‹ Prequel: Diary of a Hunter

For the First Time


We're smiling but we're close to tears, even after all these years, we just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time…"

I grumbled as soon as I heard my alarm go off at 6:30 am. I reached over to my night table and hit the off button. I rolled over only to find another body in my bed. Shit! I had forgotten that Dean had stayed last night. We had talked for a really long time last night and had ended up just falling asleep. I didn't mind at all. We were taking things slowly. I got out of bed, careful not to wake Dean up and tiptoed to my bathroom. I turned the hot water on in the shower and began my daily morning routine.

I came out of the bathroom wrapped in only a towel to find Dean sprawled out on my bed, his hands behind his head, smirking up at me.

"Yep, of course you finally wake up when I'm naked. Great timing, Dean," I said sarcastically, clinging the towel to my wet body and rummaging through my drawers for something to wear today. We had a field trip but I was still expected to look teacher-ly. I decided on a grey pencil skirt with a white, ruffled, tank top-ish button up. Molly would be proud that I was being 'fashionable'.

"Where are you going?" Dean asked, sitting up in bed.

"I'm going to go change," I shrugged, simply.

"You don't have to leave. It's nothing I haven't seen before," Dean smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "We're taking things slow, remember? I let you stay over last night." I reminded.

"You did," Dean sighed.

"Mhm, and that usually does not count as slow but I caved anyways so let me just have one thing," I replied, before disappearing back into the bathroom. I put my clothes on and then began to blow dry my hair. I only did it enough so that my hair wouldn't drip everywhere. The rest of my hair could air dry. "Dean?" I opened the door to my bathroom and he wasn't on the bed anymore. I walked out of the bedroom and into the living room/kitchen area only to find him waiting by the toaster. "Hey, what're you up to?"

"Making breakfast," he replied. "Well… at least trying to."

I chuckled, "Well, you know, you just put a piece of bread in the toaster, push down the lever, and then the toaster really just does the rest of the work for you," I teased.

"Ha, ha, you're so funny," Dean replied, sarcastically.

"I'd like to think so myself," I said back. Dean leaned in and gave me a quick kiss.

"Wow, my elementary school teachers never looked this hot. I bet you're the teacher that all the boys have crushes on," Dean said, biting his lip as he looked me up and down.

"Dean, they're seven," I pointed out.

"Yeah, but when you go over to the high school. Man, those kids might actually pay attention to you," Dean remarked.

I rolled my eyes, "You know, I'm actually certified to teach high school English but ended up here in elementary. I was teaching high school English though back in New York after Syracuse." I got out a bowl from the cabinet and some cereal.

"See? You were the hot teacher that all the boys had a crush on!" Dean exclaimed.

I shook my head and laughed, "Dean, you are such a freak."

"I am not!" he defended playfully.

"You are," I replied. "Jesus, it's seven thirty, Dean. We went to bed really late last night. Do you want to go back to sleep or something? Sorry, I'm keeping you up."

"No, no, you're fine. I don't get much sleep anyways," Dean replied.

"Okay," I said, taking a spoonful of cereal and putting it into my mouth. I ate my cereal as Dean and I continued to talk. He had his fairly burnt pieces of toast which still made me laugh a little.

"Where are you off to anyways?" Dean asked as I got up out of my chair.

"School. I have to be there at eight. School regularly starts at 8:30 and we're going on a field trip to the Siouxland Heritage Museums to explore for most of the day. We should be back after lunch and then the kids have an arts and crafts/games day before they get out for their 'fall break," I explained, using air quotes around 'fall break'. "They have a four day weekend every fall."

"Ah. Sounds like fun," Dean said.

"Yeah. We'll just walk around and look at all the different exhibits and then talk about them. They basically just talk about what they liked and didn't like and then we glue stuff," I replied.

Dean chuckled, "When will I see you again?"

"Um, I don't know. Tonight… maybe?" I asked back. "Sorry, I really need to get ready."

"Right," Dean said. I hurried in my bedroom searching for my pair of reasonable black heels that I used for teaching sometimes.

