Once in a Life-Year

Chapter Five

She was interesting when she slept. She never sat still. Her face was troubled. She turned her head again. Cold sweat dripped down her face, she whimpered. The dwarf glanced at her, the same time as the other two. They each saw her twist and curl, saw her shake and tremble.
“Maybe we should take her home?” She sat up, her braid had come undone, her hair dramatically flipped over her shoulder as she unsheathed her sword. One fluid-like motion and she was on her feet, bearing arms to the forest.
“They are here.” She said solemnly. Her wolf, Luca, stayed on the ground, she had gone back to sleep. Luke walked up to her,
“My sweet. No one is here.” His hand slipped down her arm and loosened the sword,
“But the trees… they are restless. They warned me. Someone is coming.”
“Go back to sleep.” Luke told her softly, she put her hand on the tree. A strike to her arm, the smell of blood lifted into the air; She cried out and fell to the floor grabbing her head. The wolf looked off into the distance, she growled; half-heartedly. And then it neared. She leaped up and loud out a large snarl. She snapped her jaws together. Andrew grabbed his sword. Ana screamed, a cold, piercing scream. She kicked, she wanted away from whatever was near her. It didn’t belong. She arched her back and clawed at her head, she began to scream but was cut off. Her back was to the wall before any of them had seen it. She met eyes with a person? She was enthralled. Interested. He was handsome. He let her go, he smiled at her- it stopped her heart. Luca made a noise, so she looked at the wolf. She was afraid again. She tried to step back, but he was gone when she looked up. They were all staring at her wide-eyed.
“Who- no- what was that?” Luke asked her, Jack was bristling,
“How did you know he was here? Why did you provoke him? Who are you?” She rolled around the tree and ran. Andrew followed without a second thought.
“Hey!” He called, she continued to run, he didn’t try to catch her; he stayed close. She ran until she hit the other side of the river, once she made it there she fell in a heap of tears and scratches and gasps. New bruises were being formed but she didn’t care. She fell over herself, her face on her arms. As she lay there she hadn’t heard him run up, she had thought she had lost him. She let out a choked sob. He knelt to touch her but hesitated. Why would she accept comfort from him? Why did he want to comfort her? Why did he follow her? She sucked in air,
“Eff Hur- G-g-gonywa…” She tried to speak, which seemed to make her worse. He slipped his arm under her and grabbed her upper arms. He pulled her up and into his chest. They sat there until a while after she stopped crying. Long after the sun had set. They didn’t speak. They didn’t really move either.
“If you have something to say, say it.” She said finally, it was a firm statement, it meant she was ready for a verbal punch, whereas earlier she wasn’t, she had been hit physically and then asked questions that she felt like were attacks. She pushed away from him and stood, he stood and looked her over for a moment. She was tense, she wouldn’t look at him, she had tears in her eyes still. She was definitely more girl than he took her for. He took another minute to look her over. What should he say? What are you? Who are you? Did you call him there?
“Are you okay?” His question caught her off guard, she turned, and she played tough.
“Of course.” Her voice shook, she shook; She lied.
“Then let us return.” He walked past her and stopped just at the trees, “Are you coming?” Her face puffy and flushed she jogged up to him and followed him back to the camp. Her eyes were downcast when they made it back to camp, morning light had just broken through the sky and she was exhausted. Andrew was as well… Not that he would admit it. Everyone was asleep when they returned, so they said nothing when they returned, separated to their sides of the remains of the fire. He sat down slowly and closed his eyes, whereas she watched him. Why did he follow her? She glanced at where Luke slept, had he sent him? Why hadn’t he gone? Jacks voice echoed in her mind, How did you know he was here? Why did you provoke him? Who are you? Tears gathered to her eyes as his voice echoed through her mind, she wondered the same. Who was she? Why did she know? Did she provoke him?

Luke was the first to rise. They were back! He smiled, she was sleeping against a tree; a leaf had fallen on her hair, which covered her face. The braid she always tried to keep it in never stayed. He found her particularly sexy with her hair down and considered taking advantage of her while everyone slept. He glanced at Andrew; he would kill him. He might kill him if he knew his thoughts about her. Luke was glad he played stupid to her, it made his life a lot easier; made it easier to court her. She obviously likes him, he felt smug. She probably screamed and yelled at him for following her, hates him more. He looked back to her, that is when he noticed the tears, he wasn’t sure if she was crying in her sleep or if she had been crying when she had fallen asleep, but she was crying. He sighed, moving over to her. He pulled the leaf out of her hair,
“Leave her alone.” A very tired sounding Andrew grumbled, “She didn’t sleep all night.” Luke nodded, backing away; maybe he was on to him? He thought he was sleeping. Not that he was going to wake her.
“Did you sleep? You look tired.”
“Nah. I slept all I need.” He began to gather his things, pack them away. Somewhere in the process the Dwarf had gotten up and done the same, Jack was quieter than any mouse he’d ever met, he didn’t protrude unless he had to; didn’t involve himself as long as he was getting what he wanted. Luca trotted up to Anabella happily, moments before Andrew carefully lifted her,
“Why don’t I take her for the ride? So she can still sleep?” Luke suggested, easily; the dwarf, Jack, knew.
“Why doesn’t the one who didn’t let her sleep take her? It is his burden.” Luke shot a glare to Jack, who merely ignored him. What was he doing?
“No, I can take her, guy. You need just as must rest as she does. Who is to say you won’t fall asleep on your horse?” Wrong thing to say.
“I won’t.” He carefully placed her on his horse, mounted and readjusted her to where she was sitting up, leaning against him. Luke was not a happy camper.
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Were they shocking or all too predictable?