The Forgotten Princess

Lock Picking (Chapter 2)

Two days later, I walked through the trees, the sun shining dimly through the leaves. I paused once to rest my feet, leaning against a tree.
It's really my fault what happened next, I wasn't paying enough attention to my surroundings. In that moment I was swept up into a net, the hidden bell ringing. It was probably meant for small animals, but if it was the people who came running didn't mind.
A large burly man and a small woman ran to the net, pausing when they saw I was in it.
"What should we do with her, Draman?" the small woman asked.
The man began to poke me with a stick. "I suppose we should keep her, she'd make a good servant lady," he answered.
"Oh, good! I've never had a servant before!" The woman was jubilant.
"Excuse me?" I said, playing the part of a scared young girl. "Could you please let me go? My ma will be expecting me home soon."
"Quiet down, lass!" said the woman. "You got caught in our trap, so we own you!"
Oh yeah, that made sense- in a parallel dimension. Since when do you own the humans who get caught accidentally in traps? Animals, I understand, but humans?
"She'll be perfect for impressing that nobleman visiting the village, having servants always impresses." The woman began to search through the branches of the tree, until she found the little bell that had been ringing loudly until now. She pocketed the little thing, and began to walk away. The man undid the net from the tree, throwing it-and me- over his shoulder.
I was carried to a little cabin, and was thrown into a small back room.
"You will stay here," the woman said. "If you try to escape, my husband will use the switch on your hide."
The man, who's name was Draman, I believe, pulled a switch from his belt.
I widened my eyes, trying to look afraid. Apparently, months of impersonation practice pays off. The woman told her husband to put the switch away, and they exited. Before closing the door, the woman said she would be having me serve supper tonight. Then she locked and bolted the door.
I took this time to survey my surroundings, taking in every nook and cranny. It was a small room, with a hard wooden couch along the wall. No better than a bench. The rest of the room was bare, the only light was from a candle. There was about the amount of space left in the room with the couch as there would be seen in a closet.
I stretched out my legs in front of me. I would wait until the rest of the house was asleep later tonight, then I would sneak out. Simple as that, and it made the chances of getting caught slim. I examined the lock on the door. Simple to undo, my magic could easily pick it. I sprawled onto the couch. I could use my extra time to relax, and figure out what I was going to do once I was out of here. I would have to find my phoenix, Firefly, and make sure she was getting enough to eat on her own. She probably missed me, I hadn't seen her in a while.
I thought about these things for a while, and the man and woman eventually came back.
"You'll be serving supper tonight," the woman said, "And be sure you're careful not to spill. We have a guest tonight, a nobleman. You'll do well to mind your manners, need I remind you of the consequences?" She indicated Draman, who was fingering the switch.
I nodded, putting on the act once again of a scared peasant girl. Draman grabbed my arm, and pulled me to my feet. I was lead to a small kitchen, where several plates of food were set up. I was told to bring in the food, not to say a word, and to exit. I nodded, and they left to the dining room. I carefully balanced the plates on my arms and in my hands, then I carried them into the dining room.
I almost dropped the plates right there. The nobleman guest was none other than sir Jonathan. I tilted my head, allowing my hair to fall into my face, and walked forward. I placed each carefully, and quickly made my way out. Not before noticing, though, the odd look he gave me. Either he had recognized me, or he thought I looked familiar. Please let it be the second one.
I listened carefully to the conversation they were having from outside the doorway, and my fear was recognized when Jonathan asked his hosts how long they had had me as a servant. When they told him I was newly acquired, Jonathan just seemed more suspicious.
I walked away then, heading into the kitchen. Jonathan was getting too close, he was becoming much too suspicious. I had to leave now, or risk having him find me and question me.
I walked to the backdoor, which was, unsurprisingly, locked. Probably so the new servant wouldn't try to make an escape, not with the only other way out being through the dining room to the front door. I would just have to undo the lock.
There are several ways to do magic, and that depends on the caster. Some have to touch what they're casting on, some have to be far away from it, and some have to do really awkward and strange things to cast magic. I wouldn't say what I have to do is strange, but it's still awkward. I have to kiss the thing I'm casting on, then I speak a special word that triggers what I want to happen or what I want it to do. Depending on what I want, I may have to say several words, sometimes in other languages, in order for it to do what I want it to. The part about speaking and the trigger word applies to all spell casters, it's just the bonus movement that varies. When I do my bonus movement, my lips get warm and sometimes glow, depending on how much magic I'm using. For all casters, at least one part of them will heat up like my lips, usually if you have to touch the thing your casting on, the part that touched it will be what heats up.
I bent down and kissed the lock on the door. When I pulled back, I whispered, "Open."
A small warmth flooded my lips, then the lock came undone, and the door opened. I smiled, this was getting too easy. I was so good that it took little magic, and barely any warmth flooded my lips. When I first learned my lips would glow like fire when I did the magic.
I exited through the door, and ran to the woods in the back. When I believed I was far enough away, I leaned against one of the trees. It wasn't long before I heard what I was listening for, and the woman's shrieks of anger rang clearly in my ears despite the distance. How much fun it would be for her when she explained that her own servant had escaped her, and in less than a day! I grinned, if only I could see that. Unfortunately, I couldn't. I had too much to do. I had to get to the Elvin city of Corothortis.
I pulled myself up, and whistled into the air. "Firefly! Come girl!"
It only took a few moments for the phoenix to arrive, and she settled on my shoulder.
"There, girl." I stroked her feathered head. "How have you been? Getting enough to eat?"
Firefly chirped, which I took to mean yes. She closed her eyes, and chirped once more. Firefly fell asleep on my shoulder, and I started to walk towards Corothortis; Firefly in such a deep sleep that she didn't stir as I walked.
If I was lucky, Jonathan would think he was wrong about what he had seen. And he wouldn't come after me, he had too much on his plate already. After all, he was looking for The Forgotten Princess, wasn't he? I smiled, he had no chances of finding her.
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I love Firefly! So cute!