"Dean, have you seen my black heels?" I yelled from the bedroom.

"No!" he yelled back.

"Aha!" I said, finding them. I slipped them on my feet and then an idea came to me. My heels click against the floor as I came out of the bedroom. "You know, we could always use more chaperones."

Dean just sat there at my kitchen table, "Yeah?"

"Yeah. You could come along- only if you wanted to, that is!" I said, clarifying.

"Okay, sure," Dean said, smiling a little.

"Okay, so… I'll meet you at the elementary school. You may want to go home and change or something. Not that you need to, just if you want to," I said, chuckling at how stupid I thought I sounded. "Anyways, um, how about I meet you over at the school at 8:15?"

"Sounds great. And has anyone ever told you that you ramble?" Dean asked.

"Yeah," I giggled.

Dean just kissed me.

I allowed myself to indulge in the kiss for a little while longer before pulling away, "I should get going. Head over the school."

Dean's lips curved into a small smile, "Okay. I'll see you in about twenty."

I nodded, "Okay." I was giddy inside and almost couldn't contain what I was feeling.

No one could ruin this day for me.

~3rd Person POV~

Dean tried not to make too big of a sound while coming in through the front door of Bobby's. Everyone was still asleep – at least he hoped so. Dean tiptoed up the stairs. He was safe. He reached his room and right when he reached for the doorknob, he jumped.

"Where've you been all night?" Sam asked, worriedly. "I've been trying to call you all night! What the hell?

"Shhhh," Dean said. "I turned my phone of, sorry. I kept getting these… oh, that was you. Sorry." Dean chuckled as Sam rolled his eyes, annoyed.

"Well you could've at least told me that you were fine. Dude, you were out all night," Sam sighed.

"Look, I was fine. I was… taking care of some stuff," Dean said.

"You mean…?" Sam asked, raising his eyebrows. His brother suspected that he had done the typical thing. He had gone out to a bar, flirted with everyone woman in the bar and then took the first woman that threw herself at him home.

"Yeah," Dean lied. He wasn't going to tell Sam about him and Meredith yet. He wanted to wait so they could tell Bobby and Sam together. Not only that but he knew his brother would make fun of him if he told him that they were together last night and didn't have sex. "You happy? I'm going to bed, okay?"

Sam laughed, "That's… I don't need to know the details. I'm just glad you're alright."

"Dude!" Dean called out.

"What?" Sam asked.

Dean just shook his head, smirking, "Nothing. I'm going to bed, Mom." Sam gaped at Dean's remark as Dean turned to go into the room that he had been staying in at Bobby's. He had promised Meredith that he'd be over there in twenty minutes. He wasn't going to let up on that. Although he knew she forgave him, part of him felt like he was going to really have to prove it to her that he wasn't going to hurt her this time.

And he hoped to God that he wouldn't.

~End 3rd Person POV~

Dean walked towards the school as he saw the two yellow school buses parked at the side of the school. He could see the high school in the distance. Boy, this brought back memories. Once he got past the buses, he saw flocks of little seven year olds running and round in the front of the school and teachers standing around talking to each other or to the kids.

"Hey!" I said, as soon as I saw Dean. I couldn't help but get those butterflies again. Ugh, Dean being back was so good but at the same time, so bad. I was acting like a lovesick school girl and that was not the way a 27-year old woman should be acting.

"Hi. Wow, this is… a lot of kids," he said.

"Well all of second grade is going and we have about four classes. I don't know how we're going to fit them all on two buses," I said back.

"So just one question," Dean started.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Am I allowed to kiss you here?" he asked, leaning in towards me.

"Mmm, I don't think so," I answered, giggling as I created a bit more physical distance between the two of us.

"Damn. Well we are taking it slow," Dean said.

I chuckled, "Alright, can my class come here for a second? I want to introduce you to someone?" I asked my kids.

"Hi Miss Summers," they all said.

