Lessons Learned I

Rachel 011

College life isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I've made a few friends and definitely met some interesting people. Lee, for instance. She's awesome. I'm glad she's not a stalker or something. She's probably the best room mate I could ever ask for. She stays out of my stuff and I keep clear from hers. That's my type of roomie.

Then, there's Alex. He's really nice. But when I first met him, he wasn't at all shy, and now, he is. I don't get it. But either way, he's my best guy friend. He's awesome so far.

Then...there's Adam. I don't really know what I think about him so far. I--

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door to my dorm room. Since Lee wasn't there, I closed my journal and threw my pen down on my bed, then answered the door.

I smiled a little when I saw Adam standing there. "Hi, Adam," I said.

He smiled. "Hey. How are you?"

"Just be careful with him. I have an odd feeling. Something's a bit off about him," Alex's voice echoed through my head.

"I'm fine, thanks." I paused. "Um...why are you here?"

He shrugged before answering, "I just felt like talking to you."

I nodded a little. "Come in if you want." I walked back over to my bed and sat down on it.

He walked in. "Nice room."


"No problem." He glanced over at a picture of me and my mom. "Is that your sister?"

I laughed. "No, that's my mother."

With an embarrassed expression on his face, he said, "Oh. Sorry."

"No problem. I get that a lot..."

"So, um...where's the room mate?"

"I think she went to the library for a bit."

"Oh. Well, would you like to go out and do something?"

"Um..." I said, looking down at my bed. "Actually, I'd rather stay in for a bit. I'm pretty tired."

"Oh. That's fine."

I nodded and smiled politely, then looked around.

He's kind of boring... I thought.

He scratched his head. "So, are you doing anything tomorrow?"

Tomorrow's Thursday... I thought.

"Not that I know of. Why?"

"Just wondering if you wanted to hang out or something."

I regretted saying my day was free at that time. "Um...I guess we could..."

He smiled. "Okay. Maybe we could go downtown or something."

"That sounds okay." I forced a small smile.

"Okay. Well, I'll see you then, I guess."

"Yeah. See ya then, Adam." I smiled a little more at him.

He grinned before leaving.

I sighed to myself, then got back to my writing.