Status: Ongoing

On Fire

Chapter 4

Helia looks for a clock, but finally she finds three identical clocks. The two clocks on the outside muzzier than the one in the middle. She sees double.
‘Damn,’ she sizzles. She can’t see how late it is. It’s too vague. She goes on with watching to the clock and realise that she has to vomit because of that. Abruptly she let here cold pack fall, darts out of the teacher room, to the girls toilet. She throws the toilet door open and the liquid flows out of her mouth into the toilet. She coughs, because of the taste of heartburn. She cleans her hands with her white sweater, which is also covered with blood stains. She turns around; to leave the ladies’ room, but someone blocks the road. She sees that it is Katy and pushes her rude away. Her head pounds as if there is a thunderstorm inside it and she isn’t in the mood for a conversation with her. She wants to walk through the door towards the entry, but Katelynn and Jane guard it.
‘It stinks here,’ Katelynn says.
‘It smells like your puke!’ shouts Jane, while little drops of spit land at Helia’s face. Brutally the two toy dogs turn Helia around and hold her.
‘I have forced labour because of you, Helia. Forced labour and hangover. A whole month.’ Katy walks towards Helia, while pointing her freshly manicured finger. ‘I have to clean up mess, like your vomit, and that’s all your fault!’
‘You provoked it.’
‘No, you did! And you will atone for it!’ Katy grabs a trimmer out of her purse. Helia’s eyes turn wider. Nobody touches her hair. Even the hairdresser has to try hard to cut her hair. Katy switches the trimmer on with a big, mean grin on her face. The thing makes an awful sound.
‘Let me go!’ Helia screams. But it has counterproductive results. She resists, but it doesn’t help.
‘I never shaved someone before. What if I cut your ear by accident?’ Says Katy quasi concerned.
‘Try it, if you dare!’ grumbles Helia terrified.
‘Do you invite me?’ The trimmer comes closer to her head.
‘I don’t want to lose my locks of hair!’ Helia thinks afraid. Suddenly her nose itches. She sniffles. This isn’t the right moment to sneeze! The itch becomes worse and she can’t hold it any longer.
‘What are you doing?!’ Katy sizzles. Helia closes her eyes, pitches forward as she sneezes and feels an enormous heat in front of her head. Katelyn and Jane release her and shout out loud and when she opens her eyes Helia sees that the trimmer is on fire, and also Katy’s blond hair. She looks up before she screams out.
‘You spit fire, you freak! My hair my beautiful hair!’ Katy runs to the sink and her dogs run behind her. The burning trimmer lays on the floor and Helia wobbles backwards. What was that? The bell rings and Helia runs away. Sickness overwhelms her and her head is thumping awfully, but she has to go to Andrews’s locker. ‘What was just happened? Were they joking with her? Spitting fire is impossible! I can’t believe it! I’m not going to tell anyone about it. If Katy tells it to anyone I will deny it. I don’t want to think about this anymore! I want to forget it. No! I will forget it. I have to. I want to free run, but I’m not allowed to. What should I do?’ When Helia arrives to Andrew’s locker he just closes it.
‘Are you all right?’ Andrew asks worried when he sees that Helia closes her eyes and holds her head. ‘Yeah, I’m fine. Give me two aspirins with a glass of water, so we can go free runring.’
‘Are you sure? What did the doctor say to you?’ He asks. He put his hand on her shoulder.
‘That I'll get a black eye,’ she answers truthfully, because she really can’t lie.
‘And nothing,’ Helia tries while looking away.
‘Helia.’ Andrew looks strict to her. She takes a deep breath.
‘I have a “slight concussion” and I actually have to lay down and rest. But I don’t want to,’ she pleased. ’Our plan was to test that new novelty by free running and I really want to know how it works. We run to Central Park and then I go home, okay?' Andrew sighs.
‘Fine. But not too long!’
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey readers,

We hope you enjoy our story. Sorry if there are any mistakes in the chapters we write.
Have fun reading! :)

xxEline and Heike