Lessons Learned I

Rachel 008

I was at the Bean Scene once again, trying to make some sense of my homework. I sighed and took a sip of my hazelnut iced coffee. Then, I went back to reading my crappily-composed Civics book.

"Civics?" came a familiar voice. I looked up and saw the Adam guy from the library's head leaning over my shoulder.

I gasped, a little startled. I let my book fall from my grasp and put my hand over my chest. "You scared me," I said.

"Sorry. I thought you heard me coming..."

"No. When I'm studying, I tend to drown out all of civilization."

"I'll keep that in mind... How've you been?"

"...okay," I answered.

Why is this guy acting like he's known me for years on end? I asked myself mentally.

"That's good. School's a pain in the ass, isn't it?" Adam made himself right at home and sat down across from me.

"Take a seat if you'd like..." I mumbled really softly. I looked up at him. "Yeah, it is."

"I can't wait to get out of here..."

I focused my eyes on him. "I have a question, actually. You've been at Seattle University for two years, right?"


"Then, out of curiosity, I have to ask...why did you ask me, a freshman, where the computers were located?" I tilted my head to the side and gave him a puzzled look.

"It was the only non-creepy way I could think of to start a conversation with you."

I gave him a softer look, then faintly smiled. "And why would you go as far as to do that?" I asked in a light tone.

He shrugged. "You're different than the other girls here. You seem to have your priorities straight. I like that."

I laughed a little. "You don't even know me."

"I'd like to know you."

My small smile turned into a full one. "Knock yourself out," I said.

He laughed. "So, what kind of music are you into?"

"Anything, really, except for twangy country. I love Vertical Horizon. You?"

"Backstreet Boys."

I snickered a little, then looked down at the table and continued to snicker a little.

Don't mean to be rude or anything, but how often do guys like the Backstreet Boys? I thought.

"What?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing..." I muttered. "They're a great band and all, but..."

"You don't really like them, do ya? That's fine. I like Britney Spears, too. There's some other band that had a song out a while back that was really catchy..."

I raised my eyebrow. "You like Britney because she has blonde hair, right?"

"Nope. Surprisingly I actually like her for her music."

"Wow. You're about the only guy I've heard say that before."

He shrugged. "Jay-Z is cool, too."

I nodded and smiled politely. Then, I glanced down at my Civics book and sighed.

"Well, I won't keep you. You've obviously got a lot of homework..." he said.

I sighed. "Yeah. Too bad I don't understand any of it..."

"Need any help? I'm not exactly the brightest person ever, but I catch on kinda fast...."

"Bragging on yourself, huh?" I asked in a somewhat teasing tone.

He turned red. "Well..."

I laughed a little. "Trying to learn about how a jury trial works. I get that the prosecution goes first, then the defense makes its case, then the jury deliberates, but after that, I'm lost. I know the person is either acquitted or convicted, but I don't get the whole sentencing thing."

"Oh, you've got the lawyer crap... Well, what's the confusing part? I mean, could you give me an example?"

"How is someone sentenced?"

"The judge decides that, doesn't he or she?"

"Um, I think so..." I paused and looked up at him. "Maybe you're smart after all," I said in a playful tone.

He chuckled. "Shocked the hell out of me, too."

I laughed a little.

He's not so bad, I thought.

He smiled at me. "So...is there a special man in your life?"

I sighed. "Nope. Haven't had the best of luck in that department."

"Neither have I."

"Really? I'm shocked," I said.

He chuckled quietly. "Why do you say that?"

"You just come off as one of those guys who is never single," I said.

"You sayin' I'm a player?" he asked in a joking manner.

I laughed a little. "Hm...not exactly. You might be, though; I don't know you very well. Are you?" I asked in a light tone of voice.

He laughed. "No."

I smiled a little. "You just emit one of those vibes."

"Great to know..." he mumbled.

"...oh, not a player vibe, just a vibe that says you're never single."

Is there a difference? I thought.

"Oh! Eh..."

I caught myself staring at him. He returned my stare. I smiled a little and looked down at the table.

"You have beautiful features," he said in a charming manner.

I smiled a little and blushed. "Why, thank you."

"Any time, Rachel." He smiled. "So...what are you doing Friday night?"

"Probably the usual: hanging with my roomie in our dorm room. For a college student, I live a very dull life."

He chuckled. "Would you be interested in joining me for dinner that night?"

...say what?

"...dinner?" I questioned.

"Yeah...that's not too out there, is it?"

"Um...nah. I mean, it's just dinner, right?"

"Yeah, of course. Nothing creepy or anything."

"Right. Of course. That sounds cool." I smiled a little.

He returned my smile, then said, "So, what's your dorm number?"

"Twenty-nine, B. Don't get freaked if I don't answer, though, cause like I said, I share a dorm room with my friend, Lee. She's really nice."

He smiled. "Okay. I'll come by around seven-thirty."

"That sounds fine." I gave him a small smile.

"Alright. See you then," he said, smiling and getting up.

"See ya," I said. He walked out and I got back to my studying.