Lessons Learned I

Lee 036

Joseph and I were sitting at the park, talking. Things weren't really that awkward surprisingly.

"So, what happened after that?" he asked, throwing a chunk of bread into the pond.

"He fell into the fountain. Oh, then he got detention! I mean, those stupid jackasses skate around, grinding rails and all that other shit and Alex accidentally falls into a fountain and gets detention. How fair is that?!"

"Not very. I hate those skaters. Bunch of assholes thinking they're hot shit."

"Then he told Rachel that he was trying to skate to impress her, but she took it the wrong way. I mean...hello! Wake up call, folks! He likes her!" I threw some bread into the pond. A few ducks swam over and started gobbling it.

"Maybe she knows it and would rather ignore it in case their friendship would get ruined? I mean, everytime I see her she's with him and vice versa."

"Yeah, they do almost everything together. It's cute, actually. But then Adam comes along and usually ruins it."

"Adam's weird. I'd stay away from him if I was her."

"She doesn't trust him too much. Especially that shit he pulled when they went out the first time."

"What happened?"

"He was looking other women up, ordered before her, had poor table manners."

"Ahh. What a boob."

I sighed.

"I hope she finally catches on to Alex's crush thing. He makes it so obvious and yet she is still completely oblivious."

"Yeah," he mumbled while glancing at me. "Hopefully things'll work out."

I stared at the ducks blankly.

"So, do you have plans for Thanksgiving?" I asked.

"Yup. Gonna go see the family that reproduce like rabbits."

"Your family is that big?"

"God yes. It's annoying. And expensive."

"One would imagine..."

"So, um...I've been wanting to ask you something."


"Well, we've become friends with benefits..."

Oh, God...

My face burned with embarrassment.

"And, well, I like ya, so do you wanna go out with me?"


Don't stutter like an idiot.

"Yeah," I looked at him. "Okay."

He smiled.