The Script

The Option

there once was a script, this script was no ordanairy script if you read it out loud you would be given many riches, but there had to be a catch. every time somone read it somone randomly would die, anywere, anyone. many peopled tried so many people died. eventually the script had killed so many people it was locked away in a safe this safe was buried at the very bottom of the ocean, so it would never be seen again. but that did not happen there is still one final story to tell. a group of men were fishing on a boat, the boat started swaying and eventually the boat was found the next day on a shore closs by.

people see this sort of stuff every day on the news but when one man saw it he was sure it was the script. he searched through old records and found the same thing had happend just after the script was buried. so he got a boat ready for the next day. no one was willing to go with him so he went alone. he worked all night on the boat making sure there was no way it could sink. as soon as the sun started rising he headed off. by the time he had reached the place were the safe was buried it was noon. he started getting into his wetsuit, and getting the oxygon ready. the water was getting rough. he dived in and down to the area it was located. he started digging and digging. he hit somthing hard, then started digging around the large metal object. when most of the sand was gone he swam back up to the boat. he grabbed the harnis and swam back down. he attached the harnis to the volt and swam back up to the boat. he pulled his self up onto the boat and started pulling the rope.