphone and the businessman nodded at them. “You guys ready?”

“I don’t like this guitar,” Steve wrinkled his nose at the borrowed instrument.

“Suck it up, then,” Jaxon snorted.

With that, the song began and her fingers moved along the strings.
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