Lessons Learned I

Rachel 029

Lee and I were in the hall at college, walking to our next class as we had it together.

"I hate History," I said, referring to the class we were about to enter.

"Me too. I really don't give two shits about The French Revolution."

"I know! It happened practically fifteen billion years ago. It's done; over. Get over it!"

"Exactly! Ugh! I like studying the Roman shit. That's interesting."

"And the Greek stuff. ...yeah..."

Out of nowhere, Jason Bistardio walked over to us and slapped us both on the back.

"Fuggin' A!" he exclaimed.

"What's up, braw?!" Lee exclaimed.

"Ow..." I mumbled. "Alex said you just about killed him the other day."

"Fuggin' A, yo! I was like, too fuckin' wasted to give a fuckin' fuck! Fuckin'...fuckity fuck!"

Lee laughed. "Dude, aren't you supposed to be in class now?"

"Fuck no! I was supposed to be there, like, a whole fuckin' hour ago! Fuck that shit, mann!"

Lee laughed. "Oh, jeez."

"You are so amusing, you know that?" I said.

"Well, I fuckin' try, braww!" He slapped me on the back.


"Suck it up, sista from anotha mista!" He did his famous ROCK ON sign.

"Rock on, dude!" Lee smacked him really hard on the back with her books.

He didn't. Budge.

"Aw, fuggin' A, that was the shit! You're my fuggin' best friend!" He grabbed her book and smacked her on the back with it.

Lee stumbled forward and coughed. "Hell yeah, dude." She grabbed the book back and slapped him upside the head with it.

His head popped and he fell over. "Ahhhh!" he exclaimed as he fell.

I couldn't help but laugh.

So there I was, laughing as if there were no tomorrow.

Lee gave him a wide-eyed look. "Shit, are you okay?"

He got up and looked groggy. He threw his arms up in the air. "The J man...is OKAY," he announced to the world.

Lee and I both laughed really hard. "Good to hear, man!" Lee said, smacking him on the back.

He stumbled forward a little. "Oh, shit, I'd fuggin' love to spend the rest of my fuckin' college life here with you, beating up one another, but I, like, so fuckin' gotta jet! Party time!" He threw his arms up in the air again.

I laughed. "Plus, we're gonna be late to class if we're not careful..." I mumbled.

"Yeah. See ya later, dude," Lee said.

"Bye, braw!" He smacked her on the back once more before literally skipping off.

"...wow," I said as we made it to the classroom.