Girl On Fire

Let It Go.

Alanna’s P.O.V
“Thank you again Mrs. Barakat!” I waved to the car that was driving away. Jack’s mom took is all home because apparently we were unfit to drive. I felt completely fine; I think Jack was the only unfit one. Oh well better safe than sorry right?

I followed the boys from the sideway to a large gate that surrounded the house. I watched as Rian punched in the key numbers and the gate slowly came open. My mouth fell open when I caught sight of the house. It was enormous. Nothing like I had ever been too. It put every house out there to shame. We all walked down the stone pathway to the double front doors of the house.

“Keys?” Jack asked looking around at the other boys. Zack pulled out his keychain and kindly unlocked the door for all of us.

Just when I thought the outside of the house was enough to leave me breathless, I saw the inside.

“Holy shit.” I breathed looking around and taking it all in. It was so elegant and beautiful I couldn’t focus my attention on just one thing. It was like walking into heaven.

“You like it?” Alex asked from the side. I snapped out of my gaze and looked over at him.

“This place is heaven.” I smiled, walking forward and looking at the rest of the house.

“You well in well then angel.” I bit my lip to try and stop the blush that was trying to form at my cheeks. I could see him smirk from the side of me, I guess it didn’t work that well.

“Lanna come here!” Jack called me from god knows where. I looked over at Alex, hoping he knew where he was yelling from.

He put his hand gently on my shoulder and pulled me towards a hallway. “Come on angel.” He teased. I lightly smacked his shoulder at his comment. “What? I can’t call you by your name?” He joked, winking at me.

I laughed slightly. “That’s not my name.” I pointed out.

‘Yes angel it is, because you are heavenly.” I rolled my eyes at his comment. He sure is a cocky one wasn’t he?

We made it to what I believe was a living room but it could have been a movie theatre for all I knew. “Come sit next to me! We’re going to watch a movie!” Jack yelled as if I wasn’t in the same room as him. I giggled and made my way over to Jack and sat on the white leather couch next to him. Alex sat next to me and Rian and Zack were on the recliners.

“What movie are we watching?” I whispered to Jack as he scrolled through the movie titles.

“Beauty and the Beast!” Jack exclaimed when he found it on the TV.

The boys all groaned. I simply laughed. I happened to love this movie, but I wasn’t going to say anything.

“It’s always Disney movies with Jack.” Rian warned me.

I shrugged. “I don’t mind.” I said sweetly.

Zack got up and turned off the lights in the room, making it pitch black, only the light from the TV could be seen.

“Do you guys think that looks actually matter?” I questioned as the movie begun. They all turned and looked at me. “You know, would you talk to someone for their personality and not their looks? Like beast.”

They all shrugged. “I think looks matter.” Jack said watching the movie still.

“Yeah, I mean personality is just there. You have to look at the person every day. I think it’s a huge factor over personality.” Rian chimed in.

“Agreed.” The other three boys said at the same time.

I bit my lip and swallowed hard. “Oh.” Was all I said. I took those words to heart. It all made sense now and it was all clear.

“I’m actually really tired. I’m going to go to bed.” I said standing up and speed walking away. I got out of the room before anyone could say anything. I wandered down the hall and stumbled upon what looked like a guest room. I slowly closed the door and walked over to the bed. I climbed on it and sat criss cross on the bed. I picked up one of the pillows and started playing with the fancy tassels that was on it. I heard a slight knock on my door, I remained quiet, hoping no one would come in.

With my bad luck they did.

Alex and Jack slowly crept the door open and came in, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Are you okay?” Jack asked quietly. I shook my head yes, lying.

‘What’d you storm out like that?” Alex asked confused.

I sighed deeply. “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it, I’ll be fine.” I assured them, but it didn’t work.

“Tell us.” Jack pushed. I groaned.

“It’s just what you all said.” I said lowly. The two boys looked at each other confused.

“About the looks thing?” Alex asked. I nodded. “What about it?”

I sighed. I’m just going to let it all out.
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<3 Enjoy lovelies.