"Hey guys. This is my friend, Dean. He's going to be a chaperone on this trip. He's pretty cool so you all should talk to him," I replied. I shot a glance over in Dean's direction and he looked a little overwhelmed at the idea of responsibility over kids.

"Are you a motorcycle rider?" one kid asked.

"No, why do you ask?" Dean asked.

"You're wearing a leather jacket. My dad wears a leather jacket and he wears a motorcycle. My mom says that I can't have one until I have a motorcycle," one of my kids, Jacob asked.

Dean laughed a hearty laugh, "You're a tough guy, huh?"

"Yeah," Jacob replied.

"Well just make sure that when you do get that motorcycle that you're very careful. You have to always wear a helmet," Dean reminded.

"That's what my mom says," Jacob pouted.

"Well she's right," Dean said back. "What's your name?"

"I'm Jacob," he replied.

"I'm Dean," Dean said back, sticking his hand out. Jacob took his hand and shook it a couple of times. "Easy there, kiddo. You're gonna break my hand."

I laughed, watching the two interact. To my surprise, he was great with the kids. Another kid came up and he engaged with the both of them. I was shocked but at the same time, not at all. I was happy.

"Hey, who's the hot guy?" asked one of my colleagues Tegan. Tegan was thirty five and probably the closest to my age out of the teachers at the school.

"Hey, you're married," I pointed out.

"And by husband would appreciate my great taste," she replied.

I laughed, "His name is Dean. He's a… friend, well, sort of. We're… trying it again."

"Wait, Dean as in the guy you dated back in high school?" she asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Huh. Well good luck. He's cute. And he's great with the kids. He a big family man? He probably wants a ton of kids," she said.

"I-, we haven't even talked about that," I said back.

"Well, you may be in luck with this one," she noticed.

The museum had been a success. All of the kids had loved running around and they all really liked Dean. We got back to the classroom and I didn't even know where to start so Dean stepped in and proposed a game.

I stood and watched as the majority of the kids lined up on the far side of the classroom. Dean and another one of my students, Danny, stood on the other side.

"Now, Danny. If I get called over there and I don't make it back, I want you know that you have been the best teammate a guy could ever ask for," Dean said, looking Danny straight in the eye. His heartfelt speech made me giggle. Danny nodded at Dean and the two held hands. I had to keep myself from 'aw'ing.

"Red rover, red rover, send Dean right over!" the kids on the other side yelled. Dean got up.

"Ah!" he exclaimed, running towards them. "Oh no!" The kids all laughed and jumped on Dean as Dean fell on the floor. He laughed as the climbed all over him and I laughed too.

"Okay, okay, kids. Go line up to go for a bathroom break with Mrs. Hastings," I said, motioning over to my teacher's assistant who was waiting at the door.

"Aw," they said, but then hurried over to the door.

"Single file line and you guys have to be quiet in the halls please. Careful, walk," I said, as the all dispersed. Mrs. Hastings led them out of the room to go the bathroom.

"Phew. I don't know how much more attacking I could take," Dean sighed with relief. I laughed and offered my hand out to him. He took it and hopped to his feet.

"Good call on the red rover thing. I had like five games going through my mind and couldn't decide on one. You're a natural, you know that?" I asked, smiling.

"They're good kids. I had fun," Dean replied.

"You're going to make a great father some day," I nodded.

"Woah, I thought we were taking things slowly," Dean teased.

"We are!" I exclaimed, laughing.

"But if you want to get some practice in…" Dean smirked.

"Slow," I reminded.

"We can do it slowly, baby. We can do it whatever you want it," he said, his lips touching my neck.

"Dean, not now," I groaned, giggling. I pushed him away but he held my hands in his, swinging them back and forth.

"So what's next?" Dean asked, happily.

"Well, you got the time? I've got the macaroni," I replied.

"Sounds perfect," Dean replied.

"Macaroni necklaces it is," I said. He smiled and then kissed me quickly before the kids came back in and saw their teacher kissing her boyfriend.
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Long time no post, I know. I'm getting back on it, I promise!!