What About the War?

July 28th, 1919 - The Treaty of Versailles is Signed.

This story is based partially on what I'm learning in my History class at the moment. When I learned that Italy wasn't given land after being promised, when he fought in WWI, I thought that was very unfair. Done in sympathy of Italy. And instead of the leaders, I just put the countries in their places as a representative. Enjoy~


Italy arrived at the Palace a little late. Despite his tardiness, he was excited. Now that the Great War* was over and they had won, along with his Allies*, the aftermath needed to be discussed.

"I'm sorry I'm late everybody!" Italy yelled to the three other countries in the room. England looked a little annoyed.

"It's about time you got here! We haven't much time to talk about this. The Palace was reserved for this day only.

"Ve~ I am sorry!" France smiled. He couldn't stay mad at the cute country for long...

"So," America started, "I will first discuss the first condition of the Treaty. Germany will accept the blame for the war." France and Great Britain/England both nodded their heads in agreement. "They nwill pay for the reparations and the total cost is.." America checked on his calculator-" 33 million dollars*. France looked especially pleased.

"What a shame. But how would we know if they will pay the debt?" He asked. England piped up.

"Good question. We, The League of Nations, will make sure of that. Of course, you two mostly." The other two rolled their eyes.

"Wait, what about the land I was promised afterwards? Don't I get any say in this?" Italy cried. England cleared his throat.

"Number two, Germany's army will have less soldiers in it. That way it makes them harder to rebel and start any unnecessary riots. Do you agree to that?"



France read the third condition. "Three, Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire will be split up." France beamed. " Germany will be cut to make Poland. The A-H

empire will be split to Austria and Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire will now be Turkey. Other countries that will be created are Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Czechoslavakia, and Finland. The three empires will also receive mandates in their country until they can rule by themselves. Any questions?" The others shook their heads. America read aloud the fourth one.

"Okay, dudes. Number four. The League of Nations and the hero-"

"We are all heroes, you git!" England snapped.

"What ever. Anyway, our job is to negotiate peacefully with other countries and to help with worldly causes. That includes no military. But I still am kinda iffy about not havin' back up an' all..."

"Keyword, peacefully," England told him.

"I know, I know..."

"Wait, where's my land guys? I fought in this war so shouldn't I get land, too? You guys promised-" Italy started.

"And Number five," England said," Is that we will decide who gets what land to look over." That, of course started an argument between the three nations. Italy, who was obviously being ignored, became angry, which was rare for the happy-go-lucky nation.

"Fine! I'm leaving, since there's no point in being here if I'm not going to get any land. Ve~" France pulled at the red-head's arm in protest.

"Mon cher, you don't need to leave. That's not necessary. You will get your land soon..." Pouting, Italy slumped in his chair, listening to the other three nations argue. Possibilities ran through his mind about what he was going to do next.

Maybe if I were to form an alliance with another country won't be so bad. I could probably get more land faster that way...
♠ ♠ ♠
AN: I hope I did this right. At first this was a bit difficult to write, combining the countries' personalities and business. Oh, well. And they just basically ignored Italy. How rude.

*This is the amount that was actually paid. Believe it or not, Germany finally finished paying their debt back in 2010. I know... its been a while...

Anyway, when Italy wasn't given any land after WW1, they decided to team up with Germany ( and later Japan ). Then the rise of Benito Mussolini, a dictator at the time, occurred in Italy. So many dictators back then... Poor Italy. :(