Status: Ongoing

On Fire


The stars and the moon are hidden behind a dark cloud, which makes the night much more lugubrious than it is already. A shadow follows the scent of a young girl, whom his Master demanded him to find. Her recognizable perfume pilots him and takes him wherever she went. He must follow his orders and he cannot fail, or his Master will punish him. Suddenly his eyes roll back in their sockets as he recognizes another aroma, which is irresistible for a creature like him. Blood. He looks at the alley nearby and his instincts take him there. He sniffs and figures that it is her blood, because her scent fits perfectly in this metallic aroma.
'Her scent is strong here,' he thinks, while walking through the alley. He tries to resist the red liquid, which he can see from his point of view, but he unfortunately fails. He runs as fast as he can and when he reaches the old, brown red blood, he gains his control again.
'Focus, your Master would be very disappointed.' He sighs and he looks around him. In front of him is a giant wall, easy for him to climb. Did she jump off for some sort of reason? He sniffs and touches the wall with his fingertips.
'She's still alive,' he thinks. He goes on his knees and he gently touches and rubs the bloodstain. He lifts his hand and brings it to his nose. He sniffs again and he looks up to the dark cloud. His master will be proud of him, because he found her. And he found her because it's just been two to three hours that she was here.
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Hello everyone!

This is the first story I publish on this website. I'll sure be posting as much chapters as Heike and I can handle.

I'm writing this one with a friend of mine, so we hope you'll enjoy our story. :)

We're sorry if you find mistakes and I'd like to correct them for you. We're Dutch, so... Yeah. :P

Have fun reading our original story! :)

xx Heike and Eline ^_^