The Script

is it the way to go?

when the volt finaly got to the top he basked in its glory. he was staring at the box when his mobile rang he picked it up "hello?" said the man,
"whats your name sir?" asked the caller,
"oh my names alfie green." he exlaimed.
"we would like to interveiw you when you reach the shore!" the caller answered,
"how? why? what?" alfie Questioned,
"the script, you have it." he replied,
"yes but how..."
"you would be surprised what we know." he inturuppted
then the caller hung up. alfie sighed and started up the boat.

he was riding along and saw a glimps of the shore, it was lined with thousands of people. alfie stopped the boat and walked over to the volt, he tried the code but got it rong. "i have to work this out when i get back." he said to his self. he sat on the little wooden bench, and thought about what he should do. he finally stood up and started up the boat. when he reached the dock he was suroonded by a ring of policmen. people were shouting at him to open it. so he gave the box a shake and it flung open.