Designer Skyline


“What is a world, one may ask? It is the absolute most common question that comes up. The definition has been obscured throughout our teachings. People ask me; “Is the known universe of a single being or is it more? What does it take to create a world?” This, my students, is the question we… you will be seeking to answer. What it takes to become god. See here, we have the plans for a new galaxy right here; The options and possibilities are endless when we connect and re-align the physics of different, alternate universes.”

School of the deities was the prestigious school of the all-powerful, the gifted architects of the universe. Graduates of this school were the creators of the galaxies.

Professor Nathan B. Urban was the professor of planets and the creation of life. He was short and balding, large glasses expanding his eyes to alarming sizes. His back as hunched over from so much desk work, but he was known as one of the most intelligent teachers at the school.

“You are the most promising students our school has to offer, which is why you have all been accepted into this final class. By the end of this term, you will have created your first galaxy. Your first assignment is to plan your first planet; the textures, the atmosphere, the world.”


George Dennis was a student, a very good student in fact. He sat at his desk, messy with work. He is making a draft, a beautiful design, a new galaxy. Papers were scattered all over the room a knock was heard at the door, “It’s open.” He called

Freya came in, George’s best friend. “What’s going on, G?”

“I’m reworking the math and measurements for the project professor Urban assigned me, I think I’m going insane! I half expect these collections of books and documents to arise and parade around my cluttered desk.” He wiped the sweat from his face and leaned back on his chair, crossing his arms over his chest and adjusting his eyes to the environment after his focus on the fine print.

Freya picked up a large slip of paper and looked it over, “G, these plans… they’re… How did you come up with this?”

George jumped up and took her hands in his. His eyes shone with the endless light of an empty galaxy and sparks flew within them. This both intrigued and frightened the young woman. “Freya; have you ever felt like you were meant to do something? That you were created to do something?” His hands held hers like a small child’s, afraid to get their first doctor’s appointment.

“G… what are you talking about?”

“This is my chance; my chance to do something meaningful!”

He grabbed a file full of plans and went back to his desk, Freya walked up beside him. “Come on, let’s go to Pan’s place; they’re having a party. You need to relax.”

“No! no, I can’t relax, not until I'm convinced these plans are picturesque.” He paused and smiled to himself, running to his desk and hunching back over it. His grin widened as he scribbled down some lines and words; “Like mountains in the Midwest.”