Once in a Life-Year

Chapter 4

“We! Are going to stop here!” Luke sang, “There is a waterfall we can wash up in, since we all look fairly dirty and stink! So let us set up camp, Anabella, you head off first!” He pointed her in the right direction and the grey-eyed man said nothing. Just watched her go. They had traveled a fair distance, though if they turned around now, it would only take a days time to make it to the town; a day and a half at latest. Free food, promise of gold, and a free ride; all he could ask for is a brothel to follow him.
“She is sweet is she not?” Luke hummed tying up her horse and his own, he was watching the grey- eyed man watch her.
“No.” He said, tying up his own horse.
“Pretty too.”
“Not at all.” Luke had his customary grin on his face,
“A real lady.”
“No way.”
“I am Luke.” He said suddenly, the grey- eyed man was startled at the change of subject,
“Don’t say much do ya?” Silence. “Come with me.” Luke hearded Andrew in the direction of Anabella. They came to a clearing and noticed animals, deer, chipmunks, birds, yars – an interesting sort of animal, similar to deer their fur was brown with white spots on their back, but they were small.. like cats, they had big ears and big eyes, they had paws similar to a lemur, a long brown and white striped tail as well. Fat as a raccoon, quiet as a hunter. They let out a long whistle like a bird when they find their prey. Mice, squirrels, chipmunks, birds; something smaller than them. They travel in pairs. All of the animals they were running into chattered excitedly, going their direction, they wondered what the commotion was about until they heard a sweet hum. A female singing very quietly, but it could be heard from a distance away.
“That’s Bella!” Luke said quietly.
“Can’t…be.” Andrew whispered uncertainly. Her? The abrasive, wild, boyish, thing? She could not sound so…. Nice. They advanced, hiding in the bushes when they could see the water.
“How many days? How many nights? Looks like we made it. Promises are waiting, they’re taking tiiiime. Looking through that glass, I wait! I waited and waited and waited and waited… And here I am.” She broke off into a hum they could not hear, a muffled gurgle from the water as she pulled dirt and dried Tzarm goop from her hair. She was behind the waterfall, they both realized that they could see her silhouette when they shouldn’t be able to. The sun was behind the waterfall, they shouldn’t be able to see through the fairly thick falls. Why could they? She went quiet. She stepped out from behind the waterfall, Luke grunted.
“What?” Andrew turned his head to Luke.
“She’s behind a tree, you cannot see her!”
“I don’t need to see her, I would rather look at-“
“Look!” Luke pointed over the bushes, Anabella walked out with cloth trousers and a corset. Andrew sucked in a breath. Her red hair was dark, but filled with a light wave as she rung it out and began to braid it.
“Told you. But you knew that already didn’t you?”
“Told me what? She is still ugly. I’m leaving.” He abruptly stood and left, Luke quick on his heels.
“Wow, right? Better than any brothel girl!” Andrew cut his eyes to Luke in a glare.
“No.” Luke shoved him.
“Stop lying to yourself, man. You aren't so tough.” They reached the camp about the same time as Anabella, they had walked a half circle so they came in on different sides. Her braid was finished and was laying over her shoulder. She looked stronger than she had when he had caught her. She looked stronger than when she had seen James in the brothel and melted. She was serious. She walked up to him. To Andrew. Not to her captor. Not to her enemy, nor her friend. To just Andrew.
“I want my sword.”
“Do you, now?”
“Give me my sword.”
“Make me.” She did not move for the longest time, they stood each other off. She turned and began toward his horse; he grabbed her right arm, “I wouldn’t do that.” She turned, grabbing his wrist with her left arm she twisted his arm behind him, shoved him forward into a nearby tree. She leaned in close, angry, defensive, and whispered,
“Do not touch me again. You got lucky. Not any more.”
“Now, Anabella…” Luke began, she let him go and stepped back,
“He started it.” She whimpered, Andrew looked at her and she was not what he had just seen. She was just a girl. She had a smirk on her face as Luke reached up to pull her braid, “Hey!” She reached for his ponytail, they mock-fought. Whishwhash. What was that? He looked to his left. Trees. A shadow. When had it gotten so dark? It began to growl. She looked to the shadow, her eyes wide with- shock? Luke placed an arm in front of her protectively.
“Shoo!” He said.
“She’s mine.” She said quietly. The dwarf, who had been forgotten about spoke up,
“You lie. This breed does not take to humans. This is an Ahnna wolf, they only submit to fairies, pixies, and elves. And themselves. What are you?” She only glanced at him before heading for the wolf, Luke tried to stop her, and she passed a glance before pushing past him. In a quiet whisper, almost like she was hoping. Almost like she was wishing, “Luca?” Luke looked at her, his eyes wide. He was shocked her wolves name was Luca. “Luca?” She repeated, the dog bore its teeth, and growled a little louder, but laid down. She sat down, the wolf sounded angry, he snarled. Luke stepped forward and the wolf stood up,
“Luke, back up!” How she knew it was Luke was a good question, Luke took a step back and motioned for Andrew to step forward, but he did not move. He wanted to see what would happen. She sat there moments longer before continuing. He could feel her emotion, a mix of joy, of pain, shock, love, most powerful was love, “Luca, baby, come here.” The wolf seemed to feel it too, it stopped growling and crawled to her, slowly wagging its tail. “Jack. I am human. And this is my wolf. Her name is Luca.” She stood up and turned to the three stunned males, she traced her steps, the wolf stepping on her heels, to the fire and laid down, her head on the wolf.
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*sigh* boys...