What About the War?

A bombing in London takes place on September 7th, 1940.

AN: Hey guys! This was done as a request for a Guest ( too bad the person either wasn't logged in or didn't have an account on here ). I really apologize for the long wait. I was finishing up my other stories and getting ideas down. Plus I have a sonnet to write ( ugh ). Anyway, enough talk...

Enjoy, please!

A bombing in London takes place on September 7th, 1940.

It was a regular day, like any day. Or so Arthur thought. People were going about their business, getting to and from work. Arthur was taking a walk on the outskirts of London, trying to get away from his “son”, Alfred ( America ). Alfred was staying for a few nights discussing war and politics. His country was still practicing isolationism, but wanted to discuss how he felt about it as well. Then it hit.

There was a low rumbling, and he heard faint screams. Then explosions roared throughout the sky and Arthur became frightened. He ran back to his house to find people running towards him. Some of them were covered in blood, which he knew weren't their own. Then he finally understood what was happening.

They were being bombed!

“What's wrong, Artie?” Alfred asked. Arthur panicked and grabbed him, pulling him into his car.

“Come on. We have to go-”

“What's that sound? And that smell?”

“We're being bombed, you bloody git!” The American’s eyes widened.

“For real? Oh God... Where are we going?”

“To find out who's behind all of this!”

But Arthur knew exactly who's doing this...

* * *

The two countries arrived in an army base. Winston Churchill* was there as well. He greeted Alfred and Arthur briefly, then explained what happened.

“From what the radar on here says, we have been bombed. And the bombs came from Germany.” The British country's eyes grew cold. Why would they bomb us? They have no reason to!

“They think they can occupy France so easily, and now us. They're wrong,” Hissed Arthur. “ Thousands of citizens were killed and homes were destroyed!” He could feel his anger rising quickly. Churchill looked upset too, but not as livid as England. Alfred felt scared and anxious. He had never seen his father so pissed. Even when France was trying to kidnap me during the Hundred Years War...

“Do you have any ideas to what we shall do?” Churchill questioned. Arthur glared and looked up at the radar.

“Fight back. Send the navy to Berlin and bomb them.” Churchill nodded, with angry passion as well. He went to tell the General. Now it was just Alfred and Arthur. Alfred dared to speak during the tense silence.

“What- What happens if they bomb you back?” The American stammered.

“Then we show no mercy.” Alfred felt chills up his spine at the hateful – sounding words. Despite the state he was in himself, with his own country, he hoped that Germany didn't have will to fight back. That England would make it out alive with little scars.

But it just doesn't happen that way. He should know.
♠ ♠ ♠
AN: I'm sorry it's so short. But I felt that it kinda should be – you can imagine what it was like during the time.

*Winston Churchill – Was the leader of Britain during WW2. He was a great leader at that. So awesome, I did my WW2 essay on him. :) Look him up!