Status: My second story. I would love it if you guys would comment and tell me what you think. also read my first story When all has fallen

Beautiful Lies

day at the park

CC's pov:

October 12th

I was sitting on the swing set next to jinxx.

" Do you wanna ask her out." He said looking at me.

" nah man, I think we should stay friends." I said taking a swing at my monster. I looked at him briefly and looked at my can.

" then why did give her a teddy bear roses?" Jinxx said referring to this morning when me and him snuck in her house to do that.

" I just always wanted to that to somebody. I almost did it to ash on his birthday." I said swinging a little. I looked over at him. He was laughing.

" I guess you don't like her." He said through his chuckles.

" hey guys, you owe me twenty bucks each!" He yelled. I watched them all pull out their wallets and walk over.

" why,CC, WHY!!" Andy said handing jinxx all the twenty dollar bills.

" I don't know man." I said starting to swing higher. I was swinging really high now. I saw Adrianna running down the street. She was waving her hand on the air.

" Hi CC!" She yelled. I watched her golden brown hair flow in the wind. She finally made it to the park. I saw something smaller chasing her.

" wait up Adri!!" The small child yelled. She stopped next to Adrianna. She waved at us trying to catch her breath along with Adrianna.

" hey guys, this is my sister emmie." She said patting her shoulder.

I watched ash walk up to her and pull her into a hug. He also hugged her sister.

" hey." Me, Andy,jinxx, and Jake said as one.
I walked up to Adrianna and hugged her.

" come swing with me." I said grabbing her hand. I sat on the swing. She was about to sit on the swing next to me but Andy sat there and jinxx was sitting on the other one.

" sit here." I said patting my lap. I know what they were doing. I started swinging getting higher and higher. She shifted herself so that she was sitting side ways. She threw her hands in the air and start yelling awsome, CC go higher.
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Chapter three in one day.