Once in a Life-Year

Chapter Eight

She was not sure how to go about it, it was not something that she really ever thought about growing up, in fact, she avoided it. So this thing she had to do ended up being a problem for her. Her fingers loosened their grip on his shirt, she felt weak. Vulnerable. She was uneasy. Unsteady. She couldn’t breathe clearly. She hiccupped, he looked at her with a strange fierceness; he was looking at her like he was going to kill her demons. Protective? He felt her look at him more than he saw her look at him, he could feel pain, fear, and sadness all at once. She tightened her grip on his shirt, her need overwhelmed her; she knew what she had to do. She pulled him closer and kissed him. Before she knew what had happened he pulled away, his hand grabbed the wrist that was holding tightly to his tunic. His other hand had held on to her other arm. His eyes were wide; she could see him try to look at both of her eyes, back and forth back and forth, back and forth. He turned his attention to her arm. He finished cleaning her wound and wrapped it. She didn’t say anything, only watched him. He stood and went to his horse. She wanted to grab him and make him stay near her, she looked around for Luke; he was sleeping across the fire. What made him the snake? She fell asleep with that thought in mind.

She heard the familiar clank of armor, and then a loud thundering voice, she opened her eyes,
“Do not fight back!” She saw Andrew on the floor, a knights knee in his back, and a sword to his neck, Jack and Luke were both being held aside, while they tied Andrew’s arms behind his back.
“Unhand him!” Her voice was loud and strong as she barely was able to push herself up the tree to stand. Why did she feel so weak? She shivered.
“Do not worry, my lady. You may return to your family now, we have captured the criminals. This one is to killed on sight, so if you would not mind turning your head and returning home, it is unpleasant to kill a man in front of you.” The same voice.
“I said. Unhand him.” This caught more than just the leaders attention.
“My lady, that is impossible unless-“
“I am Anabella Burlington, rightful heir to the King and Queen. I am acting duke of Watersgate, Guinesston, and Harrot. I and the princess to one of the six kingdoms and the keeper of the borders. You will do as I say and unhand them all in the name of the King. Understood?” The knights without prisoners kneeled, while the leader stood awkwardly staring at her.
“Your highness… I … I have orders to kill them from the Queen… Do you disobey her?”
“Bring me your commander.”
“Very well. Kinsley, summon him.”
“No need, what is the problem, why is the murderer not beheaded yet?” A new voice, one she recognized as her uncles.
“Uncle! I demand they be released!” His eyes met hers with a pale green in comparison to her bright green eyes.
“Annie!” He advanced to her and hugged her tightly against her armor. “I cannot do so! These men are wanted murderers!”
“These are my men and shall not be harmed.” Her uncle released her and rubbed his greying head. His black hair was almost gone and his beard had grown shaggy and grey as well.
“Let us discuss this in the privacy of my tent… For now… They shall be released, but their weapons will be stripped of them and they shall be watched closely. Understood?”
“Yes sir.” Came several responses. They all turned and walked towards a seemingly random direction, she took note of certain elms with great grooves in their neck, or bushes that had been disturbed beyond repair. She noted the pine trees and then they hit a clearing, she could see a makeshift wall of wood, they had been there a while. The gates slowly rolled down and they entered, the gates lifted and she took in the camp. Tents and fires, there was smoke and mist mixed together, she hadn’t seen the mist until she was inside this… stronghold of sorts. Her uncle led her to a decent sized tent to the east side of the area, he ordered his men to disperse and let her men be. If they tried anything there were to many men around them ready to behead them and they had no reason to watch them so closely. He kept a guard with him, even as he entered the tent. He anticipated her men to explore the area, looking for food or a way out.

“Annie. Why do you defend your kidnappers?” She opened her mouth to speak, he put a finger up to shush her. “Do you know what—no, who—these people are? How can you trust them? It has not been very long, yet you are miles from home. The dwarf is a wanted thief from Gromrage. He stole millions of gold, and disappeared. He has a fine price on his head, he seems to have stolen the purity of the King of that lands daughter. He is only minor to Andrew Bennet (Which means blessed, ironically). This... Lucius... We had yet to hear of. Annie, look… Your mother has ordered the head of your kidnapper, Bennet, whom you have been seen with, at her doorstep and you brought back safely to her. Need I describe to you what he has done? I know you do not know, or you would not be here with him. You would not order his freedom. You would behead him yourself, lady that you are. I shall tell you, he will murder you. He will dagger you when you are turned, you cannot trust him. This.. This.. thing. He is – no, it is less than a man! Orphaned as a child he grew up in the Dark Corners, with Tzarms and Wheits. He befriends lonely maidens and murders them after he has stolen their purity. He has killed many knights and noble-man. Do you remember Jacob? Your fathers right leg? He was lost to this man.” She recognized the name and lowered her head, she remembered him well, he would sneak her some weapons that had been used and would teach her to hit with a sword. “Annie… This man has killed tens of hundreds across the three kingdoms. He has wormed his way to the top, only to kill the ones closest to the leaders, but leaving them alive to suffer their losses. He has raped many-a village women, when he has raided villages. He has never been caught until now…” He was quiet a moment, “Have you lost your purity to this… thing? Has he harmed you?” Her uncle looked down at her arm.
“Guards!” He shouted, three or four clinked into the room.