Lessons Learned I

Rachel 016

I had just gotten out of class for the day. I hurried to mine and Lee's dorm room to drop off my tote bag filled with text books and composition books. I was supposed to meet Alex at McDonalds that day at four, and it was already three forty-five.

I opened the door and hurried over to my bed. I dropped my tote bag down on it and looked over at Lee's bed to see her on it. I jumped back a little.

"Crap, I didn't even see you. Hi!" I said.

She pulled her headphones off and looked up from her Algebra book. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. What's up?"

"In a hurry. Gotta meet Alex at McDonalds in fifteen minutes," I said really fast.

"Oh, okay. By the way, your mom stopped by."

"Oh, she did? What'd she want?"

"She didn't say, actually... She was talking about aliens." She gave me a weird look. "You have the coolest mom ever."

I laughed. "Thanks. Sorry about all the alien talk...my mom gets like that sometimes..."

"That's fine. She's more normal than my mother..." she mumbled.

I laughed. "I'll call her later. Thanks, Lee."

"You're welcome. Tell Alex I said hi!"

"Okay, I will. Catch ya later." I left.

Upon arriving at McDonalds, I looked around and Alex caught my eye. He was sitting at a table in the corner, staring off into space.

I walked over to him and sat across from him. "Hey," I said, smiling.

He snapped out of his trance and smiled at me. "Hey, Rach. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Tired. You?"

"Just thinking," he mumbled. "Want me to go up and order?"

"If you want," I said, giving him a smile. "What are you gonna have?"

"McFlurry, yo. You?"

My eyes widened. "You like those things?!"


"Those things are amazing. People call me crazy for liking them, but they're the shit!"

"I know, man! What kind do you like?"

"Oreo Cookie. Totally."

"Mine too!"

"That's awesome," I said, giving him a smile. "Here." I handed him a five dollar bill to cover the cost.

"No, no. I'm buying." He stood up and handed my money back to me.

"Are you sure?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Of course! Be right back." He returned moments later with two McFlurries. "Here ya go," he said, handing me one.

"Thanks, Alex." I smiled and took a small bite. "So, what's up with you?"

He sighed. "A bit stressed. You?"

"I'm okay. What's stressing you?"

"History test."

"Do you need some help? History's definitely not my strong point, but I could help you study."

"Nah, I think I've crammed enough."

I smiled a little, then looked down at my ice cream.

"So, have you had any more run-ins with Adam?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. He came over to my table the other day when I was at the Bean Scene. He asked to read one of my stories."

"Didja let him?"

"Yeah. He complimented my writing."

He raised his eyebrows. "Wow. You're a good writer, so it's not really that surprising..."

I laughed. "Not really." I paused. "He's actually not that bad of a person. He's charming."

"Oh..." He picked at his McFlurry as if he were depressed or something.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course." He smiled a little to assure me.

I smiled a little back at him, then looked down. "He asked me out on a 'date' date this Friday..."

For a split second, he looked a tad bit upset. He replaced his expression with a smile. "Really? That's great."

I smiled weakly. "I don't know if it is or not. I said yes, but I don't know if I should have. I don't know him well and he does seem a little stalker-ish. Wherever I go, he appears."

"Pretty creepy, yo."

I nodded. "Do you think I should tell him I can't go after all?"

"Well...um..." He paused for a moment. "Whatever makes you happy."

I sighed. "Maybe I'll give him a chance. I haven't been in a relationship since the middle of last year. ...not that I'm in a relationship with Adam or anything."

"Right, of course."

"How do you feel about Adam?"

He shrugged. "A little uneasy. Maybe it's because my judgement is a bit screwed up right now..."

"Why is that?"

"Don't know, actually. I blame the stupid teenage boy hormones."

I raised my eyebrow, then chuckled a little. "My hormones are pretty screwed up, too."

He sighed. "When will this all end..."

"I know. We've been going through puberty since we were twelve, for God's sake."

He coughed. "I was thirteen..."

I snickered. "Late bloomer, so to speak?"

He turned red before saying, "My voice started changing when I was twelve, but uh..." He cleared his throat. "So anyway."

I laughed. "At least you didn't have to go through the changes girls have to go through." I nearly puked at the thought.

He slowly nodded. "I have a close female cousin. She burned the torture you girls have to go through into my skull when I was younger..."

I laughed really hard. "Well, good. It's about time a guy was finally made to absorb what we have to go through during adolescence."

"Yeah... I know all about that stuff."

I laughed. "It's no fun, trust me."

"I know. I've seen a video..."

I raised my eyebrow. "Of what? Or do I want to know?"

"Female reproductive system. Ninth grade. Disturbing."

I laughed. "Gee, thanks."


"Guys' reproductive systems aren't much better, ya know. At least all our stuff is tucked away internally."

"This is true."

I laughed, then looked at the clock. "Crap, it's already five o'clock. I better get going. I've got a ton of homework tonight."

"Okay. Good luck."

I laughed as I stood. "Thanks, I'll need it. Thanks for the ice cream, too."

"No problem."

I smiled and left.